Faith as a wedding ring
I’m snug in my bed, having eaten a spaghetti bolognese for dinner which I cooked. I’m reading up on the theological doctrine of justification by faith alone (Martin Luther), which is oddly more romantic than it sounds at first glance.

Martin Luther uses the analogy of a wedding ring to explain the nature of being justified (i.e. being made right before God) through faith. Faith is NOT an assent to an abstract set of doctrines. Faith is the wedding ring that Christ puts on his Bride as a sign of mutual commitment and intimate union, in which all of the benefits of Christ (grace, life and salvation) are transferred over to the believer. Faith unites the person’s soul to Christ as intimately as newlyweds.

And this reminds me of the couple rings Ri Jeong Hyeok gave to Se-Ri; tomorrow is CLOY episode 15. I can’t hardly wait! So, yeah, today is a good day.
