Hotel De La Luna Episode 10 Rant/Shโ˜ ๏ธpost/Same Thing part one of x

You know why I don’t like this show
it’s cos I’m a cold hearted bitch and I hate love stories.
that’s not even true
I like love stories

but sic it’s so beautiful it was a HUG OF TRUE LOVE not a kiss that made the flowers bloom isn’t it BEAUTIFUL
no because I’m a cynical bastard who is as emotionally damaged and unavailable as Man Weol AND I DON’T CARE
ffdjjjfjefeel why did they have that shtupid kiss in episode 4 then was it just a stupid misdirect and forced romantic tension why did they even shift the stupid frakking hotel if they were just gonna shift it back oh but sic it was symbolic of her feelings and it was still a janky noble idiot plot line where the one in denial leaves FOR NO REASON (FORCED TENSION ) and we shift location for two episodes FOR NO REASON (FORCED TENSION but it was for ChaRACter DevELOPment Sic! no it wasn’t we didn’t even get anywhere in the last two episodes she was still being petty and jealous and pining the whole time and then she admitted she wanted him back but in a FEAT OF CONTRADICTIVE DENIAL she’s still gonna try use him for her revenge plan of 2000 YEARS this show is so freaking stupid who is THAT BITTER for 2000 years okay I would be that bitter for 2000 years probably… and everything is so frakking predictable his mother which like talk about things shoehorned to make me feelIfEELNOTHING the flowers the flowers wilting
Do you guys know in the first Pirates of the Carribean movie when Barbossa is like explaining how food tastes like ASH in their mouths and they can’t feel ANYTHING and how horrifying that is for Elizabeth yeah you know how that was geuniely kind of terrifying because it made you feel what they feel that is NOTHING because they’re LIVING DEAD and how it’s an ENTIRE plot point and how at the end he DIES with the words I FEEL COLD on his lips and how brilliant that is yeah this show has none of that I feel like I should be able to feel the utter anguish and anger and bitterness and nothingness that Man Weol has been in for TWO THOUSAND FREAKING YEARS and yet the only reason I relate to her is because I am … I am… well yeah … and not because the show made me UNDERSTAND HER AT ALL gahhhhhhhhhhh you know what made me feel the MOST in this entire stupid ass show when Sanchez got that FREAKING GUN in a box from the psychopath and Chan Seong was just like lets go get some FOOD- THAT GOT ME not this like transparent AF I’m still the stereotypical emotionally unavailable BIATCH with a grudge the SIZE OF MARS at episode TEN and I’m gonna use you for mA SWEET DANK REVENGE at least chan seong answered that with grace and a hug but Iughjustshwhy force romantic tension on us (which they did_) in the first 4 episodes and then have this development for the next 6 which makes them seem like BFFS and not lovers or almost like chan seong is freakking Jesus here to wipe all of Man Weol’s sins away woopdefreakingdoo and I can’t imagine for a second that the HONG SISTERS ofallpeople would write a story about THAT kind of love and letting go and moving on for their Main Lead EVER even though it would be a nice twist if this wasn’t romantic at all I just don’t think in a million years it’s gonna do that and if it is I’ll be mad at it for being romantic in directing and then doing the opposite cos that’s a trashy way to do that kind of story
I’m irreverant trash trash I tell you I just want my kiss: