Beanie level: Water maid

Castaway Diva #10

Glad we’re finally addressing people’s concerns over BG seemingly abandoning MH at first when they first found her. Didn’t really expect the show to pull off that twist at this point (a little late imo), but still, props to you for that show! 
The preview looks nice, making me look forward to the weekend despite the underwhelming pair of episodes this week. Though I do hope the show won’t try to stick Woohak sad, heart-broken face looming in the background again this time, or else I may actually break the TV.


    The last sentence make me giggle – like the ghost hanging around the wedding feast.

    Hope the finale is good. 👍 😀


    I really liked that twist because I had rewatched the first few eps and he really DID seem against letting her move into the rooftop apartment. I assumed it was him playing long-term chess and reverse psychology with Woo-hak, but this explanation makes more sense.


Castaway Diva #5


So if I understood correctly, BG (AKA Ki-ho) has known where his father is all along? This man is like ten steps ahead of everyone else, isn’t he? Honestly, at this point, he should just straight up tell both WH and MH that he’s KH already, and ask them to just LISTEN TO HIM, before either of these idiots throw themselves in another dangerous situation.

And I’m sorry, but I won’t stand for any slanders towards BG for “being so mean to MH” or “Why is a 30-year-old man afraid of his 60-year-old dad?” anymore. MH isn’t the only priority for him unfortunately, it’s more important to him to protect his mom and brother from a literal murderer (WH especially must have been a handful because of his hero complex).

An abuser is never going to stop harassing their victim, no matter how old they get, the only way for it to end is for one of them to die, the most he was able to do was get his father fired, not even throw him in jail. What else can he do, other than hide? Because the only other option is to murder his own dad. I wanted to make this point for a while now, people want to believe what they want to believe so I never bothered. I’m glad the drama tried to spell this out as clearly as possible in this episode.

Speaking of WH’s hero complex, his self-righteousness and desire to play the hero is getting a little too much for my taste and for his own good. I hope he knows the full truth next episode so he can tone it down a little. Poor BG always looks like the villain next to Mr. Heroic over here :))

And I get Ms. Ran Joo is not the nicest person around, but the men around her a pure trash. I agree with MH, she must have been so lonely. The lipsyncing scheme is not the most morally correct she could do, but I’m still rooting for her to win against the trashy CEO and get her voice back.


    Thank you for your perspective.

    Bo-geol does seem to be following  the path of discretion is the better part of valour.
    All his motivations seem to arise from his need to protect his family.
    The preview does have him say –
    We can protect her….
    If we do that … our entire family will be destroyed.


    Thank you for saying this. WH’s hero complex is already annoying , and I am only giving him some slack because of the amnesia trope. This episode actually did clarify a lot though, what else is more obvious than casting a teenage WH who looks like N ? That family photo was a dead give away.


    I want them to Scooby-gang this already, with Mom & Dad
    I do NOT want any one of them to end up being/get set up for being a murderer. 😠


    My heart hurts so much for BG. He deserves so much peace and happiness.


Call it Love continues to be wonderful. I love how the two leads dealt with the fall out, quiet and mature. However, the side characters really bothered me and I need to get it off my chest. 
1. Haesung: First, I think the slap was a little much, especially judging by the fact that she assumed her sister was having an affair, emphasize on the word “assumed”. Second, when WJ asked for extra 2 days, HS told WJ that she’s going to do “whatever she wants” with the DJ’s revelation. Like ma’am, when have you ever NOT doing whatever you want? That’s why your younger sister felt the need to be the family’s “universe”, remember? Absolutely hilarious of her, to be honest.
2. Joon: WJ is the one who was utterly destroyed, but Joon kept running after HS to apologize and shit. I understand it was supposed to convey that HS has taken priority over WJ to him. But did it have to be particularly now? When his best friend was at her worst, was it really the time to prioritize her sisters’ feelings over her? Baffling, really. I don’t know if I should blame Joon or the writers for picking this particular moment for Joon to have an epiphany about his feelings.
3. WJ’s entirely family: I don’t understand why her family couldn’t cut her some slack. I know they were in shock, I know they were angry. I also know this show is about show don’t tell, the dialogue has always been kept at the minimum. But all I saw was them demanding her do this and that, hitting her, guilt-tripping her, even Jigu, who seemed to be very understanding, only expressed it to Joon, and didn’t say all those sweet words directly to WJ. It’s reasonable for them to not accept the relationship, I also think it was inevitable that those two need to break up. But would it kill her family to hug her once and tell her it’s going to be alright? I don’t know, it’s really bothered me seeing WJ sitting somewhere all alone processing her heartbreak, with no one, not even her BFF, to talk to. 
4. Heeja’s still the worst, no surprise there.
5. Minyoung and Sunwoo were fine this week, MY had her closure and SW tried to be there for DJ, so good for them.
In conclusion, I think I should stop being too invested in fictional people, or I might go a little crazy [😄]


    Don’t forget though that this is a family that doesn’t express emotions and vulnerabilities to each other but mostly they show loyalty and love when push comes to shove. To me Joon has been a supportive and critically inclined friend who has been there for Woojoo but he is also a man child in some ways. He has resisted being attracted to and falling for Hyeseong but is no longer able to regulate his emotions. I saw that approach to Hyeseong in that light.


    Fictional people, the great escape.


Mr. Queen #7
Can crazy-eyed cousin sit down please? I get that you like the woman but she’s married ffs! Stop being a creep!!


    Is that you straw???
    How are you ??? Are you alright???!
    Happy New Year


      Happy New Year!!
      I’m sorry but I don’t think I’m the person you looking for :((
      Sounds like we have similar name so it was easy to be mistaken.


“There is this culture where masculinity is defined by certain emotions, characteristics. I’m not fond of these expressions,” Suga tells me. “What does being masculine mean? People’s conditions vary day by day. Sometimes you’re in a good condition; sometimes you aren’t. Based on that, you get an idea of your physical health. And that same thing applies mentally. Some days you’re in a good state; sometimes you’re not. Many pretend to be okay, saying that they’re not ‘weak,’ as if that would make you a weak person. I don’t think that’s right. People won’t say you’re a weak person if your physical condition is not that good. It should be the same for the mental condition as well. Society should be more understanding.”

