#CampaignUntamed Internal Memo
To: All Campaign Staff
From: @kimbapnoona, Campaign Manager

I would like to congratulate all of you on a very successful inaugural campaign rally yesterday evening in the town of Yunmeng.

The pre-rally interview went smoothly. Some members of the press have remarked on that lip bite (thank you for bringing this to my attention Campaign Researcher @giegie0384.) Nothing beats sex appeal that is unconsciously unleashed to the untamed public.

As we are aware by now, Candidate Wei’s smiles are the best. THE BEST. I mean they are freaking sublime!!! And yes, the crowd went crazy, as did many of us staffers present.

Thank you Campaign Strategist @jenmole for suggesting this segment of the rally. It really endears our candidate to the voters. I dare anyone to show me a cuter chubbier dancing baby!!

Who has ever seen such a sexy strut from a baby in diapers? NOBODY!

Thank you for all of your effort, and on to the next stop we go!

Warmest regards,
Kimbapnoona, Wei Ying for President