Coffee Prince: Tenth Cup

Oh holy frijoles this was a good episode.

I’ve been careful (I think) to indicate that I’ve been enjoying Coffee Prince, but held off on a verdict… Given a history of disappointments, I kept expectations low in starting this series; I just hoped it would be light fun. As of today’s episode, I can say with certainty that I love Coffee Prince. I was so curious to see how they’d handle the pseudo-homosexuality angle, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised.

The story works whether you see Eun Chan as a girl, of course, but also if, like me, you find yourselves occasionally forgetting and thinking she really is a male, or at least some kind of new hybrid gender. I’m telling ya, the actors are selling it, particularly Mr. Gong Yoo (Yoon Eun Hye is doing wonderfully as well, but I’m speaking specifically to the struggle with sexuality-questioning here). I actually believe Han Gyul as someone struggling with feelings of homosexuality, rather than merely thinking, “But she’s a girl so this is all moot.” It’s NOT moot — because the way they’re exploring his struggle is really rewarding for me.

(Background) SONG OF THE DAY

Arco – “Alien.” One of a few songs used in today’s episode.

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Eun Chan runs into Han Sung at a neighborhood convenience store, and they sit down for an awkward talk. Han Sung apologizes to her for startling her with his kiss, and she says she’s been having some trouble with that, too: “Should we just forget about it?” Han Sung replies he has a good memory, and she revises: “Then, should we pretend we’ve forgotten?”

Han Sung asks why they need to forget, and seems disappointed in her answer that they should, in order to be friends again. Han Sung: “Friends? You want to be friends with me?” Eun Chan readily answers yes, so he says (not totally convincingly), “So I’ve made another good friend. It feels great.”

Eun Chan tells him about Han Gyul wanting her to quit the cafe. “I guess I like him. No, I really do like him, a lot.” She asks if he’s surprised, and Han Sung says he’s not — he already sensed it. “But things are bound to get complicated, since he thinks you’re a guy. Are you going to confess to him?” Eun Chan answers, showing her insecurity: “I think it’s better to get along as a male than to be rejected as a female.”

Worried about Han Gyul, Ha Rim goes to his place and is concerned to see the place in such a wreck and Han Gyul looking so rough. Ha Rim asks what’s wrong, persisting until Han Gyul responds.

Han Gyul: “I… I like him. Go Eun Chan.”
Ha Rim: “My Chan? Come on, I like him too…”

Ha Rim trails off, realizing the implication. Stunned, Ha Rim asks if Eun Chan knows, and Han Gyul just says, “What’s there for that guy to know? Don’t worry. I’ll get over it soon.”

Ha Rim’s concern for Han Gyul puts him in an irritable mood. He sees Eun Chan’s (feigned) indifference to Han Gyul’s continued absence, and snaps at her. Doesn’t she care about their boss at all? Without knowing the full story, Ha Rim assumes that Han Gyul is alone in his personal torment, and that Eun Chan is blissfully unconcerned, so her attitude fills him with indignation.

Just as Ha Rim’s accusing Eun Chan of being rude and uncaring, Han Gyul arrives. He greets everyone but Eun Chan, whom he ignores and won’t even look at.

Eun Chan fights back tears as she tells Sun Ki, “He looks like he went through a lot of pain.” Sun Ki agrees: “Yeah, looked like it.”

Yu Ju’s considering going back to New York for work. Han Sung asks if she’s decided yet, and she replies, “Choice one, I go. Two, I wait. Three, I don’t go or wait, but we break up. Which number will it be?”

Han Sung: “Can you give me some time?”
Yu Ju: “How much? A week? Ten days?… Looks like you’ll need more than that.”

While cleaning up that night, Han Gyul and Eun Chan steal glances at each other, but Han Gyul looks away immediately every time. Ha Rim asks him: “Is it that hard just to look at him? It’s written all over your face — you’re so tense you can’t even turn in that direction.”