This is most definitely THE single best article about BTS ever (even the pics are top-notch), so I naturely I want to have this on my wall.
Anyone who’s interested in understanding BTS should really read this piece. What excellency!


    This was such a well written article. Thank you for sharing.


DYLB #14
This episode just make me think that I should not pay attention to other people\’s opinion when it comes to dramas (or anything really). Cause I\’ve realized that the only reason I don\’t want a break up was because other people don\’t want it. I was dreading the break up because I knew other people would hate it. But I never stop to think if I would hate it or not. The answer is no, when it actually happened, I did not hate it.

Having a good cry really help, I did not expect to have such an emotional reaction to a fictional couple breaking up, but I did. I sobbed really hard and my family was really concerned, but I ended up feeling much better after that, or dare I say, even looking forward to next week episode *gasp*

I understood both JY and SA. For SA, she has been on a streak of putting herself first, so I\’m not surprise that she made the decision to release herself from the miserable relationships she was in (with the violin and JY). JY himself said that she should put her happiness first, she just took his advice. Which was exactly why JY couldn\’t say anything to hold on to her. She flat out told him that being with him made her unhappy, knowing JY\’s personality, I just knew he would never held her back after hearing that .

I know many felt frustrated about JY not sharing. But with all the emotional abuse he\’s been experience his whole life, I\’m not surprise that he didn\’t know how to healthily deal with the things that was happening in his life, which was A LOT. SA had a stable home life, had her father and her sister giving her advice, had her best friend\’s shoulder to cry on (DY and MS has redeemed themselves this week, may be they could teach JK and HH a thing or two on how to be friends. Okay probably just HH, Sourface is beyond saving, she can go to hell). What did JY have? Nothing. No one. Nada. No one in his life was capable of telling him what to do, of guilding him to the right direction, of offering him a shoulder to cry on. People don\’t magically gain social experience and emotionaly intelligence out of nowhere. I really, really hope he learn from this break up.

SA will be fine after the break up, turns out she actually has a functional support system and has proved herself to be quite strong emotionally. On the other hand, same thing can\’t be said about JY, so I hope his \”support system\” (or whatever the hell they are) can step up their game for this one occasion.
(Not Sourface, she needs to dissappear and GROW UP)


    Most, if not all, kdramas have a break up but for once we got one that made sense to me. I’ve been screaming all week about how I was dreading a break up but I actually enjoyed it, narrative wise it makes sense and goes well with our characters. They need some time to sort themselves out.

    But just enough Show, don’t go 1 year crazy on me because then we’ll have a word.


      One year time skip? I can still handle that, but trying to fix everything in the last 5 minutes? Nightmare!


    I too, cried. And eventually moved out after a few good mins of boxing 😅
    Here’s to hoping a good finale (good being not too rushed just because) *sighs
    I just want JY and SA to be happy 🙃


DYLB #13
1. This show and its little twists. Remember ep 8? When they took us on a ride and I was so convinced (for 2 minutes) that it would end on a bad note and then it didn\’t and we\’re all puddles? Ep 13 basically pulled the same thing. After ep 10 and ep 12 broke my heart, I was watching ep 13 dreading for it to end terribly (again) at the coffee date (gosh, imagine the melt down if it did). And then they went on and showed SA catching Sourface at JY\’s apartment building, I swear I was about to faint. And then, SA spoke and I was simultaneously jaw-dropping and fist-bumping.

2. My girl SA was on fire last night, thank god for her! Otherwise I don\’t think I could survive another episode without a bottle of Xanax. Tbh, all of us saw SA ditching Duster coming, but to go on one step further and telling Sourface to f*ck off? Yes, SA, go claim your man! Don\’t ever hand him over to the devil! My god, that was therapeutic.

3. Honestly, I\’m not mad at the ep, I\’m just sad. I know all of this is *kinda* necessary for development, but would it killed them to just give us one cute moment?

4. Also, I\’m a bit confused, but did Sourface try to blackmail JY into relationship with her??? What is wrong with this bish? Drama, please make up your mind about Sourface, don\’t try to make her sympathetic and THEN make her pull this crap. My head is spinning @@

P/S: Damn you KMJ for making me cry 😭


DYLB #11
This was so satisfying and wholesome I felt like crying by the end of it!

1. I\’m living for SA and JY healthy and mature relationship. SA has always been honest, so that\’s a given, but JY\’s started to open up too, slowly and surely, and since we\’re all been waiting for it, the moment felt so earned!

2. How much did I love the way they made a whole ep to make a point about them holding hands? They never did before, but now that it happened it all just happened so naturally. I love that it happened after already kissing several times, cause as much as I love the kisses (and desperately hoping for more), the hand holding felt more intimate and solidified their relationship.

3. And I thought I could not squee any harder, they served us the sleeping on the bus scene and I died…

4. Surprise, surprise! None of the toxic friends got on my nerves today *gasp* I even cheered for Sourface when she duked it out Professor Duster. See JK, see how much good you can do when you focus the negative energy on people who deserve it :O You have my full permission to chew that bitch head off.

5. With that said, I\’m not sure if I like the direction they are going for JK/HH. Show, not matter how many cute flashbacks you showed me about them, you cannot make me forget the fact that their relationship has turned toxic. Are we sure them getting back together is healthy for their personal development? But then again, I barely have the energy to care, as long as they stay away from OTP, they can do whatever *shrug*

6. Simon was insufferable, but I supposed only someone as detached and heartless like him would be cruel enough to just break the truth to SA. And she knew he was right. But that bitch really need to fix his attitude, just treat other people with a little bit of respect and decency! It\’s not that hard?!

7. And my dear SA, even though it is true you are late with the violin, you are NOT late with JY okay? Didn\’t you see how he\’s a thousand times happier when he\’s around you? Didn\’t you know that you\’d already known him better, in a span of a few months, than people who knew him for years?

8. Plus, by now, I think it\’s pretty clear for JY (and us) that his feelings for JK was not exactly love like he thought. This, what he\’s feeling right now with SA, is love. I hope someday SA knows that too.

