*Spoiler* for Mr. Sunshine 18

Please explain to a non-korean😳 what is the meaning behind Dong ma cutting off Ae shins hair?


    It looks like it was to prevent her from going out.
    May be its shameful for nobels to cut their hair?
    yeah, we could use some meaning to this act!!


    I have no earthly idea, but his chemistry with her at that moment made me stop breathing, gasp, and think to myself—Sh&$ just got real!


      I don’t know if it applies to this situation (I don’t watch Mr Sunshine) but in sageuk Princess’ Man when a heroine cut her hair it meant that she cut all ties with that person. But she cut her hair by herself…


        Yeah I mentioned this at Soompi as well and many debates have been going on on the matter. I personally would like to reserve jumping to any conclusion until I watch ep 19. His action was shocking but what is more intriguing to me is his reason behind that. After the short conversation, does he want to protect her by wanting her to stay home forever ? or letting her use him to do the dangerous job while she lays low for a while due to WI sniffing around her and taking the current condition of her grandpa into consideration as well? As much as others’ reactions of hate to his latest deed, I find that I want to know more about this man who is a brute, ruthless – where some called disgusting, jerk, overly high-handedness etc. – but who is also a big softie at heart. He didn’t care what the world think of him, courtesy be damn, as long as he is clear of what his purpose is and protect those that matters to him. And obviously I am bias to YYS/DM bwahahahaha. I blame it to reading too much of those brutish softie Scottish lairds. Can’t help that I have developed a major trauma from that hehehe


          I agree that it pained him to do what he did, just looking at the tears welling up in his eyes told me that. I think cutting her hair has something to do with soiling her honor, making her an outcast, which because he held her up on such a high pedestal would have been unthinkable for him as someone who loved her to do. However, to the witnesses there, he is just a low-life brute, unfeeling and uncaring, so it would make perfect sense for him to take her honor on that way. And that would force her indoors, away from danger. Just like the king imprisoned her grandfather to protect her, Dong-Mae is forcing her under house arrest to protect her as well.


            God, honestly, I love the ambiguity of it all! It really can be interpreted in so many ways…..
