I started this coping mechanism with About Time. About Time was so bad, so utterly bullshit that to wipe by brain from the bad memory I re watched Weightlifting Fairly to watch the stellar performance of LSK.

I am using the same tactic now after sitting through ONE episode of Thaw Me Drink Me (which is Melting Me Softly for the un weird). Special shout out to my home-grown friend @leetennant – my eyes bleed for you mate! How are you doing this?

So to help my poor brain from the 1 episode onslaught, I am re watching Healer for the second time and I am falling in love with it all over again. You know when you see a drama, you like it and then you rewatch it on a lazy day and go like ‘why did I like this?’. Well, it is not the case AT ALL here.

Healer is truly one of the best *saranghe*