9. Park Joon Young is officially the best, softest, swooniest boyfriend ever. He may be my favourite male lead this year. I love him so much, please don\’t break his heart, show *sobs*

10. Am I the only one don\’t bother by them talking to each other in formal language? I understand that speaking in banmal shows that they are close and what not, but I don\’t think they need banmal to make that point. They\’re already felt intimate enough and speaking in banmal to each other at this point just, idk, not fit with their personalities? May be that\’s just me, but I actually found them talking like that really endearing.

11. Excited for Meet the family 2.0 and Umbrella scene 2.0. But I will not be fooled by the cute, show; it\’s the even-numbered episode, my dudes, prepare for the angst *hold me pls*


    When he held her hand and then went further and interlaced their fingers i died so so sweet and then he laid his head on hers on the bus. How are they so adorable and mature at the same time?


      He’s so sweet it’s almost impossible! And he cherished her so much. I really wish that she understood how much he loves everything about her, it would’ve helped her to be more confident in herself.


    I was waiting for him to kiss SA’s forehead or something but it may be bad for my heart which is about to burst! I love them so much!!!



    Joon Young ONLY SMILES when he is with Song Ah — to the point that it radiates so much I think he smiles a lot to Song Ah IRL! *squeeeeeeee

    I love that Joon Young is the boyfriend who is sweet enough to say THANK YOU to her girlfriend. I am getting tired with male leads who keep on saying SORRY instead of TYs to their female leads. It shows how genuine his feelings are with Song Ah. You know, he does not need cheesy words, it just shows. Yaaa, what a great boyfriend. *me.jelly, hahahaha


    8. I think JY pretty much confirmed this in that restaurant scene, when he said that it was also his first time to feel this way. Wasn’t that his 3rd confession, now?


    Yeah I really hope they don’t put Jung Kyung and Hyun Ho back together again. Maybe as friends but after that break up? Seriously?

    And I agree with the banmal, I think it would be weird for them to switch so quickly because their personalities are the kind to open up slowly. Maybe at the end of the drama will it happen and I don’t mind one bit.

    Also I’m expecting some tough waves up ahead for the end of episode 12. I suggest everyone put on a life jacket and brace themselves for the angst that is coming.


DYLB #10
OMG the angst! I hardly can handle it.

1. That suitcase is giving me anxiety. Up until yesterday, I was satisfied with JY just tucked it away in his closet, but now I really need him to, idk, burn it? Throw it to the deep deep ocean? Sometimes I feel like I’m SA with all the overthinking and insecurities flaring up all over the place.

2. Speaking of insecurities, I actually don’t think the issue in the last scene was about JY moving on from JK, it’s about SA’s inferiority complex. Cause so far, JY has done everything he could to assure her of his feeling, that he’s committed to her. But she needs to meet him half way too, she needs to gain confidence and go fight for him! Kick that bitch in the face and go claim your man girl! I have confident that since the drama has raised the issue, they are going to address it eventually. Here’s hoping for organic character development, and soon *finger crossed*

3. The same goes to JY. JY, sweetie, you have been doing great as a boyfriend, being there for her and listening to her and comforting her. How about doing the same for yourself? Sharing and let her comfort you too. I know you can do it!

4. Also, it amused me greatly that JY’s totally aware that SA loved the violin more than him? Like 1) She was so ready to fight when she thought he asked for the violin, and he let out this knowing laugh (I don’t blame her tho, after the event in ep 7, it’ll be awhile before she trust him with the violin again). And 2) Did you see him grinning after being compared to the violin, he was SO happy when MS told him that SA might love him *just as much* as the violin.

5. All the selfish friends can fall off the face of the earth for all I care. I despite the whole lot. None of them deserve our wonderful little beans. I mean do they really need them? They can be both friends and lovers to each other at the same time, who cares about the rest?

6. But apparently, cute beans love those friends so much. As much as I want my cute beans to just drop those toxic people, I’m afraid they won’t be able to do it *sob*

7. I’m glad there were some *positive* development between JY and his teacher this week, at least things seemed to be working out on this one relationship for JY. I let out a huge sigh of relief, one can only handle so much stress.

8. SA’s teacher on the other hand, someone please remove SA far and away from that evil witch, please! I’m dreading what’s about to go down. I don’t know where this story line will go, I just know I will not like it.

5. No sexy english this week, but we got JY’s sexy stares and JY sexy back. I’m definitely not complaining. (I may have been staring at this gif I made for an unhealthy long amount of time)


    am wityouuu what with that suitcase, the whole lot of their friends (making our OTP less showy of their dimples this ep, haha) AND YES! SA, no need to feel inferior over JK! You said it here and I couldn’t agree more! Ima fight anyone who’d make SA cry anymore soon!


    Yes to all! These friends were hurt so they wanted to hurt others as well. Although I don’t hate Minseong (I can’t hate her cause she reminds me of my younger self), I acknowledge that she’s selfish. SongAh didn’t do anything to break them up so the anger is unwarranted.


    Inspired by IOTNBO, why don’t we pack all the annoying side characters into a suitcase and then toss them overboard? #thisiswhathappenswhenletseatcookiesturnsdark


    Ever since the evil witch mentioned that Song-ah had to collect money for the expensive meal, I’ve been waiting for her to stick Song-ah with the bill. And now I’m waiting for her to bill her for the unsold/unpaid-for concert tickets as well. When is Song-ah going to dump her and go back to Kyunghoo?


First of all, the title of the episode was very apt (Dolce = Sweet), I got cavities watching the cute beans. They\’re precious, but that\’s for another post. Now? I have to rant.
(Pls check the reply cause it quite long and spoilery, ofc, if you interested ;))
I have a feeling I\’m gonna regret this rant, but I\’m angry and I need to let it out, so if you excuse me:


    I’ve had it up to HERE with all the awful people in JY’s life. Like I get that they all had their own problems, but why is everyone’s acting like JY is their punching bag? He just took it without complaining and those people thought it was okay to treat him like trash???
    I mean, they’re either bitter and resort to take out their frustration on JY, or blame him for their problems.

    1. The first offender is of course Sourface girl, who decided out of nowhere to turn JY’s life upside down, because apparently she realized she could never reach his place? Or something. What made me laugh was her saying “It’s my business” after JY asked her to set the fact straight to HH. Like seriously woman, you still had no idea how much of a mess you had left JY with? How you practically had ruined the one meaningful friendship he’d ever had, the one he tried so hard to preserve for the last 10 years??? You still thought this was about you???
    Actually that’s about it for her, she didn’t get on my nerve too much other than that. She actually took the jjoonssong couple dating news pretty well, so there’s some growth there, I give her that. And she was miles better than these two below.

