I thought I would attempt my own “End of Decade” list, which might not be saying much since I have only started watching dramas since 2016. But I have been a diligent student being able to complete 138 Asian dramas during the last 3 1/2 years (holy moly, that’s where my life had gone! 😱)

Best Drama with All Kinds of Awesome: Nirvana in Fire
Just such a perfectly made drama in every way -the ensemble cast, the story, the directing, the art design, and the music. What an incredible feat to tell a complex story with 54 episodes that’s proposely plotted and briskly paced. Upon my rewatch couple years later I didn’t even fast forward one scene. This also happened to be my very first drama and talking about being initiated to Dramaland with a bang!

😭 Oh the tortured bromance 😭

😄And the cutest bromance 😄


    I started around the same year and am at pretty much the same number😐. Glad Iโ€™m not alone😄. Loving the list by the way!


      Roughly the same numbers here: I’ve finished 144 dramas if I exclude drama specials. I think I started early 2016.

      I love NiF so much. It shows that it is possible to write a perfect 54-episode drama without a boring moment. Apart from in the first episode maybe when I had no idea who everybody was. Or why a man was playing a flute.




    Jin Dong 😍😍😍😍😍😍


    NIF is a masterpiece. Every aspect of the drama was perfectly done. I don’t think any other drama I’ve seen has been able to touch NiF perfection.
