HAPPY FRIDAY BEANIES! What did everybody think of Rookie Historian’s finale?


    I wish there was more to the resolution of the conflicts (I think the revelations should’ve happened 1-2 episodes earlier) but I won’t complain because they got the happy ending they deserve! The bad guys are punished and our beloved characters got to choose the life they want which stay true to their characters since the beginning, and it ends with the fluffy, cheeky couple scenes that I’ve missed. So overall I’m quite satisfied with the ending. 🙂


    There are so many things that could have happened and this show could’ve crashed and burned in the finale episode but what they did with the ending was really satisfying. It was a really beautiful end to a really beautiful show.


    i’m with @cherrycrumble — i wanted a little more resolution (and a little more depth in the conflicts…there were definitely some missteps in the pacing and writing overall…) but honestly i won’t complain. i came for a cute happy ending and i got it <3 the cheekiness that drew me in at the beginning was brought back full circle, so i'm happy enough. <3


    @cherrycrumble @sensationalfantasy @anothernicole definitely with all three of you! I thought it was a nice final episode and I’m glad that wrongdoers were made to be accountable for what they had done.

    I also wish there was more resolution: it would’ve been nice to have some insight into the immediate aftermath. What happened to the King (was he banished? executed like Officer Min? are we supposed to make an inference on our own)? I’m guessing Rim abdicated, leaving Jin the throne, but what of their relationship? Are they back to being friends? I’m really happy that Jin decided to do what was right in the end. For the most part, I really liked him and I’m so relieved the writers didn’t send him down a path of doom.

    YAY at Officer Min being reinstated at our wonderful Office of Royal Decrees family. It’s where he belongs and I hope that the break was good for his heart/mind and that he can find happiness and peace after everything that happened to him. (Does anyone know if an ex-Crown Princess was allowed to marry after being removed from her position? Maybe in a perfect world, Officer Min’s sister could get together with Haeryung’s former husband-to-be 😂 He seemed lovely!)

    I’m not surprised that Sahui left to work elsewhere. Interesting that the writers gave us a wink and nudge that Jin is sending her stuff. They’re obviously in contact. I wonder if that will go anywhere. I don’t think she would ever want to become Queen, but who knows. I wish we had gotten more from her character, but I’m glad she’s settled doing good work.

    And of course, last but not least: our couple. I’d just like to start off by saying how THRILLED I am that Rim kept his entourage (Sambo and the two court ladies were underrated heroes) and that he got to go back to his first love: writing. Thank you, show, for letting both him and Haeryung do the things they loved instead of just showing them as a happily married couple. Haeryung even got promoted at work! If only this could’ve really happened back then. I feel so happy for Haeryung. Her brother is safe and well, she’s doing work she loves and believes in and she gets to be with the man she loves. If only we were all so lucky!

    All in all, though the show wasn’t perfect, I had such a good time watching it. I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did, and it’s going to go down as one of my favourite fusion sageuks so far. Excited to see what everyone does next (especially Park Kiwoong. I have a soft spot for him)!

    (sorry for the super long essay, you guys, I got a little carried away 😅)


      I agree with all that you said!
      And two things that would make the ending almost perfect for me is to show what happened to the king and what happened to the brothers’ relationship. We can assume they still have a loving relationship, but it would be nice if there’s a scene between the two of them to show that.
      I also had a great time watching this show and it’s a drama that makes you feel good after watching it. Definitely one of my fave sageuks of all time.


      no apologies needed! getting carried away is what we DO here 😉 and YES i agree so much!
