i cant even think of another IMF failure (US capital’s fault!) another 2008 (same) and simplify it singularly..so i really really really really hope this show doesn’t do th!at! is go soo hot? lol


    i know it’s hard to expect pushing boundaries in the mainstream, in fact i might say it’s impossible to go as far as one could, but we know people are capable of filtering their messages in even within a lens that i dont agree with. parasite wasnt perfect, but it’s a decent example of antagonism and amazing art.

    we knoooow these writers are capable of provocative work that shows talent, creativity, artistry, and vision. and this particular topic is SO fucking sad. the panic i feel even thinking about these crashes and how evil this money is….


      I don’t want to add to your panic but, well, 2020 will not be a good year. I will be extremely surprised if we don’t get another global financial collapse that will make the others look benign within the next year. I mean, there’s a reason why everyone seems so keen to start a war.


        you are probably right. i was too young for the 2008 one and when i learned what happened i was, and still am tbh, SHOCKED.

        war terrifies me the most right now. after corbyn’s loss, the assassination, and the potential outcome of the election..2020 is going to be an eye opening year for millenials (and gen z, but their frame of reference is way diffrent.)

        the only thing i can think is: why? i know why in terms of the technical answers but i get stuck on why we would do this to people? it seems so out of our hands


        also u can imagine who i would like as president even if i dont really care for electoral politics in my personal growth. i want it so badly, i think m4a would be so beneficial even under this system that doesnt work. like health justice is tied into everything else. could u imagine that in america?? but it feels BLEAK thinking that is father out of reach than we would like