    2. Professor Yoo, I probably need some time to think about him, but for now, I’m irritated. Like I get it professor, I understand that you’re frustrated that people think you amount to nothing without JY, but that’s not his fault okay? I also get that JY can be a little wishy washy sometimes, but couldn’t you just try and be a nurturing teacher just for a little bit? What’s with the emotional abuse? And to think he still not willing to bad mouth you to anyone ever.

    3. The real trigger for me this episode was HH though. Like I get it, he was heart broken and he still devoted Sourface very much, well good for him, whatever. I mean I barely care about Sourface so why should I care if he still loves her or not. But other than that, you know what he was? A sh*t friend.
    Ugh, I’ve been trying to sympathize cause he had it hard with the break up, so I gave him a pass when he told JY to leave the country, but he really, really tried me this time.
    Like I’m sorry dude, but JY’s relationship was for him to decide, who did you think you are, berating him for announcing it to the world? Why the hell did he have to value you ex’s feelings over his own and his actual girlfriend??? If anything, that woman should have been the first one to hear about it, so she knew when to stop.
    I mean what’s with this attitude like this is all JY’s fault? Your relationship failing has nothing to do with him, if you have a problem, take it to the one who did wreck it, which is your ex, who you, for some reason, still desperately trying to protect? And you are being nasty to the guy who, after listening to you asking him to leave the country, still cared about your fan’s freaking settings at night!!! You think you can walk all over him just because he takes it without saying anything??? *headdesk*


      I couldn’t for the life of me remember when is the last time this dude was actually acting like a supportive friends, he either telling JY to leave the country or berating him for his relationship problem. The only time they actually talked was when he had this face of “I’m only tolerating you now cause your mom is in the hospital”. I tried to understand him then because he probably felt betrayed cause he thought JY and JK had done something behind his back. Come to think of it, if he was truly JY’s friend, he would have known that JY would never do anything that despicable!
      Idk, this friendship felt very one-sided and it’s bothering me so much.

      No wonder jy doesn’t know how to share his problems, no one has ever encouraged him before, cause these people? Apparently, none of them give a damn.
      I would like for him to just cut all these breed of people loose (may be keep Director Cha, she’s an angel), but he won’t because he cares about all of these awful, awful ppl, he needs them, cause they’re all he has. So he just takes all of their cr*p, probably thinking he deserves it. God, if anyone on or off screen ever chided him for anything, I swear I will freaking lose it.


        (Those three are not the only ones, but I’m so tired right now so I probably will bitch some more later if I have the time). Gosh this drama has it fair share of awful, awful people.


          For starters the Professor Yoo flashbacks were extremely confusing. At one point I was lost and didn’t know if this was the present or the future. But I take it as bad editing. Nonetheless, he’s a jerk for taking out his insecurities on JY. You’re a grown man, sir.

          Yes though! How is JY a magnet for all these toxic people!? I’m most disappointed at HH though. The person who was his “friend.” Last week I thought he was being a better person and I was this close to rooting for him. But he’s a terrible friend and completely disregards JY’s feelings/thoughts. Like bro, if JK isn’t up in arms about JY dating then why are YOU? *flips table*

          Also, how sad is it for JY to say he never shares his troubles because that won’t fix them. How jaded and abandoned has he lived that he thinks this way? Sharing one’s struggles, 95% yes I just made up that number but you get the idea of the time is simply for solidarity. Just having someone say it’s going to be okay and supporting you gives you the strength to keep moving forward and to look positively towards the future. Give JY a break.

          And get Professor Duster away from Song Ah.


            Yes, SA might just be the saving grace for JY, finally he’s found someone who cares enough. I will cry the moment he does it.
            Haha, Professor Duster, I’m going to call her that from now on.


            The flashbacks were confusing too, had to rewatch those scenes twice to get it. It was just thrown to us without any heads up.

            All of your rants @stberry are spot on right. HH is the worst of them all, at least prior to the flashback of the prof. We already know most of the professors in the school are trash so it’s no news but I don’t think anything can redeem HH for me at this point.

            Professor duster should open a cleaning service that’d be better profession for her😄, she’s just as horrible to all the students I guess like when Hae na was with her also. I just hope SA is able to escape that POS soon.


          This is why I can’t watch the show. There are just too many toxic people and our leads have nowhere to turn too because both of them are dealing with shitty friends and shitty professors. Its just too stressful.


The episode was an… interesting experience. I was getting FoS level of anxiety watching it. Like OTP was so awkward with each other, not the kind of cute awkward we all love, the frustrating kind that, it felt like they didn\’t get each other, not even once, the whole time! And then it escalated to actual quarrelling and I sat there watching it hiding behind my pillow.

And then, AND THEN, he said it. He said it four times! When he finally said it I lost my damn mind, and I forgot everything that happened before. Everything was a bit fuzzy, but I do think I want to make some points:

1. I actually didn\’t hate Sourface girl this whole episode! She was actually being helpful for one. I love that despite the personal conflicts, the girls didn\’t let that get in the way of their profession. SA genuinely wanted to learn and sourface genuinely wanted to teach. Isn\’t it ironic that JK may turn out to be the teacher that SA\’s been looking for this whole time? It looked like SA herself realized this too. Cause I\’m thinking SA can be so much better if she has some real guidance, not the bs the university has been throwing at her this whole time. So yeah, I hope JK gets in as a professor and SA gets more opportunities to learn from her. And if JY playing with her can achieve this then so be it.

2. Speaking of that, I\’m glad at least this time she wasn\’t ordering JY to do it for her, but sincerely asking him for a favor. See sourface girl? That wasn\’t so hard.

3. About the lovers quarrel at the end, I can sort of understand both sides. I mean the moment he agreed to help JK, he immediately went to SA to explain his decision, I can\’t think of any better way to do it though? He knew she\’s anxious about JK so the first thing he did was to explain it to her, he couldn\’t be more clear that he\’s doing it as a friend, I also can see why she\’s upset, cause she had expectations when waiting for him, and hearing him talking about JK must have felt like a whole bucket of ice to the face. I mean, this was a romantic relationship, quarrelling like that is pretty normal, no? They even kissed and made up in the end just like every other couples ever.

