I found myself in the middle of an OCN plot in one of my classes. This year, I’m taking a course called Forensic Medicine and while I enjoy the class, I can’t help but think the classroom itself will fit perfectly into the life of a drama serial killer.

The classroom has a shelf stocked with human body parts preserved in jars of formalin. No part is spared – decapitated baby heads, arms, organs… you name it! It’s the perfect storage for a drama serial killer. Just think about it! He murders his victims and then keeps a part of them as a souvenir. And no one questions shit because the classroom already had human parts – it’s the Forensic Medicine department! It’s not out of place. And he just gets away with it until a pesky resident, with the help of a local cop, busts him!

Kinda off topic but what was even more curious is that none of these floating body parts freak me or my classmates out (most of us are in our 5th year of medical school and we’ve seen, smelt, dissected, fiddled with enough cadavers and organs for years to be very unbothered). We don’t bat an eyelash and most of us don’t even notice it but the sight of a floating, erect penis in a jar of formalin does it for us.
I guess, at the end of the day, most of us aren’t mature enough to not make penis jokes and guffaw at it.