Viki recommended me C drama Before We Get Married. I clicked. It’s about glorified cheating. So much crack! So much. Dowajusilleo!!


    Well not so much about cheating as being honest with how you feel and what you want.
    In my opinion neither one of them cheated – except maybe one kiss.
    It takes him a while to finally end his relationship with his fiance and now she is coming to the same realization (at least I hope that is what will happen) and let go of her fiance.

    Believe me, I’m not a fan of cheating in any form – but they were both in such distant relationships to begin with. (sounds like I’m justifying it doesn’t it? – hmmm)

    Anyway it is one reason I look forward to Fridays – but hate that it’s only one episode a week! Beware!!


      Honestly I am so invested in this. I just watched ep 1 and I am all for it!