4. Anyway, I\’m aware that kissing and confessing cannot fix everything, they need to keep communicating and resolving their (many, many, many) issues. However, I do hope that the precious little beans don\’t get too much criticisms, cause that breaks my heart. (*sigh* I\’m getting way too invested again).

5. I wouldn\’t hold my breath though, kdramas have high tendency to ruin my favourite characters for the sake of dramas, then said characters get all the sh*t and I\’m sad for them, it\’s exhausting.

6. One thing I don\’t understand is why JY got so mad at SA for saying they were not at the same level. Idk, him getting mad at her at that moment was very strange? I don\’t get it. Can someone please explain it to me? Thank you in advance!

7. Kim Min Jae\’s english was very sexy, it hit me like a ton of bricks, I have not recovered from it. The kissing skills also didn\’t help. So yeah, I guess I\’m having a celebrity crush *swoon*

8. HE SAID IT FOUR TIMES! *scream*


    You pretty wrapped up the whole episode perfectly!! Indeed, JK (for the first time), I felt her sincerity when she was teaching SA. Actually this was the time I was covering my face with my pillow because I was expecting a catfight or something a let-down for our girl SA! But hey, that was well portrayed by our girls! Ha!

    And yes, JY (KIM.MIN.JAE!) soooo sexy speaking in english! I love his confidence in speaking so because I think thats what other Kstars lacked (not actually the knowledge of the language itself but owning it, for reals!)

    PS. Am I the only one hating the dude who is now acting JY manager instead of the other noona? I refused to say anything about him earlier thinking he is a minor role but then boom! He is more annoying than ever cause he has a lot of scenes more than JY’s mom! from his mom, gee!! 😅


      Right! I was also wonder where his mom had gone. I hope we get some update next week.
      That dude was so slimy, I really didn’t expect him to be quite as nasty. I mean he got his points, but still nasty nevertheless.


      That guy has always been a snake. Remember how he got joon young to do that talk show and now we know that he also went behind everyone’s back to complain about that talk show exactly just to get his aim.
      Seems like he’s about to take over the hate from jung kyung.


        I think so too! JK may have the dramatic character growth in this story. And yes, Gosh that dude, mr park is he? The nerve! The way he talked back to that noona-nim, he just threw away years of being his boss/coworker. I was shocked in the turn of events! I hope that SA and JY be surrounded with people who will support them, not be with selfish people 🙏🏻


      I hate the wannabe manager too.


    6. I think it all goes down to his exhaustion (I don’t know how else to describe it) with playing the piano. All his life he’s been told he has to reach a certain level, they compare him to other pianists all the time, his professor has been talking about it every time he gets a chance. I feel like he knows he has to be at that level to win, for financial reasons, but he’s really sick of the whole competition environment. It’s to the point where playing the piano is a burden, which is unfortunate. Also, I think he was just really trying his best to move things along with Song Ah (like asking her about her schedule and asking her to have lunch/dinner with him) but then he has all these external forces pressuring him and telling him she’s beneath him. So I feel like it was one of those moments where it was simply the last straw and although I do think he was being sincere when he expressed his dissatisfaction at hearing her talk about “levels” I also think he had a lot bottled up from those past few days and he “exploded.” Which is good. Communication is key and I understand why he would feel upset at the girl he likes, not just anyone, but Song Ah (!) mention not being at his level. Likewise, there’s nothing wrong with her opening up and expressing herself. This dilemma was bound to happen and I hope they discuss it more thoroughly in future episodes.

    7. I must agree to this too! I often cringe at English in kdramas but KMJ is the best I’ve heard so far I believe.



      6. Hmm, that sounds about right. But I still thought him getting mad and leave first was a bit harsh, she was not feeling particularly well with all the levels talk, I wish he could be a bit more gentle with his response. Then again, I’m glad that they were voicing out their opinions on topics, not sweeping them under the rug.


        Yeah it probably would have been best if he stayed to talk it out with her. Also, with how he asked her how she’d been when he called her, the phrase in Korean makes it sound like they hadn’t talked in days. That would be the second time this happens! Where they have a disagreement of sorts and distance themselves. It’s definitely something that needs to be addressed if they’re going to push forward with a relationship. I hope once Joon Young’s defense walls are taken down, he’ll also learn how to listen a little more and acknowledge others’ feelings even if he doesn’t necessarily understand them. But I feel like he’s going to reach his limit soon though and that’ll be a catalyst for a change in him and his overall perspective at life and his music. I just want them to be happy!


        6. I agree with you. I get that he was exhausted, but I thought it was a bit too harsh. I kept thinking that the power imbalance is already on his side, so taking this out on her just makes it even more unfair. I think that hearing Jung Kyung voice her insecurities helped him understand SA a little better, too.


      Though, I had to give it to JY because I think its the first time (2nd time when he was confronting JK) he is trying to express his emotion. Though, knowing this character, he can not fully express (yet) his feelings which I think turned out that he is just plainly mad. But I get it, he grew up people saying he is in a different level and stuff, and I guess, SA (whom now we knew he likes so much!!!) talking about them 2 being completely in a different levels (I mean, again!) already hit home and boom! Boy got mad! I think JY is trying hard to be as expressive as SA, which I think is a huge step towards in an open communication between these 2 lovely leads 😍😍


        Baby steps! He’s working on it!!


          Looking forward to him finally facing head on – his parents, (that darn) mentor (who I can not forget being that evil, abusive character in prison playbook, omg!!) and his future in music! Cheering him on!!


    Loved reading your thoughts!

    It seems like Jung-kyung was actually the first person who looked at Song-ah and saw her as a violinist. Nobody bothered to teach her properly because she wasn’t the level they want. Joon-young called her a violinist but thay doesn’t count since he’s never even seen her play.

    Joon-young getting mad was quite off for me too but maybe that’s because I was thinking in Song-ah’s shoes. He just might have been done that day with people talking about levels and how he should base his relationships on that.

    Omg every I like you made me scream an octave higher.


      You’re right! He has never seen her play before, why hasn’t that happened yet? I hope he gets to see her play soon, playing together is even better.