Eun Chan waits for him outside, but he keeps her firmly at a distance. He tells her not to hang around him, to stay away (physically), and not to concern herself with his affairs: “If you don’t like it, you can pack up and leave.” Eun Chan bristles at his coldness, and rides her scooter in front of his car, forcing him to look at her. Unable to move, he angrily honks the horn. Throwing a resentful glare his way, she leaves.

Still thinking that Eun Chan is ignorant of Han Gyul’s feelings, Ha Rim asks her what she thinks about homosexuality (she doesn’t really have an opinion on it). In a misguided attempt to help, Ha Rim prepares to go on a coffee delivery run with Han Gyul, then fakes a stomachache and calls Eun Chan to take his place.

Eun Chan keeps trying to smooth things over to maintain a friendly conversation, but that just makes Han Gyul angrier. Upset that he won’t talk to her, as soon as she gets in the car, Eun Chan turns on the radio, which he turns off. That fuels her mood, and after a brief battle over the radio dial, Han Gyul orders her out of the car. When she won’t leave, he walks over to her door and drags her out by the arm. She glares at him furiously, and asks why he’s toying with her.

Eun Chan: “You said you liked me! You said you wanted to be sworn brothers!”
Han Gyul: “Do you really want me to be your brother? Would you really like that?”
Eun Chan: “I don’t like that either. Do you think I do? You said you wouldn’t like me as a girl, that you liked me as a guy. And in a month, you’re going off to America. What do you expect me to do?”

Starting to blink back tears, she goes on: “I really liked being at the beach… I was doing fine all on my own, and you came and made me into this…” Han Gyul reminds her of the time she asked him to leave her alone so she could get over her feelings for him: “Let me borrow those words. Leave me alone.” This time, when she doesn’t follow him back to the car, Han Gyul grabs her and drags her back.

Han Gyul: “It’s only a month at most. In one month, it’s over. I’ll bear it till then, so you do the same.”
Eun Chan: “It’s over for you as soon as you leave, isn’t it? You don’t bother thinking about who you leave behind. Fine. Let’s get along for the remaining month.”

Barely able to control himself, Han Gyul tells her to shut her mouth. One more word and she’s asking to be hit.

Arco’s “Alien” (also posted up top)

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They drive in silence. Han Gyul looks over surreptitiously while Eun Chan wipes away angry tears. In a small gesture of remorse(? compromise?), he turns on the radio.

Eun Chan tells her sister (who’s annoyed that Min Yub is ignoring her, which is driving her crazy) that she and Han Gyul had a huge fight. But:

“He says I’m making things hard on him. Why am I so stupid? Thinking about it, he’s the one who’s been wronged. What did I do that gives me a right to cry, or yell? What do I do now? It really seems like he’s hurting because of me.”

Eun Sae tells her to tell him the truth.

Eun Chan: “If I tell him… I might not see him again. I’m afraid of how angry he’ll be that I lied to him. It might not be the right thing to do, but he’s going to America in a month anyway. Just for one month… just… I’ll just…”

Over the next few days, the Coffee Princes prepare for their public performance (meant as a promotion for the cafe). They start off haphazard and unskilled, but gradually manage to pull it together.

Han Gyul and Eun Chan continue not to talk. The most they can do is look at each other.

In a nicely poignant, wordless scene, Han Gyul carries dirty plates to the kitchen, where Eun Chan is washing the dishes. Slowly, he moves next to her, first washing alongside her, then using the dishes as an excuse to reach across her for closer proximity. And finally, they both reach into the soapy water — and freeze completely still, alarmed, unsure how to react to the accidental touch. Han Gyul quickly withdraws his hand from the sink and leaves.

While setting up for their performance, Eun Chan is greeted as “oppa” by a flock of girls (Eun Sae and company). Han Gyul witnesses the scene from above, disturbed to see Eun Chan receiving so much female attention. He’s even more bothered to see Han Sung arrive to give Eun Chan congratulatory flowers.

