To: Wei Ying, Presidential Candidate (aka Xiao Zhan)
From: @kimbapnoona, #CampaignUntamed Manager and Personal Fan
Date: 10/05/2019

It almost seems like just a couple months ago when I first met you, the free spirited cultivator-in-training studying in Cloud Recesses who didn’t care much for schooling and only wanted to play.


So it was not surprising that you got kicked out quickly and became a troubled youth when you joined a less elite high school.


I was so very proud that you later found your passion for the arts and developed the aesthetic self by studying design in a university in Chonqing.


Soon after college graduation and once you have decided to fight for the powerless no matter how great the personal cost it might be, I knew I wanted to devote myself to your cause. As exhilirating as some of the stops were meeting our supporters, there has been some agonizing nights in the hotels debating our campaign strategies on the trail.


But still on a day like this, Zhan di di, please know you have a great team here supporting you and loving who you are and what you stand for.

Happy birthday, and even with bad memories like yours, try to remember all the things which make you happy everyday.

With love, care, and possibly inappropriate level of delusion,

Your noona Kimbap