1. Gif Story Bingo Challenge for Errand Boys from @wishfultoki
2. I wrote way too much on these four tropes: Backhug, Talking to a sleeping person, Fake marriage, Crying while eating. I wrote it as though I relocated to Korea during my Fugitive on the Run days, and am now there working as a rogue journalist telling the stories of the people as an Errand Boy. Yeah I made up a backstory for myself. Yes I’ve had too much caffeine. Let’s do this.


    A Wedding for Grandma

    by codename “Coco”


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      Weddings are celebrated events in nearly every culture you encounter. The union of two souls brings two separate families together in a ceremony that is often considered the most significant event in a person’s life, other than birth and death.

      Yet it can often occur that the alter bound couple are not be the main focus of this their most momentous occasion. For Park Soo Ah and Evan Kim, their wedding last weekend was all about Evan’s grandmother.


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      Evan Kim, an American raised Korean expat, came back to his homeland two months ago. He accompanied his grandmother, Kim Mi So, who moved to America to raise him after his parents’ death. Evan, who has only been in SK as long as a 16 episode drama run, has been bewildered by the differences in Korean culture, and the time difference. He even told me the other day that he still hasn’t gotten his sleep schedule down, instead staying up all night watching dramas to get more acclimated to Korean customs.

      Due to this, Evan has developed a habit of falling asleep during the day. Which meant that he was not awake when his grandmother came to him with important news of a possible marriage meeting. She took his nodding as acquiescence, and the next day he unwittingly escorted her to his marriage meeting. Unwilling to disillusion his grandmother, whose health has been failing, Evan goes along with the meeting.


      Luckily his prospective bride, Park Soo Ah, had also unknowingly stumbled into the meeting. When the two met afterwards, the mistake was soon discovered after a drink or two, and after a hearty laugh, the two supposed love birds hatched a plan to go along with the wedding for the next month, then pretend to break up due to irreconcilable differences. This would hopefully appease their families and stop any more matchmaking in the near future.


      As the month wore on, this reporter became acquainted with the couple and their scheme. As an American expat myself, I met Evan Kim when neither of us could recall the Korean word for toothbrush when lost in the grocery store.

      I decided to help them, but quickly realized that the two were not as averse to a wedding as they claimed. It turned out that Grandma Kim was much more ill than she had told Evan, and with encouragement from Soo Ah, she finally revealed the severity of her diagnosis to her grandson. Grandma kept up a cheerful front, and told them that she only wished to live long enough to see Evan happily settled.


      Resigning themselves to Grandma’s wishes, Soo Ah and Evan determined to create the traditional Korean wedding of Grandma’s dreams. It was a beautiful ceremony, made perfect by the glowing affection of bride and groom that neither could hide.

      Grandma Kim was incandescently happy, and died last Sunday, the day after the wedding.


      The funeral on Monday was a heartbroken affair. Soo Ah worked hard as the new granddaughter in law to take the brunt of the work off of Evan’s shoulders.

      Yet later she finally broke down when she sat down to eat.

      As she cried into her cold food, she felt a weight upon her back. Evan, her now husband, drew her close in a back hug.


      This wedding might have been been for Grandma, but they will be alright together. Grandma left them the best gift, each other.


    “incandescently happy”. How did you take me from laughing to crying all in the same post? *sobs while eating her ramyun*


      Right?? I was expecting belly-shaking laughs, not these tears!

      But dang, Coco! This is in-depth and specific! What a story. 😭


        ☺️ I’m glad you liked it! I got rather absorbed in writing this after I stared at the tropes and realized a backhug would be a perfect way to comfort someone who was crying into their food (a front hug would be messy! Actual practical backhug application!) and then that maybe they were crying because of having gone through the fake marriage only for their reason to be fake married was gone (introducing grandma), and the backhug was reassurance!

        Sorry for causing tears though. Ramyun is already salty enough @wishfultoki


        Tears of laughter and sorrow all mixed together. I don’t know how you did it, but you should submit this as a “healing drama” script somewhere.


      I was hoping someone would catch the reference to 2005 P&P!


        Genius use of that cheesy phrase. Is she a light bulb or something? *howling with laughter*


        I’ve.. never.. seen.. it.


          Bam Bam! There’s finally a reference you didn’t get! I’m shocked!


          Why did you ban it?


          You should! I’ll watch it with you on rabb.it if you like! I am the first Austen fan in my family, and it was the 2005 version that introduced me to her ~

          … I feel another gif story coming on. About how I met Jane Austen. I have so many gif stories I want to write now!


            Ooo, alright! A warning that I might never love it as much as 1995, though. But I’d love to see it with you!


          No need to love it as much! The point is not who “wins” at Jane Austen, more that each adaptation can bring its own ~something~ to the table. I’ve seen every single adaptation of her, from different time periods and countries, and they each show me a point of view I might not have considered before!

          I know I know, my friends say I make watching movies an intellectual exercise when they would rather just enjoy their favorites. But I have my own fun with things hehe ~


            True! I actually like other versions of P&P, and I like breaking them down.. But something turned me off of the 2005 version. Don’t ask me what it was.

            Actually, normally, I like doing it your way. The only time I’ve really put my foot down was with the new Anne series. I refuse to watch it.


    👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 worthy of a k-drama script! Expecting bellies of laugh, got that and some unexpected tears at the end!


    True story: Many years ago, when my sister was preparing to get married, my now brother in-law’s favorite grandma was found out to be quite ill. They rushed to church to get all preparations ready, i.e baptism (coz my sister wasn’t Catholic), marriage counseling (required as part of marrying in Catholic church), etc. Alas, grandma couldn’t make it and passed away before the wedding date. So a funeral was set and many months later, they got married.