The performance gets off to a lively start with Min Yub as the MC. They use instruments made of coffee-related implements (beans, crates, utensils) in keeping with their coffee theme, as well as singing and dancing. Even Eun Sae is impressed to see Min Yub onstage, getting lots of attention. One of the songs they sing is “Java Jive” (this is the song, although this track itself isn’t used in the show).

“Java Jive”

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After the performance, Han Sung sits with Han Gyul while the Coffee Princes dance around energetically. Han Gyul fights his jealousy when Sun Ki grabs Eun Chan to dance (Min Yub intervenes, taking Eun Chan’s place).

It worsens when Eun Chan gives Han Sung a present — her first attempt at roasting coffee beans. Han Sung happily accepts: “How can I drink this coffee? I’ll want to save it.”

Unable to contain his jealousy, Han Gyul needles them both, telling Han Sung he’s treating Eun Chan like she’s a girl. Han Sung merely smiles knowingly while Han Gyul keeps picking on her. He asks Han Sung how he can stand Eun Chan’s attention — he couldn’t. “Ugh, I can’t look at you guys — you look like a couple.”

He deliberately brings up the name Yu Ju to provoke Eun Chan, and she gets the message, leaving right away. Han Sung walks her home as she tells him despondently how Han Gyul wants her to quit work. Starting to cry, Eun Chan explains:

“But I don’t want to quit… because I need to earn money. No, that’s an excuse. It’s because I like coffee… another excuse. He’s so warm, and fun, and I like him. I like him so much I wish I could forget about the lie I told… I know I was wrong… but still…”

Now crying in earnest, she continues, in between sobs:

“I wish I could have him by my side… that he’d like only me… that he wouldn’t go away to America… But what is this? I’m not a man or a woman. And I’m so scared I can’t say a word.”

Han Sung can only offer her a silent pat on the back (and he seems to see that there’s no room for him in her heart). As they near her house, Eun Chan regains her composure and thanks Han Sung for his comfort.

Han Sung: “I don’t really know what this is… but I’ve found I like being with you, whether you’re laughing or crying. Promise me something, that in front of me, you’ll act however you want. That you won’t hide your mood or your emotions. What do you say?”

She promises.

Han Sung talks to Yu Ju on the phone while she’s with Han Gyul, who tries not to notice when Yu Ju mentions Eun Chan. Han Sung tells her that Han Gyul and Eun Chan both like each other.

Yu Ju doesn’t know what to do with that knowledge, but tells Han Gyul she’s sorry, though she doesn’t explain why: “I wish nobody would get hurt… but that’s too much to ask for.”

At work, Ha Rim asks Eun Chan if she’s good friends with Han Sung, and she says yes — they meet often, hang out, ride bikes, eat and drink together. Around the corner, Han Gyul overhears this with dissatisfaction.

Finally, Han Gyul looks up to see Eun Chan, and notices the belt on her apron has come undone. Without warning, he goes up her, putting his arms around her to retie it.

Uncomfortable, she takes over. Min Yub rushes in, elated that Eun Sae has texted him to meet for dinner, and grabs her in a huge hug. Unable to stand watching that, Han Gyul immediately breaks them apart.

Later, Han Gyul overhears Eun Chan talking cheefully to Han Sung over the phone as she does the dishes. Ha Rim brings in an improperly washed cup (a customer complained), and Han Gyul vents his jealousy by scolding her. She apologizes, and offers to do the after-hours cleaning.

Yu Ju tells Han Sung she’s decided to leave for New York and start over with DK. She tries to make it sound like she’s leaving him (like she’s cold and flighty), but she’s merely pretending to be. Alarmed, Han Sung tells her not to go:

Yu Ju: “Thanks for saying that.”
Han Sung: “All right, like you said, I wavered. No, to be frank, I still am. But don’t leave. I know I’ll come around soon, so don’t go!”
Yu Ju: “You’re not just wavering. You’re in love with her. How foolish of you, not to realize you’ve found a new love.”