      And yes, I think we’re all tend to see things in SA’s perpective more, cause she’s more of an ordinary person like us hence more relatable. At least more than the tortured genius that is JY. I do sympathise with him (like a lot), but I don’t necessary understand him sometimes.


    Aw, you summed it all up very well, and with a very understanding and thorough perspective! Had a lovely time reading this. I think I’m gonna have to screenshot it and read it again once the drama is over.


    About number 6, he said he was tired of hearing of that from people all the time. For example, his darned professor. Keeps talking about how he has to keep a distance from that low class violin girl he’s supposedly seeing. And he mentions it in one way or another every single time Joon Young is in his office.

    Also, at the beginning of the drama, around the time when they first met…at the company dinner when the team had said they should be friend, Song Ah said that she couldn’t because he a celebrity. He seemed a bit saddened by that.

    So it’s clear that he really doesn’t like being treated as someone who’s of this supposedly higher unreachable level.

    Ofc Song Ah also gave her perspective about being at very very bottom…and he needed to hear her side of it all. But that could have been the end of it. But then she brought the relationship into it. I totally understand her because she just came back from hearing Hae Na’s snarky and jealous comment. But I also understand why he would feel very upset about it.

    Also, I’d like to point out that he wasn’t rude. He communicated in the way that Song Ah always does. Direct, and to the point, without being mean. He even said very politely, “I’m sorry but I think I’ll have to go first.” Song Ah had done the same thing in a previous episode when she was offended by him not sharing his troubles with her.


      You putting it like that makes me feel a bit better about that bit. I was a little disappointed in him when he got mad, cause normally he had always been so sweet and considerate.


        Aw I’m glad! It just makes me so sad seeing everyone (understandably to a degree) disappointed in him. They’re both so precious and trying so hard.


    I’m not really watching the show but I am keeping myself updated about it. It came to me as a pleasant shock that JK taught SA. If these two can manage to keep things professional then it’s a win-win situation. Also KMJ can steal my heart and then stomp on it for all I care. He is truly amazing. I am so glad he took this project cause it’s really giving him a chance to shine


      Yes, JK is applying for a professor position, so they got a tutor session together. I certainly hope that she gets it so the two ladies can have more oppotunities working together. This potential direction for their relationship is very refreshing!


I love this episode
It may seemed like nothing super dramatic or explosive happened, but at the same time there was so much happening, so much development! We got cute swoony dates, we got angsty dramas, we got break ups (okay just 1), we got supportive girlfriends, we got (2) lovely father-daughter moments (1 of which completely blind-sided me and I appreciate it) and we got honest and candid conversations.
1. I really loved the way JY respond to SA\’s confession. It would be too soon for him to say yes and too cruel, and, idk, untrue (?) to just flat out say no. He explained to her why he was not ready and ask her to wait. We stan an honest, sensitive and respectful man!
I understand that many felt frustrated that he couldn\’t give her the clear answer, but I truly feel bad for the man, he has so much on his plate already that I feel like expecting him to be a perfect model boyfriend is just too much. I hope SA can be patient and teach him how to improve on his relationship skills because…
2. That girl was such a queen. She was adorable and sweet, but also firm and honest. For someone who was supposed to be meek and shy, she sure had a lot of spines, both with the violin and with JY. She always spoke her mind, got straight to the and never let an issue went unaddressed. I loved that she asked him \”Is there room for me?\”, cause that question was not only for her, but it\’s something he need to ask himself too. Also, I want her entire wardrobe! We stan a strong, independent and fashionable queen!!
3. This ep has like multiple conflicts arised between the OTPs, and I could not be anymore happy that they did not let the conflicts brew over time. He made efforts to explain himself and she made efforts to communicate her stance. So even though they are not \”together\” together, I\’m truly satisfied with how healthy and functional their relationship already is. Let\’s hope they keep it that way.
4. I have to admit I did not care for HH all that much, but I appreciate his resolve to move on this ep. He knew he deserved better and finally decided to cut the sourface girl loose, good for him! Kim Sung Chul has been serving some serious skills so far, I\’m impressed!
5. I also really loved that this drama makes effort to add dimensions to the characters. Love or hate them (ugh, I\’m looking at you, sourface girl), you\’re sure cannot claim that they are flat. In this one ep only we got to see 2 fatherly moments from the girl\’s fathers, they were not perfect, but they cared and they tried, loved that. Then, I liked that this interaction between MS and SA, she\’s actually curious about SA for once. I appreciate more insight into Grandma\’s thoughts and some info about Director Cha\’s personal life (she and Professor Yoo?!? Did not see that one coming). And where are they going with Haena? I look forward to learning more about other characters, like DY or the teachers.

Ahhh, there are so much to say, I cannot wait for the weecap!


    Just great that both characters are willing to be honest with each other which already speaks volume about their relationship. There’s a lot of trust and respect for each other. Neither want to see the other hurt, but also know what they need. For Joon Young, it’s time to resolve and process everything, and for Song Ah, it’s communication from Joon Young so she knows where she stands. Urgh I love our OTP too much.


    I really like how, wherever they’re at in their relationship, they genuinely seem to delight in each other’s company. A walk together, a chat about whatever, some ice cream – they can just be in that moment and enjoy it for what it is. No pressure, no pushing, just a “this is where we’re at,” and genuinely taking the moment for what it is. It’s mature and refreshing.


(Sorry for the incoherent word vomit below)
Gosh, this show, they like to play with my emotion, don\’t they? I cannot believe in less than 24 hours, they have turned me from being beyond happy to beyond stressed.

I\’m stressed for SA because this grad school thing is giving me bad vibes, her violin career has been struggling enough, I don\’t think it can handle more stress pouring on to it. Also cause she\’s bound to be heart broken because her object of affection is 100% not ready for a relationship.

By that I meant JY, cause I\’m even MORE stressed for him. Every aspect of his life is a messy mess, almost everyone in his life is out to make him miserable, the so called \”family\”, \”sponsor\”, \”mentor\” and \”friends\” (JK is no question, but even HH got on my nerves sometimes, both of them do not deserve JY). Seriously, everyone is out to get him and he\’s stuck, cannot get out of any of those situation, since he\’s just too nice. (Shout out to Team Leader Cha though, compare to all of these human beings, she seems like a freaking saint).

