This is the entire problem with this drama in a single screenshot.
I don’t have anywhere else to go
There was no interest/attraction on either end before they were frozen. The only change in their interactions has been that they have now been frozen. It would be one thing if they showed more of the two feeling out of step with the current times. But other than Wookie wearing a shirt that looks like early 90s grunge (Which…..doesnt fit with any other time period BUT early 90s grunge so…wtf?) and the ocassional being emotional at being younger than their younger siblings—they are fitting in seamlessly! They arent shocked or caught off guard. They are surrounded by people who love them and would love to date them. They are working. If you werent told that they had been frozen for 20 years you would never know. Which makes their sudden “love story”make NO SENSE. There is no foundation for it here!
This? Is NOT a good drama. At all. But Wookie is so pretty when hes in love. Which hes not, 100% not at all. This love story is stupid. But Wookie is a great actor who has a great falling in love face and I am DETERMINED to finish a drama if only so I can a freaking bean in the bean count. There will be a bean count this year, wont there?


    There MUST BE A BEAN COUNT so all those hours we wasted on shows like that won’t have died a meaningless death 🙂


    And while I’m complaining–Ji Huns mom sucks. Why is she blaming No Ran for her divorce? She decided to “comfort” her friends ex when Mi Ran went missing with her body. She decided to marry her baby daddy and stay with him knowing that he was still in love with Mi Ran. She decided to stay with a person who doesn’t love her even though it turned her into a mean shrew. Don’t blame your divorce on Mi Ran she hasn’t done anything! This is,between you and your husband.


      I really hope it wasn’t her that posted about GMR being part of cryogenic experiment. I agree with your criticisms.
      However I think that her flip switched when she realized that both her husband & her son want her.
      Women are weird about their sons.
      She was sad, mad & a bit shrewd when it was just a 🔽 between Prof husband, GMR & her ; but then when it became an absurd square she started losing grip on reality.

      I feel like I’m giving the writing far more credit than it deserves. The character haven’t been shown to have anywhere near the depth I’m making them out to have 😆


    Agreed agreed agreed. I feel like I said all of this at ep 5-6 & I have nothing new to add. The love story does not work.
    It had future possibility, an inkling when ML was sympathetic towards the FL 20 yrs ago, but then the sudden attraction just didn’t make sense. For them it’s been overnight, a few weeks at most, how can their hearts change so quickly?
    But I stopped trying to make sense of this drama long ago. I’m watching it just so I can tell people how bad it was. I think anything wookie does after this will feel like a blessing in comparison.
    Also I’m of the minority that wants to thwack the high handed romantic manners out of the 90s out of wookie whenever he comes on screen. I upgraded Thaw me to Thrash Me.


    DId my editing away a ridiculous error in my comment get rid of the screen shot?! Sigh.
