This morning I dreamt of going to a party wearing a custom-made dress only to discover two other people wearing more or less the same dress.
Ugh. I dream so crappy dreams.
Last week I dreamt of the end of the world, and sun was coming straight through ozone creating a multicolored Aurora in the daytime above my house. I tried to snap a photo of it but it melted the camera.
I know it doesn’t make any sense because my corneas should’ve been melted before the camera..but oh well.
Is there a method to prevent dreaming altogether?


    Instead of not dreaming, why not try and take up lucid dreaming?


      I looked it up, and looks intriguing and scary at the same time. step wrong and you catch a whole lot of brain related issues.
      And I believe I always knew I was dreaming when I dream. Like…a part of me always expects to wake up sometimes.
      The thing is I don’t wanna dream at all, regardless the dreams are pleasant or not. What I prefer is a blank, black slate while I sleep. Otherwise it’s very tiresome for me.☹️
