In this episode, guests Odessa Jones and @pogo1 join me to discuss #MeToo and the Korean entertainment industry, toxic tropes in kdramas, and how things might be changing.


    Also, @festerfaster pops in with some important insights, and @saya was more behind the scenes this time. (Darn this 200 character limit!)


    I was just looking for something to listen to while I make lunch/eat.
    Thanks for sharing!


    Already commented on Saya’s post, but I only listened to a little bit and just have to say: jerk male leads must go! Wrist-grabbing must go! And I’m so happy that it seems that these characterizations are changing!

    I didn’t hear them mentioned specifically in the bit I was able to listen to (I jumped right to when you were talking about SIG 💖) but we need more Dong-hoons, more Gang-doos, more Se-hees~ some of my favorite heroes.


      Absolutely agree!

      Ooh yes, I don’t recall if we mentioned Gang-doo, but I loved him so much. (You’re referring to Just Between Lovers, I hope?)


        Yes, Just Between Lovers!

        I didn’t catch any of my personal ultimate favorites in the bit I listened to, but there are several heroes/shows mentioned that I haven’t had the chance to watch or were not on my radar, but they’ve now been added to the list! Thanks so much!


    I agreed with all that you gals mentioned about being happy for the change to much nicer male leads, and actually that’s why I’m so happy with Lawless Lawyer, Sang Pil has trauma in his past but he never takes it out on Jae Yi and it’s pretty clear early on that he really admires her and likes her and he doesn’t need to hide it behind aggression.

    On the other hand I heard someone mention a lot Pretty Noona and it’s take on sexual harassment in the workplace and I remember feeling the same way early on in my watching but I ended up exhausted, disappointed and pessimistic about how will we be able to make effective change when it can’t be done even in a fictional version of our world.


      We ended up pretty exhausted and tired out by Pretty Noona too (this podcast ep was recorded almost a month ago). At this point, we’re debating whether to even bother recording a post-show deep dive for a drama that let us down so badly. =(


        yeah I can understand that because it might just be an exercise in frustration to talk about everything that could of been, but it could also be sort of therapeutic to just lay those feelings of frustration out and just let them air out so that they’re not pent up inside.
