The Untamed: Piggyback Ride Edition

After dozens of k-dramas, piggyback ride has became an overdone trope I could do without. So, how come I squealed so loud while watching this scene??


    And the way they filmed the shot didn’t you think it was going to be the bridal carry?
    With all the piggy back rides in the world I don’t ever remember one with two guys (who are in love)


      For a second, I thought they would follow the exact scene from the novel, which means bridal carry. But then again, it must be hard to film that and it would involve wire works and all that. Besides, I couldn’t imagine WuXian’s embarrassment over that since the novel-WuXian was so much more shameless than in the drama.


    When you have chemistry, even a trope will be magical!


    I just read this part in the book yesterday and I LOVED it. But the way they did it this way is still swoony…

    sigh. Last night I tried to watch Joseon Matchmakers, and finally gave up and pulled out the book again. Now the kdramas aren’t quite what they used to be!


      Exactly. It felt like I’m not in a headspace to enjoy any k-drama at the moment. (though I’m still hoping Extraordinary You is going to save me from this rabbit hole)


      I really thought that the drama would skip this gesture from the novel! So happy that we got this, and it is every bit as wonderful!! 😍😍😍


      Me too. But then I tried Tale of Nokdu and was gobsmacked – I actually liked it. A kdrama that I liked for the first time since ? maybe Radiant? So 90% of the time watching Untamed with a commercial break for Nokdu.


        I watched Tale of Nokdu today. While I liked it mainly because of Jang Dong Yoon’s antics, I found myself missing stuff like the intricate details of costumes, the sets and color moods in The Untamed. And when the episode closed with the kpop song, I was reminded of your comment(I think it’s you). I know they wanted something upbeat or cheery but the song was absolutely jarring.


          Haven’t you learned to not compare anything with Untamed?? It all falls short when comparing it to the best. drama. ever.
          Besides, c-dramas tend to focus more on pretty, harmony, and color.
          K-dramas tend to be more gritty.
          But I don’t remember the jarring kpop song at the end, I’ll have to rewatch it.


            Right now unfortunately, I’ll be comparing EVERYTHING to the Untamed. Except of course OCN dramas – they are on a level of their own.


          I like that Nokdu is mixing genres – romcom plus thriller. and I’m wondering if there’s an element of supernatural and the has extra abilities, like when he jumped up to the roof of a building in the first couple minutes, more like a wuxia type jump. but then he had learned martial arts, so I’m not sure.
          piaoming is getting boring because he’s only doing half an episode. Now I’m going to have to go back and watch 20-22 all over – not that I mind in the least, esp when LZ plays the zither for him (someday I’ll remember the C name for the zither).


          Watched: didn’t find the music at the end jarring at all. It kind of goes with how the whole drama is different. All the music really helps set the emotional tone of whatever scenes they’re doing, i.e. horror, comedy, danger, thriller, angsty, etc.


    The bts of this scene though 😂

    But yeah this scene is so romantic! 😍


    Marcus Sim was talking about his favorite 6 Chinese tropes and the piggyback ride was one of them. He said it’s to bring the male lead and the female lead closer and be comfortable with each other. I wanted to comment, yeah, well, if you ever get around to watching Untamed, that trope is there, but it’s with the two male leads. So what do you think about that??
