CLOY was just not a show for me. I enjoyed it in the beginning but at the end found myself not caring for the leads. To be honest kdramas are not the most sensible and that is why I like them at times, so for me to say CLOY was bad because it wasn’t sensible is a bit hypocritical. I always had issues with this writer, I wasn’t on the you from another star hype train either, all her shows at the end become too dramatic. I do like the characters in her shows at the beginning but their charm gets drowned in the drama which just puts me off. Then her characters always have past encounters, I don’t mind the destiny themes but they always bother me in her shows and the characters become too cheesy as well. Similar flaws exist in other kdramas I like I guess this writer’s execution is just not my thing.



    In CLOY I still cared for the second leads, I liked how their story progressed but they got that ending, not only was is it sad it was executed in the most cliched way ever, I cringed so much when he came to rescue her, I felt like I was watching an 80s movie instead. Plus I find it sad how most writers only care about giving the main leads a HE and used the second leads to inject some sadness. Kept Dan pining after RJH because they wanted to create conflict and then killed GSJ and gave her lonely existence.


    I agree – I only watched 2 episodes of CLOY and dropped it because I realized that this writer has a gift for characters but not for story/plot, and honestly, these days if it’s not slice-of-life, then characters alone are not enough to keep me engaged in the story. I think that’s why I liked The Producers (though it’s far from perfect), but also explains why I couldn’t make it more than an episode into Legend of the Blue Sea. I suspect I could binge CLOY if I’m bored and need something mindless, but like YFAS I would probably rarely think about it again as a whole, though the characters would certainly be memorable.


    I enjoyed it because of all the side characters plus a curiosity to see how they treated North Korea in the drama. As a stand alone love story I would skip it, but with the ensemble cast from North Korea it had the heart that keeps me watching.
