*Insert weekly post about crying over Nokdu Flower here.*


    I agree – it is getting so hard to watch how the younger brother is spiraling into his own dark hell as a sniper, his older brother trying to keep it together and keep his team alive and Lady Song who is caught in the middle.
    Knowing the history of when the Chinese and Japanese get involved and the end result.
    But this show is done so well I can’t stop watching (and feeling so sad about it)


      I think the worst — and best — thing about Yi Hyun especially is that he’s clearly losing himself, and yet I understand the decisions he makes. They’re mostly wrong decisions, and turning him into a very cruel individual, but I understand why and how he’s becoming what he is. It’s heartbreaking to see him go from being so gentle and idealistic to being so disillusioned and vengeful, though. I’m both dreading and desperate for the brothers’ next meeting.


        He was aware of how awful and corrupt his father is, but instead of being able to make a change through “civilization” he is falling down the hard path of going crazy.
        But that happens to people who go through intense combat – the only way they can cope is to be as bad as the others….


          Exactly. Yoon Shi-Yoon is doing such a fantastic job of showing that trauma and how it totally changes Yi-hyun’s view of the world.


      Oh my…so it looks like Gaksital.
