It’s crazy how Tami’s only real friend is Hyun. Ga Kyung and Da In turned on her with a quickness.


    Da In didn’t lie though and that is the rub. If she thought Ta mi and Morgan where the real deal, I don’t think it would have went down like that.


      Doesn’t matter what she thought, she was only privy to what Tami was telling her and she wasn’t telling her everything. However, telling Tami what she thought was the truth doesn’t matter, her first question should have been “Why didn’t you tell me as soon as you found out?” Ta Mi was doubting if she should give them a chance since they both wanted the same things in life but more importantly because she cared for them and was willing to put their happiness above theirs. Da In only saw that Ta Mi was always stepping back while not fully understanding her reasons, she put her own feelings before her new friendship and Morgan’s feelings. I think I could understand Da In feelings more if she and Morgan had had a romantic relationship at one point but she is going totally off of her own feelings.

      I can understand where Ta Mi is coming from. Her and Morgan remind me of Demi and Ashton. It was all good until he realized he in fact did want children. They broke-up and he immediately got with someone who would give him what he wanted.


      But she only once saw them together, and that was when they were arguing! If she’s spent more time with them, and then made that decision, I might have felt different. Now I thought she was majorly overstepping, by not asking Ta Mi. It seemed to me that girl was justifying her own feelings & actions rather than considering theirs.
