Welp, I just finished Third Charm and while I’m okay with open endings (although I think they work better in movies since you are with the characters for only 2 hrs instead of 16) the way we got to that ending was a little exhausting. Oh well, this is what I get for live watching, the uncertainty of getting a satisfying ending.


    I still don’t understand why the story went all melo/ makjang/ I don’t even know on us. I thought it was being promoted as a rom-com thus why I decided to keep watching it. I should’ve been more wary when they met for the second time and gave us like 5 to 6 episodes of cute moments in like 15 minutes. Other dramas would’ve taken it slow and showed us their dates, but they just sped along to familiarity which is okay and all, just not what I expected. See, I personally watch dramas, especially rom-coms, to escape my own life a little. So, when the main character is hit blow after blow, it kinda sucks up the fun. Narratively speaking, its okay, but you should market it as so and not as something else. When I hear healing drama, I think “oh okay, I might cry. I’ll be prepared when I watch it”. When I hear rom-com, I’m ready for the cute and fluffy and only in kdramas moments. Maybe I didn’t pay attention to the marketing, but I was taken by surprise when the drama turned sad. To finish of my rant positively, I personally liked Seo Kang-joon and Esom in their roles. I feel like Joon-young did a lot of growing up throughout the drama and like they said at the end adults are still immature even when they are grown up. I feel that Yong-jae got a lot in her plate to handle and somehow got through it, but they should’ve shown her getting some professional help. The first time she ran away from the relationship was understandable in my eyes and hard because I feel like it was something I would do. Sometimes there is only so much someone can handle, and although it would’ve been awesome to have someone in your corner helping you and loving you, when you are closed off person it can be extremely hard. The rest that happened to her was just so sad, but acted so well. Overall, there were many parts that I enjoyed in Third Charm, but it was just not my cup of tea.
