Extraordinary You Beanies, I have a Writer suspect that I need to get off my chest in the comments.
@yyishere thank you for being my captain on the Kyung ship. I felt lonely until I found you yesterday.


    Baek Joon-Hyun, I ‘ve got my eyes on you. Yesterday on OT I brought up the idea that he could be the Writer, and while I had only my gut feeling to go on, it turned out @bbstl and @thetinyl have the same thought. So I wanted to figure out why.


      I have a feeling you could be right. I thought it was Dried Squid but it wasn’t. My predictions for next week – it’ll be a happy ending, Kyung realises how awful it is to be with a Danoh who loves him to pieces and somehow helps to get Danoh back…and I’d like to say here that I am always so moved by the Stage story between Baek kyung and Danoh, it’s just heartbreakingly sad, and even Shadow Danoh was crying, when she said, “Why is this so sad when I know it’s just the stage?” It guts me every time to see how much she loved him on stage, and how much it hurt her every time he said those cruel things to her.


      I had honestly thought that we’ll never find out the writer because that is not the direction the show is going for. I thought that the writer is just a being in another universe that has nothing to do with the manhwa except for writing it. But now I think you are quite right. JH has always been there since there giving an eery vibe. Also I think that he might be able to change the stage and control it better when he is in the manhwa. But I just think 2 episodes are way too less to explore him. Either they’ll discuss it and it’d be rushed or they’ll never explore it and leave us on a hint. This theory makes him the most complex and interesting character.


        I could be wrong, but I just want to know JH and the Writer, so his would make stuff easier. 🙂 The Writer could be a being indeed, but I am hoping for a person so that I can direct my anger at somebody :p I just fear that they will rush things or leave them unexplained as you mentioned.


    At first I thought Jin Michae was the Writer, because he kept his awareness and knowledge a secret until exposed, and opposed firmly to characters becoming self-aware and trying to change things. He was also always lurking and observing the Stage and the Shadow and it unnerved me. But as the show progressed he did open up bit by bit about his tragic experiences, and he started calling out the Writer as well. The EY writers kept his true story a secret until now for dramatic effect, but our poor fairy is merely the first heartbroken victim of the Writer.


    Now, Joon-Hyun is similar to Jin Michae in his Extraordinary You set-up, but we are nearly at the end and the guy is still just “Kyung’s little brother”. We already know that extras have more freedom in the Shadow, so writing himself into the story with little set-up makes controlling a lot easier.


    Speaking about control, I seriously underestimated him. We perceive Kyung and his dad as dangerous because they lash out and use violence. It is a knee jerk reaction out of fear to the loss of control. Kyung wants to keep Dan-Oh, his father wants to keep his business. Even Jin Michae looked suspicious because he reacted strongly out of fear whenever changes were about to occur that he could not control. I read somewhere that you should fear a calm and composed villain, because it means that they KNOW they are in full control of everything. Beanies, have you ever seen Joon-Hyun react strongly to anything?


      He reacted strongly when he tried to break up the fight between Kyung and Dad in the hospital lobby.


    Whenever something happens in both comics, it looks like he forces himself to react to it, as if he knew beforehand or does not care enough. He pleads not to change things and acts like a nice guy to make himself look harmless to others, so that he can keep them in line. His father is the best example. CEO Baek is a man you cannot disobey without getting hurt. There goes Joon-Hyun, physically restraining his dad in the Shadow to protect Kyung (?) and living to tell the tale. Or he gently warns his dad to back off or even distracts him with an innocent look whenever things are getting out of hand. Without ever losing his calm. I had chills when he just went up to Haru and casually threatened him.


    It would not surprise me if Joon-Hyun turned his real life world into manhwas. He both seems to love and resent Kyung, and writing your enemy as the despicable main character in your own story seems like a childish but plausible coping mechanism. I admit that a younger version of myself used to do that. As soon as everyone became self-aware in Flower, he decided to write another story, but his time with Kyung more in the background as to not make it too obvious. Unfortunately for him everyone became self-aware again, so he has to quickly wrap up Secret and is forced to recycling and carelessness in the process, as even some characters have pointed out. He even added Haru’s changes to the story!


