Day 10: Eloise

I have nothing witty to say today except that I love my niece. She just turned 6 years old a few days ago, but unfortunately, Bingley decided to turn my world upside down with his messages to me. So, I didn’t get to wish her a happy birthday on DB like I had hoped.

I love children, and I must admit that it hurts a little that I’m not married or have children yet. But, that is what made Eloise such a delight when she came into the world. She was just the cutest little baby, and I loved being an aunt and taking care of her whenever I got to visit my sister. I especially loved when she got older, and I would cook her breakfast and make her little lunchbox for daycare. This allowed my sister and brother-in-law to sleep some more, I knew Eloise was starting the day right with a healthy breakfast, and I got to play “Mom” for the morning. I got to walk her to daycare, and pick her up. Then, we would do fun crafts together, or watch Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood on Amazon Prime.

There are those I know who grow bitter when they don’t get what they want, or have what they want delayed. I tried that path a long time ago, and hated who I had become. So, I decided when Eloise was born that I would be thankful that even though I don’t have children, I can enjoy the children in my family and be a great aunt!

Even now, my sisters’ friends all envy that she has such a great sister who is willing to take care of her children like a second mom. Eloise always looks forward to hanging out with “Auntie”. And Auntie always loves hanging out with her Eloise.