Done for the night, the Coffee Princes leave without Eun Chan, to whom Han Gyul has given instructions to clean the entire cafe as punishment for her carelessness.

Ha Rim: “He’s leaving My Chan alone to suffer by himself.”
Min Yub: “Yeah, no matter how strong he is, it’s too much to make him do it alone.”
Ha Rim: “How much nicer would it be if he were a girl?”
Mr. Hong: “Leave them alone, if they like each other, what does it matter if they’re men or women?”

Ha Rim latches on to Mr. Hong’s words —

Ha Rim: “Do you know something?”
Sun Ki: “There were people who didn’t know? What’s wrong, they’re good together.”
Ha Rim: “You talk so easily about other people’s—”
Sun Ki: “Eun Chan’s a girl. Where’s the problem?”

Ha Rim can’t believe it (Min Yub carries him inside before he can react), and becomes angry with Eun Chan for tricking Han Gyul. He’s also upset with the others for keeping it a secret, though they’re of the opinion that it’s not their decision to say anything. Ha Rim has seen Han Gyul’s suffering up close and feels how unfair it is to him, but Sun Ki says he can understand Eun Chan, needing to take care of her struggling family — “Do you think she found it easy to lie?”

Ha Rim tries to call Han Gyul immediately, but is stopped. He yells out furiously when Min Yub snatches his phone and shoves him in a room to prevent him from going to Han Gyul.

어른아이 (Adult Child) – “Sad Thing”

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Han Gyul drives home, assailed with memories of Eun Chan along the way. How she cried in his car earlier that day… how he tied her apron… how she blew air in his face while he slept…

Coming to some kind of decision, he turns around and heads back to the cafe. He runs in to face Eun Chan, staring intensely at her face…

Startled, Eun Chan starts to explain that she’s trying to fix some damage to Yu Ju’s mural drawing.

Still silent, Han Gyul swoops in purposefully —

After a brief kiss, Han Gyul backs off. This time Eun Chan grabs him and initiates another, longer kiss.

Breaking apart, Han Gyul tells her, “I’ll say this just once, so listen to me. I like you.”

As a small smile appears on his lips: “Whether you’re a man, or an alien… I don’t care anymore.”

And, continuing as Eun Chan absorbs this: “I tried getting rid of my feelings, but I couldn’t… So let’s go, as far as we can go.”

Additional thoughts:

I know a lot of people didn’t see Que Sera Sera or read my recaps of it, but for those of you who did, hopefully you know what I mean when I say that this episode reminded me a lot of QSS’s Episode 9 — you know, the big one. That one.

Not because of the content — but rather in the feeling that everything has been cracked wide open. The heroes (Han Gyul here, Tae Joo in QSS) have tried — and failed — to contain their feelings. Their jealousies have caused them to lash out at the source of their affections, because deep down they’re actually upset with themselves. And they spend all episode alternately trying to ignore the source of their frustrations, and being unable to tear their eyes away.

And now that our heroes’ efforts prove ultimately futile, the denial is swept away. Where we go from here is completely up in the air.


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Hi Javabeans, I like your summary. But I love your afterthought and analysis even more. That's insightful, profound and meaningful. Even I have watched the episode, I still can't wait to read your summary and throught. Thank you very much!


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thank you, this was definitely one of the best episodes, can't wait to see how this all wraps up together.

the preview for next episode seems like Han Gyul finds out, and leaves -not before hitting Han Sung for also not telling him the truth about Eun Chan.

cant wait ^^


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thank you so much for everything that you do. For those of us, Korean drama fans who doesn't know the language we really appreciate you a lot. It's my first time learning that there is such site on the internet. At least now, if i really want to watch the next episode of my favorite kdrama I'll have an idea of what's going on eventhough there's no subtitle. I can switch between the raw and your summary........thank you so much and i'm looking forward to the next episode of Coffee Prince.............BTW I heard they extended the episodes from 16 to 18 ??????? GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!


