I’ve just realised, I’ve never tried to talk to anyone about Shitsuren Chocolatier before! I watched it last year, and absolutely loved it. (Continued)


    I think the reason no-one really watches this one is because the biggest mistake to make about it is believing it’s a romantic comedy. Nope, don’t go into this drama thinking that, because then you’ll hate it. Shitsuren Chocolatier is not a romcom.
    It’s about a man who goes abroad to become a chocolatier all in the hopes of securing the heart of the woman he likes, who loves chocolate (and has also rejected him). The hero spends the entire drama lusting after the heroine, and when he finally has her, something’s not right. This drama is all about obsessive love. The kind of idealised love that turns toxic.
    There’s far more to it than this, of course – my favourite part of the story is the friends-with-benefits relationship that the hero strikes up with another girl. The irony is that although this relationship should be far more unhealthy than the one he has with the heroine, you can actually see how well-suited the two are for each other. If only he could get over the heroine.
    The casting is great – Ishihara Satomi, especially, gives a standout performance. Her character is a complete enigma, only ever teasing what might be on her complex mind.
    I recommend this a lot – just remember that for a drama about chocolate, it’s surprisingly bittersweet.


    Wow the description lookf very j-doramayy plus interesting. Korean, chinese don’t tend to go the opposite route of romcom that often. If it doesn’t involve psychopathic tendencies and two normal people not fitting together after being together than I’ll surely check this out.


      I agree, yeah! You’re very unlikely to see a romcom that isn’t played as fated, true love, and that’s kind of what this is. It’s a dark comedy, it knows the hero is pathetic and works with that. It’s a little disturbing sometimes, too. I’m really glad I gave it a chance!
