Easy Fortune Happy Life is on Netflix!

Just found out. Ah, my youth. Debating if I should rewatch and try to change my mind about it. I hated it so much, lol. Used to love the male lead actor here and couldn’t wait for him to change from support to lead actor in a romance drama, but his lead role in this drama killed my good feelings.

This is why it’s important for actors who’ve played heart throbbing second leads to chose their “break out” lead roles wisely. It’s so easy to move on since so many lead roles are bad/uninteresting and the SLS that got them popular can also turn around and bite them when they finally lead.


    I actually quite enjoyed and watching on Netflix was the first time I’d seen it.


      Maybe I’ll try again. I remember being really disappointed because I expected a cute romcom. Maybe if I readjust my lenses. Also unlike when I was young I’ve come to appreciate not so nice, maybe even sort of antagonistic, male leads. lol


        I’ve gone back to watch shows that I really loved, only to find that my POV had changed and my view of the ML changed as well.


          Oh? Any ones that changed that stands out?

          (I wanted to rewatch I Hear Your Voice and just barely skimmed it yesterday. I was surprised to be squicked by the noona-minor romance, which surprised me because it was THE SHOW that made LJS and LBY pop for me. Thank goodness for that time skip! Maybe if I actually immersed myself instead of skimming I’d get onboard again, lol.)


            Secret garden. I used to love HB’s role, but when I went back, he just felt like a pure stalker to me…..
            umm…. BOF, I used to love the 2nd lead(i forgot his name) but when I rewatched BoF, i found that he was just using FL….


            @gmelenco Ah yes, BOF. It took a while to realize SL was never as in love with FL as ML so his unrequited love wasn’t as heartbreaking.


    ahhhh, Roy Chiu in cornrows… so pretty, but actually rather cringy to watch now…
    : D