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who's dk?


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Okay, so this episode was the straw which broke the camel's back. After watching it and reading your fab summary I've basically spent the last 1.5 hours on the phone with my little sister, begging, pleading with and ultimatly bribing her to watch this fantastic show so I'd have someone to discuss it with amidst all my squealing and screaming. I agree with everything posted here and since I've always loved Gong Yoo and have watched everything he's ever done I'm glad he's getting such a worthy send off before he goes off to the army.


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Saw a better quality version. Looks like HS gets punched in the preview. Not Ha Rim. Oops...


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We have all seemed to forget ONE little thing in this drama. HG's grandmother's terminal illness. PLUS that man that HG's family is trying to keep away from HG. So here are my theories:

HG finds out EC is a girl in the next episode can't work with her anymore so fires her.
HS to the rescue hires EC or EC goes some where else to get hired.
Ha Rim finally comes around to sympathizing with EC's cover. And the rest of the princes try to step in to help.

HG finds out more about his past because of THAT man compiled that maybe his grandma dies plus the betrayal of EC, HG goes to the US. I think all of the above could happen in about 3-4 episodes.

Then some years pass by HS and EC are still good friends. EC might be more feminine this time round. Yu Ju and HG both come back and now EC is pissed at HG so now HG has to persue EC and HS and Yu Ju fall in love again.

I know it's simple BUT I wonder how they are going to do it. :-)


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DK is the man that Yu Ju cheated with when she left Hang Sun the first time.


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I love that song "Sad Thing" :)

Here's the EP 10:


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By far my FAVORITE episode yet..
cant wait till next week..
thanx so much....


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WAHHHH!!I'll never thank you as much as I would like to because you are simply awesome with those recap!!


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Wow, Thanks
poor Han gyul thinks his self as gay......


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hei thanks for the summary.. its greatly appreciated! you are actually really fast in writing your comments and the story in full detail..haha.. you are amazing!! I love this drama but the vids were uploaded either in bad quality or a bit slow..looking forward to the next cup.. im sure it'll be action-packed! kamsamnida unnie


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When EC gives HS the gift after the party, there is a song playing in the back ground that's so appropriate by Ruff Endz called "Someone to Love You." Thought I'd share. :-)


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The songs fit so well. Do they have someone on staff whose job is selecting music for the series?
A strange random thought crossed upon watching the coffee princes, I start expecting them to break out singing James Brown's "It's a Man's World.".... (including the part of "cause man makes them toys.")...


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Talk about stupid things to pick up on... The bouquet of flowers that Han Sung gave to Eun Chan, when he arrived for the concert, was already sitting on the kitchen counter where EC and HG were washing dishes in the earlier scene. They need a "continuity" person. Of course, I didn't noticed until the second time that I watched this episode.
A not stupid thing that I picked up on... I also finished watching episode eight with subtitles for the second time. One of the most beautiful moment, in that episode, was in the scene where HG was telling EC about how he overheard the story of his parentage. EC, who was sitting behind HG, used her hands to mime gestures of stroking his head and hugging him to console him; without ever touching him.
Each time that I re-watch an episode, I learn and see something more.


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Auntie Mame, yes, rewatching yields so many new insights, doesn't it? I'd actually wanted to include a really lovely bit but I must've forgotten to initially in this post, but upon rewatching the scene, it struck me even more than it did the first time.

It's early on, when Han Gyul stands in front of his mirror to shave, after brooding for days at home. He's made up his mind to go back to work (thus the shaving), but he sprays shaving cream on the mirror, and spreads it with his hand to cover his reflection. As if to express his disgust with himself, his inability to accept this side of him that he's trying to suppress. And then he takes the water and washes it off, clean. Although he hasn't come to accept himself yet, I think it's a positive sign. (If it wasn't meant to be optimistic, they could have cut out of the scene with the shaving cream still on the mirror.) Another eloquent moment.


