I finally managed to finish Tale of Nokdu. Not because I wasn’t interested but more because RL took over. It was the only one drama that really held my attention and I would involuntarily smile while hitting play but alas! Nokdu did what every other countless kdrama’s have done before. Disappoint.

Staring off strong I loved the strong female representation. The warriors, the fighters the strong ones – alien at that time. Loved the ‘masculinity’ of our leading man looking drop dead gorgeous in that hanbok and not once flinching from the thought of dressing up as a woman.

Then came the middle of the drama where they decided to base the entire storyline on the most insane storyline that there was. A father, a king, wanting to kill his own flesh and blood for…a prophecy.

I realised I really liked the king at some parts and I wished they had worked on a redemption story arch for him. The 180 degree revolving of the ‘good guy’ bad guy also came out of nowhere.

I enjoyed the leads together though. I was thankful that there was no ‘separation trope’ or was it? I don’t remember.