Also, and this has nothing to do with INAR or dramas in general, really. But still. The weekend are terrible days to have off. When I have Fridays off that means I work on Saturday. But by the time I wrangle up enough energy to actually want to do anything other than lay around in my pjs everything is closed. Saturday is the same! Except by the time I’ve wrangled up the energy to go and do anything , everything is closed for the weekend! I had such high hopes for my productivity today. I woke up, made a to-do list, called myself tuckered out and laid on the couch for approximately 3.5 eps of INAR and now that I’m ready to go to the bank, work on my budget, call the doctor etc and etc and etc–all of those places are closed!
What I need is a Thursday-Friday day off combination. I could have Thursday to be lazy and sleep on my couch and recoop from the insanity that is the library (we had to call the cops twice this week! Twice!) and on Friday I would–in theory–be up and ready to do all of the things that I push back until my day off. It just makes better sense than Friday-Saturday days off.


    What happened that you had to call the cops???


      Fighting and a crazy drunk person came in and was throwing books and beer and asking if we mother effing loved him now. The answer is no. Not at all.


        Wow 😱 I never knew working at a library would be so exciting.


          The library is full of the public. The public is full of crazy people. We see everything. One sad thing happened this week. There was a robbery not too far from my library and the cops stopped and searched one of our regular teen boys. He’s about 14 years old. The suspect is a full grown man in his mid20s who looks NOTHING like our kiddo. NOTHING about our kid fits the suspects description. But he was the nearest person of color and he was stopped and searched. What was sad about it? He wasn’t shocked or surprised. He knew to go along and cooperate because he knows that as a black man that he’s going to get stopped and patted down for crap for the rest of his life. What was worse for me is that the manager, a hispanic man and one of library assistants, a white woman, were SO SHOCKED that things like that really happened. What was the most appalling for me? Our security is a black woman with 4 black boys under the age of 8 with a black boyfriend and they havent started having these conversations yet. It is NEVER too early to start talking about racism.


        Today I had to help one of my libraries when they realized a patron they were kicking out for porn (against policy) was searching for and watching child porn (highly criminal). 😫


          That’s despicable. Did he get arrested?


            Don’t know what’ll happen yet, proof is iffy since he’d already left. But it was reported to the police.


          We’re not allowed to kick people out for porn (if the supreme court can’t define how can we?) They are only encouraged to use the computers with the privacy screen.
          People are SO SICK. One of my old libraries had a creeper who would come in, stare at the babies, go somewhere else in the building and masterbate and then come back in some gross cycle. EVERYONE knew he was doing it but they couldn’t keep him out, ban him and have him arrested without proof or being caught in the act. It took security MONTHS and a sting operation to get rid of him. I don’t know the details and for the love of pete I don’t want to.


            That’s nasty 🤮 Glad they were finally able to get rid of him.


            Since there are no privacy screens and it’s a one room library we put it in the policy. But it by itself doesn’t usually result in more than a ‘Dude quit it that’s gross and staff harassment since we can’t help but see it.’ convo.
            Thank GOD we’ve not dealt with super creepers but every few years.


            @librarianerin I NEVER catch the creepers. I think I just dont notice what people have on their screens unless its super obvious. At an old library the staff offices were on the second floor, this guy sat with his laptop at the foot of our steps every day for weeks watching porn on his laptop. I never noticed once. I didnt even notice when he stopped coming in until I asked my manager what happened to him and he was like, dude. [isa] he was kicked out WEEKS ago for watching porn on our steps.
            I had a coworker when I worked at an academic library who would spot masterbaters EVERY shift and go kick them out. We had hourly porn walks because it was so insane there. An entire year at that library and never not once did I spot anyone doing anything suspect.
