I love words. I especially love the written word. One of my favorite writers, Morgan Harper-Nichols wrote this piece and it just moved me to tears. I wanted to share it with the Beanies who need a little reminder that not being where you want to be or where you thought you’d be by now is not the end.

“May this be the season of your life that you make the effort to be hopeful and mindful of life here on the ground. There will come a day when new mountains call your name, and you will climb them at the right time.

In the meantime, remember that being on the ground is not a hopeless, lowly place. It is rich with abundant soil as the sky is rich with abundant stars. Dare to look up to the galaxy while coming alive right where you are. Allow yourself to see the possibility here.

Find life in the present moment. Find hope here on the ground, sowing seeds, even while waiting.


Love, February.