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OMG that was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOd :) I LOVE IT!! gosh good thing i checked this site! so good..so loving it!! Oh man i can't stop it! too addicted to it! love it love it love it! lolz.. well Eun chan should tell Han gyul that she's a girl!! at least so that han gyul wouldn't think that he's gay cuz he's crazily in love with eun chan! i mean come on!! it would be so gross thinking that you like someone who's like you like a GUY!! it's really hard so come one eun chan! i want you to tell him that you're a girl already so han gyul wouldn't be so crazy thinking he's gay and homosexual..that would be so gross!!

But btw, i love t his you know! i'll rate it from 1 to 10!! okay 100!! lolz..well hope that the next ep will be up! & thank you so much for posting this with such good descriptions!! aja aja fighting! GONG YOO & YOON EUN HYE are both good actor & actress!

well visit me at http://www.crunchyroll.com/user/yamapijulie

Share some thoughts about this! COFFEE PRINCE NUMBER 1! yay :P :) :D
waiting for more!


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정말 잘 정리하셨네요.
번역, 정리 등의 만만치 않은 작업들을
불과 몇시간 만에 끝내시다니...
잘 구경하고 갑니다...

그런데 "Glossary"에 설명하신
콩쥐, 팥쥐 설명이 서로 바뀐 것 같네요...^^



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JavaBean, I know exactly the shaving/mirror scene to which you refer. Besides what you've noted, I thought it was also great camera work because we are seeing exactly the emotions that he is seeing in the reflection. (However, my stupid brain also instantly made a correlation on how his mirror won't steam up for awhile. I learned, from a program called Haley's Hints, that if you spray some shaving foam on your bathroom mirrors and then, wipe the foam off, your mirrors won't steam up for a couple of months. I tried it and it works.)
For anything with subtitles, I have found that I need to watch it twice. The first time I'm more focused on the subtitles and the major actions in a scene. The second time is for the "flavor", ambiance and any other subtleties, which enhances my viewing. Thank you so much for this blog. I haven't had so much fun exchanging thoughts and comments since my school days.


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Thanks, just great!!!!!


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whaaa...how come it is only early morning of friday??? i really want it to be monday already....i'm having caffeine withdrawal.....need a dose of CP


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four more days, counting the days from today until the time you normally post your summary. Can't wait.


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Wow everytime I log onto this site I get something new - I'd noticed the poignancy of the shaving scene, but I really love your interpretation of it! And then I see a cool tip about shaving cream from Auntiemame that I now must try out.. haha =D


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Thank You


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Thank you JavaBeans for another wonderful summary..

The show is quite different from other shows.. I'm absolutely loving HG now.. The Drama is portraying his struggle very well.. I picked up on the shaving scene as well... It was wonderfully done .. as if someone wants to wash off all the dirtiness in him (kind of remind me of Mawang's last episode when JJH threw the drink at the mirror asking himself "when will it be enough for you").. It's a major sign of self struggle.. Gong Yoo pulled it off perfectly (looking at his facial expressions we are bound to realize there are somethings words can't express)..

- According to Soompi rumors MBC is planning to extend the series .. As much as I would LOVE to see it more.. I'm afraid quality might be compromised.. I rather have a beautiful show that i can enjoy for years than a draggy one..
- As we all know this drama is simply ORIGINAL .. I hope they don't use the cliche ridden airport / going away for few years scene .. Even though it's very rational here, knowing how mad HG will be.. But I'd still want them to omit the airport scene to keep the drama's originality..
- I don't hate Yu Ju .. She left HS at the beginning to focus on her career, when a guy do such thing everyone takes it a positive way (like currently Lee Jun Ki's character in Time of Dog and Wolf).. I find it really unfair to blame ONLY the girl.. So far Yu Ju seemed to be really mature of all the characters (not counting HS).. She's understanding enough to help HS with his feelings.. I'm so glad there's no psycho ex-gf in this drama .. Everyone is maturing or already has matured..
- So far think the subtle tone in this drama is really working wonderfully.. The soundtrack is simply WONDERFUL.. Who ever picked those songs for the scenes is a music genius..