All of this messy mess scares me, like not counting external forces circling around, based on JY himself alone I don\’t think he\’s ready for a serious relationship with SA. His emotional state is all messed up due to years of being used and manipulated, as the show goes on I\’m more convinced that for now he does not know how to navigate a healthy relationship. I honestly don\’t know how I want him to respond to SA\’s confession, cause either yes or no, she\’s bound to get hurt one way or another.

I don\’t blame JY, I felt bad for him, he\’s just want to be nice to a girl, grew to care about her and wanted to see her often because she made him happy, I honestly don\’t believe he was trying to lead anyone on. But now the girl is catching feelings and he\’s bound to get even more stressed, cause he\’s definitely gonna be even more miserable if he ended up hurting SA.

Also, I for one do not believe that one can have healthy relationship if their lives are in financial mess, so seeing characters facing in financial troubles gives me serious anxiety, sometimes even more than relationship troubles. I honestly don\’t know how JY have been handling all of this without going insane @.@

Anyway, I hope the writer knows what they are doing and let JY/SA grow and learn how to navigate and untangle their messy lives and relationships. But it\’s a kdrama after all and I need to manage my expectations. We\’ll see.


FoS2 #8
After watching this episode, I suddenly have this theory about who kidnapped SDJ (in the comment below).


    I thought it could be the surviving student in the drowning case:
    1. The focus on the culprit’s hand reminded me of the 1st ep where they also focused on the student’s hand. Many have said that the fingers of the culprit were slender, so it could be a female, but I thought it could apply to a young boy too!
    2. It seemed like the hooded figure in ep 8 was triggered by the online comments. A teenager would be easier to be irritated by online comments, me think.
    3. He was triggered, hence the message to taunt the police. And I also thought the message did sound a bit childish.
    4. I still have some doubts, since the kid didn’t seem to fit the physical description (well built, strong enough to carry SDJ)

    Also, I think this could be an interesting twist if there is a (somewhat) unrelated culprit, unwittingly expose a lot of shady business/people?

    Plus, many of us have been questioning the significance of the drowning case to the plot, so this could be a nice way to tie it all up!


      I can buy your theory. Not totally nuts. I also noticed they were focusing in the hand.


      yup possible..

      i am still sticking to my gut feel of ep 1 murder of the boys (not drowning) coming in to tie in with all of this..

      and there will definitely be a group or a couple working together!..unlike lone man show in s1. and corrupt folks this time would be for the wrong reasons , not the right/misconstrued reasons as s1


      It might be possible if Dong-jae visited the kid and he was taken hostage in the kid’s house. It might be far fetched but the area where the car was found doesn’t have CCTV and Dong-jae’s GPS record was missing on the day he was kidnapped. So the kid could drive the car there and set up the scene.


FoS2 #6
When I said my heart sank at the ending, it was an understatement 💔


    He only disappeared, right? They cannot write him off this early, right??


      So far the preview says that he did. Also, little blood? so please let it end with kidnapping


        We have all dreaded this possible outcome cause they have been focusing on him a lot this season, I just didn’t expect that it happened this early.
        But it actually gives me some hope, maybe this time it will just stop at kidnapping and they won’t actually shock us with an actual lifeless body 😥


Not gonna lie, I’m extremely dissappointed, they really butchered the FL’s character just like that, huh? The first break up was justified a bit cause she did need time to process her newly regained memories and all that. But this? She went back on her words and it was all pointless 😒
It really was her habit of running away when things get hard, but what was the point of her still running away this late in the game? Where is the character development??
I mean I would have been fine if she left because she needed to save her career and they still attempted a long distance relationship or something. It’s not that hard?

At least the cinematography was still pretty great. The last scene was nice, even though I hate how we got there, I love that they managed to incorporate all of the signature colors in one scene:
– Their signature colors on each side of the road – Yellow on her side and Blue on his side
– Green trees – combination of yellow and blue – representing them as a couple
– Her red car – calling back to the times love coming into his life
Point is, that last scene accompanied by the amazing OST did hit me right in the kokoro, so they still have some of their mojo left, I guess (I still hates the stupid writing tho)


    So, my two cents – I don’t think they butchered here character terribly. (For the record, I hate noble idiocy.) I think that Ha-jin left not because of how hard it was, necessarily, but because I think for the first time she was really aware of how impactful memory was to Jung-hoon. It’s like she said when she left him that last time – she didn’t want him to remember her crying. She knew that if they were together now it would be harder for both of them. And maybe they could weather that storm, and the next one, and the next one. But they would also be piling bad memory on bad memory for him. Whereas she and others forget – he can’t. He was able to move on from his first love, but we know he can’t forget her. We know that even if they are happy, he can’t forget the hard times after Seo-yoon’s death too, even if he has moved on. Add to this that the nature of the gossip will force him to confront the one thing that he has finally been able to put behind him. It’s reopening a nearly healed wound. By leaving him, completely, Ha-jin makes it so that both sets of memories – theirs together, and his with Seo-yoon – are untainted by this “scandal”.

    Unlike before, where she was fine with people talking about her, we see that Ha-jin has grown from the start of the drama; in the beginning she didn’t care who got caught up in scandals with her, or how they were affected, and was totally selfish. Awesome for not giving a crap, yes, but selfish too. Here she can protect the memory of her friend and the man she loves by removing herself, for now, from the picture.

    I don’t love it, but I get it. Plus, we still have 1 episode left for things to wrap up.


      Thank you, you putting it that way makes me feel a little better about the development. I just wish they tried to explain her intention a bit better? The dialogue in the farewell scene was confusing, my first reaction after the scene was just baffled, what I got from the scene was that she got scared and opted to run away. They had just agreed to weather the storm together like half an hour ago! Idk, the fact that she didn’t tell him about her leaving herself and the dialogue in that scene just make me think she was being wishy washy.

      Actually, to me, I expected them to spend time apart. Both their jobs were in jeopardy because of their relationship, not their faults, just the cruel fact. He’s already resigned, she’s losing all of her casting offers, if they stay together, I don’t think they would be at peace without any guilts and regrets. So her leaving to work abroad was a sound decision, her budding career in Korea was crumbling, and working oversea where no one cares about her private life is a sensible plan for herself. They spend time apart, building their career back up and get back together in a healthy manner. If the drama let them have a discussion and come to a decision together, then it would have been fine, the result (her leaving) would have been the same AND it would be in line with the healthy nature of their relationship.

