“나 혼자만” 만화에 대해 방금 들어요. 이 만화가 연말부터 읽을 수 있고 싶어요. 어떻게?


    @raonah, writing that sentence took me a good 20 minutes because I haven’t covered some of the topics necessary to write it. Did I write it ok?


      Haha I have no idea what you wrote, but Solo Leveling is sooo good!! Good to see another manga/manhwa lover here 😊


        Hehehe. What I wrote was:

        I just heard about the manhwa “Solo Leveling.” I want to read this manhwa from the end of the year

        I had some trouble with the last sentence there. What I wanted to say was, I want to start reading this manhwa by the end of the year. i.e. I want my Korean to be good enough that I can start reading stuff like this. I’m aware that there are English translations, but I want to work with the Korean. It will actually help that there are translations to work with as I go.

        I haven’t read much of any manhwa. I want to read this for the Korean practice. I do love manga though. Well, I much prefer anime to manga. Do you watch anime?

        What are you watching/reading at the moment?


          Well I hope you succeed in learning Korean better! & To answer your question, I actually prefer manga better than anime. Haha it’s always cool to see scenes animated when you’re watching, but theres something about reading a manga & seeing the detail the author/artist puts into their artwork that I really like. Hmm currently I’m reading/watching Kimetsu no Yaiba and it’s pretty good. Super happy that the manga finally got the recognition it deserved and was given in a anime. By UFOTABLE as well to!! I’m also reading a manga called Hell’s Paradise and I absolutely looovvee it!!

          Solo Leveling will be worth your time though, it’s storyline is amazing and while I do think the manhwa is great I’d rather read its LN. Although I’m saying that, sometimes I think LN’s are a pain to read cause there are so many chapters and I dont always have the free time to read all of it, even if it’s good 😂😭 And lastly if you’re interested, I’d recommend you watch this Chinese anime that was based on a Chinese LN called King’s Avatar! It’s based on gaming and imo better than Solo Leveling! 😍


            I think we seriously need to make an anime group. @greenfields?

            So, I absolutely love Kimetsu no Yaiba a.k.a. Demon Slayer. I don’t think I’ll be reading the manga anytime soon though, because the Ufotable team is absolutely killing it with the anime. I usually only read manga when I can’t wait for the anime and I know that they story continues on in the manga. I haven’t had to do that in a long time though.

            I’ve also been trying to get @greenfields to watch Demon Slayer, so maybe you can put in a word of encouragement for me?

            I’ve been waiting to check out the King’s Avatar drama, but I didn’t know there was a Chinese anime for it as well. I take it that it’s as awesome as people found The Untamed anime?

            I wouldn’t be reading Solo Leveling‘s LN anytime soon. I just want practice with Korean and the manhwa is the right amount of words to pictures to pacing without sending me crazy in the learning process.


            I got carried away with the anime/manhwa discussion that I forgot to say thanks for the encouraging words on my Korean learning journey.


            Comment was deleted


            Yess the anime version of Kimetsu no Yaiba is absolutely slaying!! I love that Ufotable were the ones that picked it up cause the dance of the Fire god that Tanjiro did was animated sooo beautifully!! Like damn haven’t seen animation that great since like idk… Fate Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, but than again Ufotable animation is almost always superbly done well.
            Honestly for me, I’m a somewhat impatient person so I love to read the manga version of an anime after I watch it. So ofc I’d definitely recommend reading the manga because you’re going to see so many good characters that probably won’t appear in anime version until season 2 or even 3 (if we’re lucky enough to get that many seasons) I think. Because right now they’re 18 episodes in and they’ve only done at the very least 1/3 of the whole plot (they’re at like chapter 40 and there are currently 170 chapters. They still have a long way to go) Not saying the plot right now isn’t relevant but right now they have only hit the tip of the iceberg.
            Lol I’m not really that great with words but I’ll try to convince @greenfields to watch/read Kimetsu no Yaiba! Hey greenfield, you may not me but I am here to convince you to watch or read the spectacular work that is Kimetsu no Yaiba! If you didn’t already know, Kimetsu no Yaiba is the story about a boy, Tanjiro, who experiences loss when he comes back from a trip to find out his whole family, save for his younger sister, were slaughtered by a demon. His sister only survives because she has somehow ingested the blood of the demon that attacked her, which transforms her into a demon. Usually newly turned demons are unstable and will attack you, but somehow his sister is able to have control over those urges. So then begins the story of Tanjiro, as he goes on a quest to become a demon slayer and avenge his family. Sounds like your typical shounen doesn’t it? Well to be honest it has all the basic elements of one but in no ways is it generic. The best thing about Kimetsu no Yaiba is its characters. Everyone, even secondary ones and villains have their own little backstory and it’s amazing. The villains aren’t one dimensional and are actually quite memorable. I got to say the diverse amount of characters and how well their backstories are written are the definite selling points of this manga. Somehow you will cry over and emphasize with even the most terrible of villains in this story. And the character development phew, it’s amazing. Going back to the story, something I especially like about this manga is that it doesn’t skirt around death. Kids from a young age are trained to be demon hunters and more than anyone they know the dangers of facing them. Any mission could be the last one for them, but they always fight earnestly and never look back. Bc of this, it’s the main reason why the death of a good character will have even more of an impact. Whether this convinces you to read/watch Kimetsu no Yaiba or not, I do hope you give this a chance!


            Okay wow the previous comment was like extra long! But i didn’t get to address King’s Avatar. Here’s the thing, I absolutely adore the anime and the LN but I don’t really like the drama. It doesn’t give off the same feeling and although I hate to be that person, I always nitpick it because I’ve read the LN and know what is going to happen. But by no means am I telling you to give up on the drama. I’ve only watched like 4 episodes of it, so it’ll probably get better. And plus it is ultimately up to you to decide if you’ll give it a chance or not. Also haven’t heard of Untamed, but I’ll check it out!


            I have absolutely no problem with Demon Slayer’s current pacing. I guess it helps that I’m only watching the anime. I would much rather they take their time and take breaks (i.e. no fillers plz!) than try to catch up, or worse, make their own ending before the series ends. This anime has become so popular and adored that I think fans will revolt if they mess it up like that. It’s also why I think they will cover the general full story of the manga.

            Re: King’s Avatar, I might check out both.


            Oh I’m not saying they should speed up the pacing of the anime. Right now they’re doing a great job. I was just saying that they still have a lot of plot to cover so hopefully they’ll make another season and if we’re lucky we will get at least 3 seasons for Kimetsu no Yaiba. 👌 & as a manga fan I have no qualms with waiting for everything to get animated bc damn Ufotable is doing such an amazing job right now!



            See you on Saturday?


            Minty & Hades – That was a long (hence my late reply) but good sales pitch. I do plan to check it out sooner rather than later. 😀 Well done shounen was my weakness once upon a time. 🙂




    I think there’s something wrong with the second sentence because it doesn’t seem to make sense. What were you trying to say?
    Also, it should be 어떡해 at the end. 어떡해 and 어떻게 sound very similar but 어떡해 means ‘what should I do’ (it’s a shortened form of 어떻게 해) and 어떻게 means ‘how’ as in 그거 어떻게 알아? Which means ‘How do you know that?’


    manhwa are great fun to read, even if you feel you don’t have enough korean yet. i don’t, but there’s usually enough context via the images in the panels that i can guess at what i’m reading and look up words later. what i also like to do is read a few chapters in korean, then go back and read the english translations to see if i got the gist of it. i don’t really get much vocabulary this way, but it has helped me read korean faster.
