Hi beanies. You know how practically every Indian will tell you that our television shows are hopeless? Well yesterday I had hope. So my entire family watches this show about how a very demure housewife tries to rebuild her life after her husband cheats on her and divorces her. Yesterday the husband started abusing his current wife while his daughter had come to visit her grandparents along with her mother. He then abuses his current wife and slut shames her and tells everyone about her teenage pregnancy. His ex-wife is unable to bear this happening in front of her eyes and slaps her ex husband. She tells him that he is a selfish and egotistical man and that when he slut shames women, he does that because it is the easiest thing to do. She goes on to say that the fact that he does this reflects more about his character than the woman’s. She then takes his current wife to live with her for a few days. It was so satisfying to watch women stand up for other women


    Hey Mani-chan! I literally had to make an account after over six years of lurking in this site so I could ask you what is this show? I have been out of loop from Indian shows for a while, this sounds so refreshing.


      It’s called Patiala babes: everyone’s mom watches it 😉 I love the police officer in it and the daughter as well.
      I have some issues with this show but mostly I find it refreshing and pleasant.


        Same. Even though I have some issues with the show it pales in comparison to the issues I have with the rest of Indian television. Also it’s writing is refreshing and offers something new


      Wow I got somebody to make an account. This actually feels like an achievement
