I feel so happy today because I got invited to a mini highschool reunion hike next week!
I haven’t seen some of the people in my class since graduation and whenever there is a reunion, I could never make it and I felt so left out
🙁 But I am really excited to see them again! We were really tight back in highschool but we kinda lost contact because a majority of them moved out of country… I’m both nervous and overjoyed to meet them again. What if I had changed and they don’t like who I am now? Maybe I’m overthinking and shouldn’t be worrying about it ^^”


    Don’t worry. I went to only 2 of them and came back little depressed because everyone is soooo successful and important out of 36 from my class it looks like only one didn’t get her life in order. Everybody hoped for me that I would be a famous artist by now but I’ve fallen in love and life took completely different direction. I have one year to the next one ( each 5 years they organise one) so let’s work to be pretty again and successful!


      We’ll make it there soon enough! I think we don’t have to worry too much on whether or not we are successful because we all have different definitions of success ^^ I’m just scared they wouldn’t like me haha


        Why they wouldn’t?


          I don’t know. I sometimes fear that I regressed and became a horrible person while others progressed since we last saw each other. But then again, maybe it is just an irrational fear and everyone has felt the same way..


    Just know that everyone else is worrying about the same things! Have a good time.


    I reconnected with my primary/middle school friends through fb. Our group chat is lit every day since. Best decision ever! Have a great reunion ☺️


      I wish I could do that! I stopped using fb ages ago and I’m not entirely sure of my classmates’ last names (and maybe first names since a majority of them went by nicknames :I ) but at least I keep in touch with my highschool classmates?


    I can relate to your worries hahahahaha Good Luck and Enjoy your reunion! Please do share how it turns out hehe
