Coffee Prince: Sixteenth Cup

I’ve read the comments on whether Coffee Prince is or isn’t “realistic.” Here’s my take: Coffee Prince isn’t realistic, and it doesn’t tout itself as realism. From reading about writer Lee Sun Mi, I highly doubt that’s a claim she aspires to anyway. Coffee Prince isn’t even purely original. What it IS, then, is a wonderfully rendered telling of a story that has elements of the familiar — and it reworks those familiar points in a refreshing, clever, and entertaining way.

Rather than the story being (or not being) realistic, I find that the series displays flashes of realism in the little moments it captures, which I think is a quality many overwrought, emotional, and/or melodramatic series forget. Coffee Prince has those large-scale dramatic moments too (i.e., every cliffhanger episode ending), but balances those out with lovely little touches here and there, and that’s where it shines through for me. Like Yu Ju waiting for Han Sung to come home, whiling away her day in Episode 7, or how Han Gyul tries to figure out ways to get Eun Chan to return to the cafe after she quits. Or the way Han Gyul intertwines his fingers through Eun Chan’s while on the beach in Episode 9, or how he cups his hand around hers later while Eun Chan sleeps. There’s the great moment when Han Gyul shaves, and smears the shaving cream over the mirror in self-loathing, having a hard time accepting that he might be gay. Or how he pours water over his head in front of the open refrigerator in Episode 11 after finding out Eun Chan lied to him.

Coffee Prince isn’t reinventing television. Who would want to see something that claimed to do that? (If I wanted pretentious experimenting, I’d watch Soderbergh, thanks.) But rather than merely regurgitating stale cliches in well-worn genre, Coffee Prince manages to add fresh insights to the landscape. And that’s why I’m watching.


재주소년 (Jeju Boy) – “새로운 세계” (“New World”)
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Yanni – “Reflections of Passion” ::

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Yu Ju and Han Sung get married, while Han Gyul’s grandmother is taken to the hospital quietly. When Han Gyul and his mother visit her later that night, he asks his mother if he should take the idea of marriage more slowly, but his mother can tell that isn’t what he wants.

Eun Chan’s mother tells her to go ahead and marry Han Gyul soon — she’ll cash in their house deposit and live in a one-room apartment with Eun Sae, so Eun Chan doesn’t have to worry about them.


Things remain awkward between Han Gyul and Eun Chan the next day. Eun Chan had sent him multiple text messages saying she missed him and asking him to call when he had time, but he hadn’t called back. He takes her aside to talk.

She acknowledges that she was thinking too much of herself — but even though she’s sorry, she can’t marry him right away. Han Gyul acknowledges that he took her financial situation too lightly as well, and wants to help her. Eun Chan says it’s not just about money:

Eun Chan: “I don’t want to become a burden.”
Han Gyul: “Why is that a burden? When I was going through rough times, I shared my worries with you, and you consoled me, don’t you remember? Was I a burden to you while you were with me, comforting me?”
Eun Chan: “That’s different from this.”
Han Gyul: “What’s different about it? Because it’s like you’re giving your heart, and I’m giving you money?”

Eun Chan answers that she wants to stand on her own: “When my father was alive, I lived dependent on him. Now I’d live being dependent on my boyfriend. I don’t want to live the rest of my life being unable to do anything properly on my own.” Han Gyul asks impatiently if she’d marry him if he didn’t give her any money, then — she can send Eun Sae to college and support herself with her own money.

Eun Chan asks why he can’t wait — why does he always decide everything on his own, making one-sided decisions? Han Gyul chafes at the phrase “one-sided” — is he the only one wanting to get married?


Their argument is interrupted, so Han Gyul revisits their discussion later. Calmer now, he asks her, “It’s because you don’t like me enough to marry, isn’t it? It’s okay, so tell me honestly.”

Han Gyul: “I want to live with you. For the rest of my life, I want to eat together, talk together, sleep together, be together. Do I need any other reason?”

Eun Chan’s point isn’t that she doesn’t want to marry him. She just wants to wait. Han Gyul reminds her that he’d given up his dream job and faced his parents’ opposition for her — can’t she give up that little bit of pride for him? Getting more worked up, he asks if she’d still refuse to marry him if that meant they’d break up. Does she dislike the idea that much?

Eun Sae hears about the latest developments with sisterly indignation: How could he be so selfish? How can he threaten to break up with Eun Chan over that? He thinks money solves everything. Psh. She grumbles about how Han Gyul treats her family lightly, then sneaks in a phone call to the offender himself.

