Who on Earth made this set decision?
And what on Earth are they trying to say?
Because at first blush, this is in extremely poor taste.


    Don’t get me wrong, Secretary was an excellent film with great performances that managed to portray a BDSM relationship with a very disturbed young woman as strangely romantic and almost cosily domestic. But I fail to see what the hell it has to do with this show or why they would choose to reference it in this particular moment.

    To be honest, I hated everything about this episode and am half inclined to drop the damn thing except that I want to see what everyone saw in this relationship and this show, apart from Veronica Park (who was annoyingly one-note in this whole thing) and, yes, the damn elusive FISH.


    Well, fine, I hated everything about this episode except the Vigilante Secretaries.


    I haven’t watched this ep yet, I think its next, but I will now have Leonard Cohen singing I’m Your Man in my head.


    I’m not sure you’re going to like it. I had to overlook a lot to enjoy this. The last third was charming. The fish incidents and moss balls were memorable.


    I had exactly the same damn thought. It was weird and off-putting, and I wonder if no one on the set had actually seen the film. Note: I agree that Secretary is an excellent film, but to juxtapose it here?
