Extraordinary You Ep 9-10:-

OMG I just realized why Do Hwa is named as such. His name means “help” in Korean! BWAHAHAHA oh poor Do Hwa. I realized it when Ju Da told Nam Ju that Do Hwa was just helping her LMAO.

Is it only me who is kind of shipping Do Hwa and Dan-oh? I don’t hate Haru or anything, its just that…eh. I don’t feel the sparks. The couple is not making me swoon or anything, you know? I need the FEEEELS! Do Hwa and Dan-oh on the other hand would be such a fun couple! And hey, wouldn’t it be such a nice surprise for the show to break the “leads always get together” mould, something it has been criticizing from the start anyways.

And ooh…what if Haru was the antagonistic second male lead of his manhwa? And OH! What if Dan-oh was the female lead and was actually the first one to gain consciousness, or maybe even the second one, after Haru, and came to this manhwa world, inserting herself into the story and then making herself forget about everything. Heck, what if this whole manhwa world is actually of her construct, something she made so as to escape the harsh reality of sageuks? But she didn’t want to be the female lead anymore and chose to be an extra, what with how much bullshit female leads have to go through. Unable to forget her, Haru might have then followed her to this world. It would explain why he instantly fixated on her, and his “you don’t remember this?” questions. Also, Haru seems to have a soft spot for Baek-kyung. Is it empathy, since he had been the same kind of character in another manhwa? Is it because he has read Baek-kyung’s family story? Or is it because Baek-kyung is also from his manhwa world, or at least fashioned after the person, and there they had been friends/friendly rivals. What if this trio had been the main love triangle of the sageuk manga? It feels like there is more to Baek-kyung’s reaction towards Haru other than just petty jealousy over some new guy getting close to Dan-oh.

I don’t yet hold Baek-kyung’s behavior against him, even in the shadow. Because characters who haven’t yet gained awareness continue to behave according to their stage characters and the trajectory set by the writer. It is only when they gain awareness that they are able to break out of character during the shadow. Just forgetting whatever happens in the shadow is not all there is to it. It is not like the other characters just freeze when the stage ends. The world goes on. So no, I don’t hold it against him yet. I will wait until he gains full awareness. Do Hwa’s real self might be closer to his stage character, but Dan-oh is almost the complete opposite. So there’s hope still, even though I don’t ship them.


    I love Danoh and Dohwa as friends thoughhh because platonic male-female relationships are a rarity in dramaland to begin with.
