Okay guys, I am really excited to present the thing we three at Dramas Over Flowers (that’s me, @festerfaster and @laica) have been working on for what feels like all month: A retrospective on the last decade in dramas (2010-2019), how dramaland has changed in that time, and a selection of what we think was the best the decade had to offer across the major genres.

I really want to know what you guys think, and hope you’ll share your own lists and favourites of the 2010s. What do you think the new decade has in store? What do you want to see?

This post is also a prelude to our Year End Yak podcast episode, where we look back on 2019 in dramas. Despite technical difficulties, it flowed like magic while we were recording, so I’m excited to see how it turns out – stay tuned!

Sadly, I didn’t manage a DB review this year, but we poured our hearts into making it an exciting end-of-year, end-of-decade gala in podcastland, so come and play!

Link: https://akdramapodcast.wordpress.com/2019/12/27/2010s-retrospective-the-decade-in-drama/


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    What great lists. I’m definitely bookmarking it. I’ve been circling around High school King of Savvy for awhile now.

    I watched Just Between Lovers at the very beginning of the year so as much as I loved Tale of Nokdu, in my heart it is my best 2019 drama and romance.

    The Asterisk means none of you have watched My Ahjussi? I’m sure you get pushed it all the time, but it is worth it. It’s really a novel, one reason I love kdramas is their bookish structure, but this is that novel you read slowly and hug to your chest. It is not a binge but a savor that unfolds and builds on itself in a beautiful way.
    I’m doing a slow re watch right now and still so satisfying. The two leads are amazing. Though very different the feelings it gave me are not to dissimilar to JBL. It could make a good podcast topic as people interpret aspects of the show in different ways.
    Ok, done with my push.


      Right? We all know we have to watch it (we mentioned it in our last year-end yak as well! that we were sad we didn’t get to it!) but somehow it hasn’t happened yet! That list seems to just get longer by the year – I also have to watch Search: WWW and Melo Suits Me from this year *sweatdrop* (I haven’t heard the novel comparison before and I love it, how beautiful)

      If you’ve got a list of your own, I’d love to hear it!


    This is so great! Spotted some dramas that I also loved, others that I wasn’t sure if I should watch, and some new ones to add to my to-watch list, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!
