여러분과 @raonah. 오늘 크러쉬에 대해 말하고 싶어요. R&B 음악을 아주 좋아하지 않아요. 그리고 저는 지금 두 개만 크러쉬의 노래 있어요. 그래서, 이 남자에 대해 왜 제가 말해요? 그거는 단순해요. 크러쉬는 아주 진짜 귀여워요. 그리고 이러 비디오는 좋은 예예요.

크러쉬는 음악 가게를 미국에 갔어요. 아무도 크러쉬을 모르지 않아요. 웃었어요.


Everyone and Ra On-ah. I want to talk about Crush today. I don’t really like R&B music. And I have only two songs by Crush. So, why am I telling you about this guy? That’s simple. Crush is very, very cute. And videos like this are a good example.

Crush went to a music store in America. No one knows Crush. I laughed/smiled.


    I learned something new today. I didn’t know 예 meant example. I thought 예예요 was a typo at first 😄
    When someone is going somewhere, you need to use either (으)로 or 에 as the particle. I was sure how to do it since there were two locations though. I tried running it through naver translate and it came up with this 미국에 있는 음악 가게에 갔어. Here 미국에 있는 is an adjective describing the music store.
    Second to last sentence should be 크러쉬를.
    You’re doing awesome!


      Thanks for the feedback. I haven’t forgotten you. Trying to make a sentence work. Will respond later today.


      Ok. So I’m just going to respond to most if not all of this in English. lol.

      Yay! I taught you something. Although, I think there is a phrase for “a good example”–마땅한 예.

      I had no clue how to put the two locations. So I figured I’d put the whole “music store in American” as the location. 🤣

      That last mistake was such a silly mistake. When I put this through Naver to kinda “proof” it, it was making Crush’s name come up all weird. So I changed Crush’s name to Jinyoung and didn’t change back the object particle for that one. LOL.


      So I’m going over some stuff on TTMIK. Can we use 까지 in this circumstance. So:
      크러쉬는 음악 가게까지 미국에 갔어요?


        I’m really not sure. I think 에/으로 would be more common and 까지 would probably give a slightly different meaning to the sentence. @acacia could you explain? 🙏


          @hades sorry it’s super late!

          크러쉬는 음악 가게를 미국에 갔어요. 아무도 크러쉬을 모르지 않아요. 웃었어요.Crush went to a music store in America. No one knows Crush. I laughed/smiled.

          크러쉬는 미국에서 음악 가게 갔어요. 아무도 크러쉬를 몰랐어요. 웃어요.

          -Korean grammar tends to be opposite of English grammar in a lot of ways and this is one example. Where in English we would put “music store in America,” in Korean it would be 미국에 있는 음악가게. You can choose to do this or do what I put in my correction which translates to: Crush went to a music store while in America.
          -모르지 않아요 means (doesn’t not know) or “knows” so it’s a double negative that is ok is Korean but it also does something that you so t want
          -웃었어요 does mean “I laughed/smile” but it also has an assumed subject which is ambiguous because you were using Crush as the subject the entire time. So to make that not ambiguous, you should put 나는 in front.
          -웃기다 is the root verb of 웃겼어요 which is a derivative of 웃다. I chose this word because the 기 makes “laugh” into “made [me] laugh”

          To answer your question though: 까지 can be used but it would change both the English and Korean sentence a lot:
          He went to the extent of going to America to go to a music store.
          크러쉬는 미국까지가서 음악가게에 갔어요.


            Thanks so much acacia! You’re the best!


            @acacia, thank you very much for your corrections and feedback. It was pretty easy to follow what you said, but I still have one or two questions that I’ll hopefully post tonight. For this one and the other as well.

            I really really appreciate the help from both you and @raonah.


    Crush is such a cutie! I’m a huge fan of his and you’d notice his huge love for his dog. He even made one of his songs (woo ah) about him (on first listen, you’d think it’s about a girl though hahah) and DoYou (Crush’s dog) has his own instagram and it’s just <3


      그 노래는 몰랐어요. 이거를 좋아해요! 감사합니다.
      I did not know that song. I like it! Thank You.

      이 노래는 알아요? 그거는 진짜 좋아해요.
      Do you know this song? I really like it.



        I love that song too! It introduced me to Colde’s music.😊 너무 좋아!


          (please excuse my korean, i’m still a novice at it ^^’)


            Your Korean is fine! The reason why I’m posting so much in Korean is because I want to practice and this is one of my practice posts. It was awesome of you to try to use some Korean as well.

            당신도 콜드를 좋아해요?! 콜드의 새로운 노래를 들었어요? 정말 좋아해요!
            You like Colde too?! Have you heard his new song? I really like it!



        I haven’t had the chance yet! I will check it out soon!


          When you do, let me know. There is a little something I want to talk with you about.


    Comment was deleted


    저도 인정해요. 크러쉬가 너무 귀엽다. 옛날에 자이언티랑 음악을 했었어요. 한번 들어요, 진짜 좋은 음악 있다 ^^