      I do agree with your point about her growing from being selfish. I never thought about it that way actually 🙂

      Overall, I thought the break up could have been handled better. I’m still looking forward to the finale, hopefully they can wrap this up well enough 🤞


        I hope we get a bit more from Ha-jin’s perspective too, because I do think it was a bit sloppy in its execution. I think that one of them was going to put the brakes on the relationship but I also think that Jung-hoon had less at stake – he could still work in Korea, just not in front of the camera. It would have created problems in the relationship, and I think both of them knew it. He didn’t tell her until after he resigned because he knew she would blame herself. And she didn’t tell him she was leaving herself because she knew it would look like she was running away from him. Instead she did things on her own terms, and took control of the narrative in the only way she could. It would be unfair of her to ask him to leave his work in Korea. And no matter where they were, they would be criticized for being together and that would create more cracks in an already fragile relationship. I think Ha-jin did what she did so they didn’t drag the process out and create resentment. So there was really no winning.

        I love how much this show drama on the idea of memory – both how it can endure, and how it can fade, and how both can be painful but also comforting. I think that was part of what this separation was. While Jung-hoon can never forget his first love, he can let it fade a bit and choose to fully live in the present and love Ha-jin wholly. Ha-jin forgot her best friend, and she needed time to reconcile and heal from those memories, to take away the taint of the ending and recover the happy memories. I think, had there not been a scandal, they could have done these things together. But because there was, it would make both their memories of a woman they loved become tainted by the insinuations around them, even though they were untrue.


          Yes, the seperation can be sensible if the execution was better. I have just rewatched Seven Day Queen and I couldn’t help but compared it with FMIYM. In SDQ, they did a great job helping the audience understand the seperation, gosh, I wish FMIYM could have done the same. They can do it, they have been handling JH and HJ relationship so thoughfully, so much that I’m dissappointed at how sloppy this break up was done.

          It was inevitable that some sort of scandal was going to happen since they’re both public figures, the Kdrama writers just couldn’t help themselves. It’s cruel, isn’t it? No matter how you look at it, the facts really make them look bad in front of the public and tainted their memories of SY.

          Again, there so much they can do to make the break up makes sense, they just failed to do it properly. I blame the rush filming really, they just filmed that break up scene last Tuesday!! Less than 2 days before airing. No wonder it was sloppy.


    I’m still a few episodes behind but yeah the cinematography with the background colours is so good. The representation of greens and reds didn’t strike me, thanks for sharing this!


I wish I could watch them forever 🥰


Am i ever gonna shut up about them? Absolutely not!

Sometimes I think I should be more critical, because if you really think about it, FMIYM has many problems. But everytime I saw these two share a screen a my brain’s just turned to mush, might as well turn my brain off and enjoy them while the last 💛💙

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    *high five*
    This drama is turning off my logic whenever I watched it. I don’t complain, though.


      Yeah, I won’t complain either. Those two are so precious, I’m more than willing to throw all my logic away for them.


MBC released behind the scene still cuts for FMIYM. They are soooo cute 🥰


I want to WEEP about how perfect *Find Me in Your Memory* is. Half way through and everything is still so on point.
It’s funny without being too slaptick, it’s romantic without being cheesy, it’s tragic without being miserable, it’s suspenseful without being unncessary annoying or stupid. It’s heartbreaking yet heartwarming at the same time. Somehow it manage to blend every elements so incredibly well together and keep me glued to the screen.

Its premise is not something new, in fact nothing about this drama is new or unique, but it’s still SO charming. It just sucks you in with all of it old school cliché tropey glory and you’re still desperate for more.

The leads are absolutely my favourite thing about this drama. They are great actors with amazing chemistry, they seem to be worlds apart at first but somehow fit together so perfectly. They are supportive, considerate and extremely protective of each other. Their communication is great as well (if we don’t count the elephant in the room that she doesn’t know about). They are the epitome of true mature adults entering an adult relationship (yes, they keep telling themselves that it’s fake, but we all know better=))

And they give me serious butterflies, I feel like a teenager watching them. Their relationship progression is growing slowly and every step forward is so satisfying. They steal glance at each other? They smile at each other? They take a late night walk together? They promise to call each other when the get home? He’s holding her hand??? I’d be squealing my socks off EVERY.SINGLE.TIME =)))
This is how you do romance people.

This drama season has been good to me, first Weather and now this. It feels good to know that Kdrama still can make me this happy.


    I wanted to say how much I like this drama – and you’ve said it so eloquently.


      Thanks 😊 Normally I don’t talk this much, but barely anyone watches this gem so I felt the need to express some love for it.


        That’s what I was thinking! Totally agree with the butterflies 🦋 even when really small things happen.


    I am in love with this drama. I was going to post how I am so mad I have to wait A WEEK for the next episodes!

    The leads are so cute! I can’t get over it.


      Yes they are sooo precious.
      Not only we have to wait a week, but we also get just ONE episode next week!! How can I cope with only 1 episode?? 😥


        WHAT!! One episode??


          Yeah, Wednesday is election day or something so there is only 1 ep on Thursday next week 🙁


      The wait is rough.
      I actually just ‘test’ watched the first episode to see if I’d like it and ended up watching all available episodes. It was so captivating.


        I did the same thing, lol. But it was the second week. This wait is rough.


    Everything you said.. everything you said..♥️♥️


      This gem deserve so much more love for how perfect it is ❤


    UGHH. LOVE THIS DRAMA TOO! It annoys me that this doesn’t get enough love. I know it would be angst-fest but I’m so excited for her to find out, and I hope it’s soon!


      I know, right? I just figure if no one gonna praise it, then I WILL 😤
      I’m both excited and dread the angst-fest. Like this is a drama, and we need some DRAMA, but they are so precious and have been through so much I just want them to be happy!
      I don’t know if I can handle the heartbreak :((


        I know right? When he told her – she’d definitely regret it – all sorts of scenarios popped to mind. All heart wrenching.


    YES. You said it perfectly. This drama reminds me of my crack dramas from when I first starting watching kdramas. This would be sooooo bingeable if I wasn’t live watching.
