Angel’s Last Mission: Love finale…


    Applauds for SHS carrying 90% of the last 2 eps on her back though

    The number of fake deaths that we got… *eyeroll*


    I don’t even understand…
    His holy handkerchief disappeared. It didn’t turn black or stay original color. What’s that even mean?
    1: Writer wanted to leave us wondering?
    2: Hanky disappearing was supposed to be explained several episodes ago but was edited out?
    3: They’re setting up a mystery for season 2? 😱 👎 🙄
    4: She’s hallucinating and the little men in white coats are coming to take her away?
    5: Writer just couldn’t decide?
    6: ???


      I think that meant he turned into a human for good
      LYS’s and Dan’s stubbornness was too much even for the divinity so god let them have what they wanted


        That’s what i think too & LOL Charlie XD

        I honestly thought that if he’d survive he may come back with half his powers & idk one wing (cuz i was drawing comparison with gumiho drama) but he came back wingless & with a beating heart instead.

        But was it necessary for that ending given the kind of build up happening since ep 3 or something ?
        I honestly thought Dan breathing his last breath into her was concluding scene (& it SHOULD have) but then i saw that 20mins were left & i realized what was gonna happen….🙄
