Colour me gobsmacked when I ‘stalk’ on youtube this awesome dancer who is so fierce on stage he’s mesmerising and then find that he’s this aegyo filled loving husband who cooks and cleans!! #JBlack


    Do you know what his story is? I mean, biography? I can’t find anything on him.


      Not really, no. First for to know him on Running Man. Then lately on Master in the House. Only know that he is a hip hop dancer and choreographer and runs dance studio with his wife MMary, also a choreographer/dancer (she choreographs Hyuna). He’s also a regular Judge on Competitions and dance programmes like Hit The Stage. He has an Official Youtube channel – J-Black & Mary Official. I am currently watching them on “Daughter-in-law in Wonderland” but there are no subs. His family is lovely. Me wanting to know more too. He’s just so cute. They both are!
