ok so the language in money game is complicated but it’s an easy concept if we know history (at least some) but i had to rewatch it like 10 times


    basically, we all make sure banks arent too big to fail. via government. however no we dont bc corporate interest. when they do predatory loaning for more $ they or whatever else, there will be a crash, and that has lead (in the US it did) to bail outs which means STILL LEVELING CORPORATE INTERESTS instead of using that money and regulating which means expansion of government, which capitalists dont want and bla bla free market. our main person’s dead was a korean milton friedman, but he is against bail out, and so is eun kyung’s char. and then there’s prof heo who seems to be anti capital and was pissed about the first crisis but n ow is…??? idfk

    it’s interesting there’s american ppl in this
