My laptop is making weird noises when I’m switching it on. How should I watch dramas 😭


    Do what I do and google what is happening. you will surely find an answer. I spilled some sake on my keyboard last week and googled how to clean the keys and voila it worked. (Also, I keep all open drinks away from my laptop now. )*facepalm*


      Glad you were able to fix it.

      I did. Apparently the fan is not working properly. But it can also be a hard drive problem. Either ways, I’m scared. What if it catches on fire? I have to call a professional. Let’s hope for the best.


        @superwhopotterlock – glad you found out what might be the problem. What did the article say to do until you get it fixed? But more importantly – did you back up your HD???
        To me, that’s the most important question other than “did you use protection???”


          Hehe, protection is important.

          No I didn’t back up 😭. That’s why I’m scared. It mostly has series and films. So worst case scenario, I’ll lose them. It’s ok. Nothing can be done. It’s written that I need to open the laptop and clean it. Which I don’t think should be done by anyone except a professional. So I’ll call for help and hope for the best.

          Thank you so much for your concern and comfort. 😘


            well good luck and let me know how it goes. My computers at home and at work are essentially my life and I’d be lost without them – for all my photos and my drama-watching addiction – um I mean habit.