I'm waiting patiently (more like impatiently) for the next week's episodes .. Can't wait to see how it goes .. After HG finding out the truth he's more likely to leave EC .. Will HS try to take his place??

PS: for all those who wants to watch CP (without subs) right after airing.. The fastest upload on the web seemed to be done by demngamngui of youtube .. http://youtube.com/user/demngamngui


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i absolutely love the expression on Gong You's face in the last pic, it's so like..i can't describe it but like a mixture of relief, "ive found myself", etc...

i never found Gong You particularly attractive until i saw S Diary and even though i still dont think he's very good-looking but it exudes this charm that makes his SEXYYY!!!!

anyways, thanks for the summaries!!


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R: Yu Ju left HS for DK, because at that time she was in love with DK. Not saying that a double standard doesn't exist, just that this is a poor example to play the double standard card.


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OMDG.....I have just watched the episode with subs and even know with your summary i knew what would happen, it is such a big impact. I think i need a bag for next week because am sure i will be hyperventilating from what is to come, am a little now after watching the end and preview. Boy i just love how they worked this drama and the pace they took, i also agree with how they exploited the gender issue. Now all i can do is pray that the end will not be messed up. They have made me put such high hopes now that am afraid i will fall flat in my back.


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우연히 들렸습니다.
javabean님 대단하시네요!

어쩜 이렇게 드라마평이 멋지죠?
한국사람인데도 드라마대사 놓칠때가 많은데, 외국분이 어떻게 이렇게 일목요연하게 정리를 할 수가!
한국말 잘하시나봐요!

자주 찾아뵐께요!
Coffee prince 만세~~


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i just checked d-addicts, they have jut released subtitles for 9th and 10th cup. i hope someone uploads them now^_^ can't wait for 11 and 12.


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Cold logistics: On VEOH, Mackie2001 has ep. 9 and Vivagirl has epi 10. Both are excellent quality, with subs. There is also a new website, http://www.mysoju.com, that seems to be getting the sub version even faster. (I don't know anything about this site. Someone mentioned it on VEOH.)
Warm soul-fulfillings: I just watched the sub-version of episode 10. And, it is a gang buster of "feeling and caring". I'm not referring to the emotions of man to man, man to woman, hyung to doungseng, oppa and noonim or the individual inner turmoils. What I was most impressed with was every Coffee Prince's sense of feeling and caring as a "family". This was so evident in the scene when HG finally returned to work, after isolating himself for 3 days. Each person's reaction to HG's return revealed their care and concern for the other person. Dumb Hwang saying that he feels steady now that HG is back. (Child to parent.) EC asking if he was sick and if he wanted to eat cake. (Mother to child.) Manager Hong offering HG a cup of tea and saying that they can't have a cup of tea if he didn't have something to tell HG. (Parent to child.) (Note: Interesting that he offered tea, not coffee. Tea to soothe, coffee to stimulate?) But, I think Sun Ki said it best, when he simply said, "You look thinner". (One caring human being to another... without being invasive.)
This show is absolutely wonderful.


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OMG, resembles QSS a lot!!!~ aigooo~ wonder what will happen next!!!


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Finally getting around to watching this episode! I'm all hyped after reading your summary as always Javabeans! :-) One quick thing that I don't know if anyone else picked up, but it seems that the bouquet of flowers that HS gave EC for the Coffee Prince show was also shown in the earlier dishwashing scene (it's sitting in a small vase near the fridge). It left me a little bit confused - I guess it was planned to be after she got the flowers from HS but in the editing room they thought it fit better after grandma's visit?


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Ha Rim cannot shut up, He is going to tell him. I know it. Besides thats what a friend would do. I dont think that he will keep it a secret from him.


