JOY OF LIFE: On Air now. Zhang Ruoyun. Xiao Zhan has a minor role. Watched the 1st episode raw and it looks like it’s going to be really good.


    How can XZ have a minor role in anything? kkkkkk


      Definitely fans will be watching for XZ! I originally wanted to watch because I like Zhang Ruoyun, but XZ is an added bonus!


      This was filmed before The Untamed and before his popularity soared. The Untamed was his first main role so anything before that he either played minor characters or side characters. His biggest role before TU was The Wolf which hasn’t even aired (and might never air 😭).

      But yes, he has a pretty minor role in this. I’ve heard the first 4 episodes are really good so far. I want to watch this just because it looks good. XZ is just a small bonus, and I mean small, from the reviews I read XZ isn’t in those first episodes and in the 2 minute trailer I watched he was only in it for about 5 seconds.
