Cats are great. Sometimes… 🐱 A little story for a snowy day.

My work has given me the perk of working from home every Monday. Which is lovely as I can just crawl out of bed and start working in my PJs in front of the TV with a drama playing. The only problem with working from home is my cats. My cats insist on walking all over my work papers, or laying on them. Or they insist on snuggling into my arms while I am trying to work. One of my cats walked across my keyboard and deleted every email in my inbox at one time.

But the worst instance happened last week which sent me into a panic attack. I work on the website of a catalog company. At the time I was working in our companies ftp uploading images for the site. One of my sweet kitties walked across my keyboard at that moment and to my horror I noticed one of our critical folders was missing from the ftp. The folder is our swatch folder which houses every swatch image for our entire website. Being a fashion catalog we have swatches to show all the different colors available for purchase. Without the folder customers will just get a whole bunch of broken images instead. I was freaking out, worried my cat had someone managed to deleted this very critical folder. I chatted up my co-worker and boss to see if they could see the folder and if we could hit up IT to recover it. But after a few panic-filled moments my boss discovered that the folder had not been deleted but had somehow been moved to another folder. I sighed the biggest sigh of relief ever. Needless to say, my cats are now banned from being around me when I am working. I love my cats, but not while I am working.. 😆

(One of my cats snuggled into my arms while I am trying to work)

Anyone else have some fun pet stories they can share?



    I don’t have any funny pet stories. But sometimes, we hear our co-workers’ dogs or pets barking or meowing nearby. Or you’d hear one coworker suddenly saying “I’ll be right back. Need to bring the trash out before the bear comes”.

    I’m always paranoid that my work laptop’s camera turns on by mistake — even if I put a sticker on it to hide it.


    I had the opposite problem. I’m a musician — whenever I started practicing at home, the cats would immediately get up and run to the opposite end of the house. Not great for my confidence level, but at least they left me alone. 😐


      When I play the piano and sing my cats jump up on the piano bench and yell at me to stop. Or else they’re singing along 😼
