I’m kind of getting an Apostle-Paul-redemption-vibe for the character of Bae Yi-kang in Nokdu Flower. Admittedly, this is not a perfect comparison, as the former came from among the elite class, but there is the common thread of former oppressor becoming a champion of those whom he had oppressed. (Baek Yi-Kang is more of the brute force acting on the orders of the establishment, but he is still no friend of the people at this point, although I believe it is due to his own identity issues.) I know that I could have picked a better example for comparison purposes, but this one just came into my head. LOL


    It’s fitting since this is very much related to religious beliefs.
    I see the same thing in relation to Paul. He was going from house to house persecuting the church and it’s followers until he was struck blind. That experience led to his conversion.
    Yi-Kang is probably on the “struck blind state” being caught and almost hung to death by the people. It’ll probably take a little while before he joined them.


      Yes, it will take some time. I like how you put it. That he is in the “‘struck blind state.'”


    Ooh, I like that comparison. I also think of Lee Kang-to from Gaksital, though he held onto his former identity as a disguise as long as he could — whereas with Yi-kang the “oppressor” identity has been forcibly and publicly “killed” and a new identity given. So more similar to Paul being struck blind, like @kiara said.


      Thank you. Yes, there is definitely similarities there as well. I just hope that younger brother will not end up pulling a Shunji on us.


        Oh no, I hope not. I can already guess that these two will wreck me, but Shunji was on another level.