      Yes, I support this very much! It’s seemed to me that he was the perfect candidate to be turning his less-than-perfect life situation into a story in order to try to gain control over it.


      I’m feeling this thought very much, except the only reason why I’m still hesitant to full commit to JH being the writer is… why add new characters if you’re still just going to focus on the old ones? Why is JH not bothering to pay attention to his new leads JD and NJ? Why not recast all the Flower folk in their old roles in a new setting and see what happens?


    When he admits to Kyung that he is self-aware, Kyung calls him out for enjoying their family set-up and the fact that it makes him suffer. Joon-Hyun, showing some guilt, replies that he never viewed the situation that way and is sure things will turn out all right. Kyung merely replies that Joon-Hyun was created by the Writer to torture him, and Joon-Hyun looks down like Kyung just exposed him. Is he the Writer? Did he feel guilty about what he was inflicting on Kyung? Or did he start panicking because things were not going the way he wanted them written (again)?


      Aaaack, you’re way ahead of me because I haven’t seen this week’s episodes yet.


    Aw. Don’t be lonely. There are a whole bunch of us, tagging
    @mayhemf @msrabbit @azzo1 @13infamyss @chasingbears @gadis @sensationalfantasy – Kyung shippers who liked Baek Kyung because he was so fascinating. Not sure whether they’re still watching…guys, are you still watching? I was very disappointed the episodes that aired after Haru remembered who he was after he came back different. They were repetitions and the Haru-Danoh romance was just so bland. Thank God they had Juda wake up to her true nasty self. She made the episodes bearable. Kyung was flawless as usual, and I got scolded for liking him because he was mean and a bad guy…the thing is, it’s not that I want Danoh to end up with him, it’s that I find his character so fascinating, his character is so layered, and not as one-dimensional as Haru’s. The writer delves so much into his inner psyche I can’t help feeling he’s the writer’s favourite creation.


      Do you think Kyung’s psyche is plumbed or is he simply a mean bad guy (almost) all the time? I’m thinking that the standard meanie with maybe a heart of gold, or a heart that Can be turned by the heroine, is pretty common. I’m pretty sure I love Kyung because of the actor, yes I’m definitely that shallow ☺️


        It might be a common set-up, but I hope it comes true in a platonical sense. Kyung could be friends with Dan-Oh, Haru, Do-Hwa and many more people, but he has to deal with his issues, let them in and open up to them first. I see potential, and that is why I want redemption for him, but I am afraid I will not get what I want.


          Yes, I just want Kyung to get the chip off his shoulder, be friends with people and go off to college a less angry guy. But you’re right, his angst is written in pretty deep (I have a bad feeling about us getting the ending we want).


      Yup I agree, Haru is a little flat but Kyung is layered. Yes, he is basically pushing DO to like her in the shadows but even other things like the reveal in last episode, it what adds more depth to his character. Also I think Ju Da’s story right now is probably the most interesting one. She likes someone else but she doesn’t want to change her fate because she will get the happy ending what so ever.


      Ehm…. I am watching the show still, but am not a Kyung shipper. In fact, I am not liking what the writer did to his character. Lee Jae Wook, I love. ❤


        Since you have been such a good Shortie Caregiver, I will forgive you this one flaw :p


          Oh my… thank you, Turtie. I have many other flaws, you know. 🤭

          Regardless of my opinion of Kyung, I will always love you. [Quoting cheesy lines like Nam Joo] 😜


      I’ve lots to nod about and add to @turtuallysarcastic‘s thoughts, but for now felt compelled to stand with my fellow Kyung-ites. 🤜🤛


    why would writer even be in the show? he is a real human being..
    at max if story must go the cliche route, writer would have created a narrator or a character,who speaks writer’s thought..

    but even that character is NOT the writer..

    that would be such an illogical angle to the story, if this drama plans to do “reveal” that one of the characters is writer


      I see what you mean, but throwing stuff at a Writer in person would make me feel a lot better than merely yelling profanities at the sky. 😉