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after a week of hell, i have finally come to episode 10...

your blog is like a discussion board. i read your summary then also skim through the other comments...like a community centre =)

this really is the best episode of coffee prince, practically the best episode of any drama i've seen. the music in this episode surpasses any others, especially the song that plays when they were hugging. the mc thing was hilarious, how they decorated everything and the happy cheerful atmosphere for the mini performance. the washing dishes scene is the one that sticks in my mind the most (i was like...ohh under the soap eh haha)

i think it's really difficult for people to understand how the characters feel without them actually talking, but hk and ec here acted so well.
best of all, i find everything that each character does is reasonable


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I love this show..n thnx for the smmary..it's so accurate and make me look forward to it each time..im looking forward for the next episode. both HG n EC's acting are supergood..
thanx a lot for de summary...


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wow, after i finish watching this episdoe, i had to check out ur blog to see what you have to say..man, this is getting interesting...my question is, why can't she tellhim the truth???
Poor guy is going crazy..also, is he liking her because she a guy or would he like her if she's a girl? to me, i think he felt for her becuse she was a guy...ok...i'm confused..


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I saw this part, it was so romantic!! I love the kissing part!
so, can anyone please give me the artist who sing this song, "Sad thing" and do this artist have a myspace, cause i want this song! okai! thanks!


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Someone hotlinked Acro-Alien here: http://www.veoh.com/videos/v910072XCSRFGqn


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hi there,
i want you to know you are an angel. I learned about your blogsite when i checked out Cha Tae Hyun's latest kdrama. And i read your summaries and loved it enough to buy the dvd. So when you posted Coffee Prince and the main actor is Gong Yoo, i got into it as well.

Thank you for an excellent job! I already watched the dvd and now i am going over your summaries to understand some scene cuz the translations was kinda ... (bad).
I also read the Coffee prince novel (thru Xanga site as you recommended) and i loved both.
But nothing compares to the living breathing personification of the characters specially Han Kyul and Eun Chan. I was more moved by Gong Yoo cuz he was able to capture the very essence of the character, his inner turmoil and joy. I cried on ep 9 (beach scene) and this. You can feel the struggle and pain inside. Perfect. Same with Eun Chan but she knows what she is while Han Kyul doesnt so his pain is greater.

Looking forward to more excellent summaries. You have a good heart and head to be able to summarize yet include all the nuances. Kudos! If i can only copy the songs as well.


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Uh oh. This actually may seem like a happy ending, but think about it. He's now decided to accept the fact that he's "gay", and once he finds out Eun Chan is a girl, how humiliated would he feel? Wow.

My god, I've been watching Coffee Prince for days on mysoju (which takes forever to load) and it's just been cliffhanger next, after next! I love this freaken series, and gah, I loved that beach scene in the previous episode


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I love coffee prince. They are so meant for each other. I want to watch it over and over again...

-d'LonLy sophomore-


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Hi! I want to know the backgrounf song where Han Gyul looks up to see Eun Chan, and notices the belt on her apron has come undone. Without warning, he goes up her, putting his arms around her to retie it.
please email me for the title i really love the song but I can't find it anywhere )= hope you can help me. Thanks!


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i really love coffee prince...after u watch it you feel like all your burden is gone...you smile a lot and feel inlove all the time....i've watch it like 10 times...every single detail of it....im looking forward of having its season 2


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Wow. This episode was simply incredible and it blows anything I've seen on TV in terms of drama in a long while. I won't rehash what hasn't already been said by others in much better words than I could provide, but I will say that from a gay perspective, the scene where Han Gyul accepts his attraction and affection for Eun Chan is one I can totally relate to. Others have commented on what the look on his face meant when he kissed her/him. For me that look was one of complete acceptance of the truth. And you know what they say. The truth will set you free.



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wow that will be an interesting ep to watch i just stsarted the drama today i hope i am not disappointed i heard that this was a very cute and or good drama!!!


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