There hasn’t been a moment I didn’t find her annoying..
Why is she in the drama in the first place?
I can’t stand her character..


    I like han bo reum. So kudos to her for making an unlikeable character unlikeable.

    i dont understand why is there a need for a 2nd wife character. 1 ex wife would have been enough. But with even more characters that means more job opportunities for the actor/actressess. So all is good i guess? Or not. I’m not sure 🤣

    MoA might have survived with HB alone. He is hardcarrying it. Haha.


      I mean, I guess I’m glad that actors can work..? Lol
      But I agree with what you said, and that’s exactly my issue, one ex wife was already enough..this girls really serves no purpose to the story, imo :/


        I guess it’s supposed to confuse us about JinWoo’s character initially. Trick us into believing he is the bad guy. Did the writers forget that we are focusing on his dimples and not his ex wives?? :))


          Maybe! XD


          I’m only at ep7 but I have liked him having a 2nd nearly ex-wife so far. It would have been way too cliche and melodramatic to have him confront his cheater ex-friend and ex-wife after 3 years without anything having happened to him in between these times. As it was IMHO we were able to focus on things as they were. They had all moved on, but the hard dark feelings still lurked underneath.


            Let’s say I was tolerating her for most part of the series, but in the latest episodes it got too much! XD
            I still don’t think her character was needed at all..