Han Gyul answers the call with some surprise, and makes plans to talk to Eun Sae the next day. He wonders about the cause with some anxiety.


As for the Princes: Min Yub blames Ha Rim for pushing him along and causing him to lose Eun Sae. Sun Ki makes the astute observation that Min Yub listened to the wrong guy. Everyone else has somebody, but Min Yub took love advice from Ha Rim, the playboy who has nobody. But Sun Ki also finds himself alone when he arrives at Yuko’s place to find her gone, just as she’d warned him she’d do if he wouldn’t leave.


Han Gyul’s grandmother senses things aren’t going smoothly for Han Gyul and Eun Chan. He admits that he’d rushed with the marriage talk — and as he explains Eun Chan’s position to his grandmother, it seems that he understands it better. He describes Eun Chan’s need to be independent and to support her household, and asks his grandmother to consider Eun Chan’s attitude as something good, admirable.


Eun Sae meets Han Gyul and asks him plainly: “Are you really going to break up with my sister?” She tells him of her mother’s intent to cash in their home deposit to marry Eun Chan off, but neither she nor her mother can afford a monthly rent — therefore, she asks Han Gyul if he could please consider pushing the marriage off a year. She’s not planning to go to college, so she’ll get a job right after she graduates from high school, at which point they’ll be able to afford a monthly rent. Worried he might really break up with Eun Chan, she assures him that her sister is a good person.

Han Gyul listens to Eun Sae’s speech with a mix of confusion and amusement, and tells her, “But I have no intention of splitting up with Eun Chan.” Eun Sae mentions how he told her sister he’d break up with her if they didn’t marry, sees Han Gyul’s smile, and realizes, “I knew it. You were just saying that to get to her, weren’t you? Aish, what an idiot. How could she not tell that from the truth?” Eun Sae calls Han Gyul “brother-in-law,” and a wide smile spreads on his face, liking the sound of that.


Min Yub begs for Eun Sae’s forgiveness, saying earnestly: “No matter how meanly you treat me, you’re still pretty to me. Even if you get mad and yell, you’re cute. I really like you a lot. But if you truly hate me, I won’t call you anymore and I’ll give up. So tell me, do you really hate me?”

Stony-faced, Eun Sae tells him yes. Min Yub accepts her answer contritely, saying he understands. He tells her to take care, and turns to go. Eun Sae calls him back, upset, asking when he got so “cool” that he’d accept one answer right away and leave so quickly. She seems genuinely hurt as she lays out his offense — he’d said he only liked her, then saw other girls. He acted so innocent, then went behind her back — that’s worse than anything a player could do.

Eun Sae: “If you have the confidence to only love me from now on, follow me. If you don’t, leave.”

Eun Sae turns to walk away slowly, and Min Yub takes a few hesitant steps. He tentatively calls out: “Eun Sae. I’m following you right now… Just saying that to let you know. In case you don’t.” Eun Sae looks back a few times to confirm that he’s still there, and crooks a finger to beckon him close. Ecstatic, Min Yub grabs her and runs around the playground in excitement.

Despite finding Eun Sae annoying half the time, I can’t be too upset with her (is it little sister syndrome?), because her logic makes some sense. True, she treated Min Yub poorly, and he took a lot of abuse. But on the other hand, she never pretended she was anything different. He knew what she was like and still pursued her. He, on the other hand, was disingenuous (albeit stupidly, at Ha Rim’s prodding).


Han Sung and Yu Ju have their first marital argument when Han Sung goes to Yu Ju’s studio to find it strewn with tired co-workers (new project) and empty wine bottles. Even though he knew she’s used to staying up all night working and drinking, and that she puts work above him, he’s still disappointed. Yu Ju’s sorry, and explains that she doesn’t rank work above him — both are important. She asks for his understanding, but he asks, upset, if he’s just supposed to stand by and watch from the sidelines.


Eun Chan is summoned to Han Gyul’s grandmother’s office, and Han Gyul listens in astonishment (and panic) to find that his grandmother is offering to send Eun Chan to Italy to study to become a barista, as she did for Mr. Hong. Bursting with agitation, Han Gyul jumps into the conversation, insisting to his grandmother that Eun Chan will never take her support, that she’ll insist on staying to provide for her family.

Eun Chan voices her concerns about accepting the offer, but it seems she’d like to consider it. If she goes abroad, she’ll be earning a salary, which she can send home to her family. Han Gyul recognizes the danger of this development, and asks if his grandmother’s doing this to tear them apart (Granny: “So does that mean your relationship is something I can tear apart so easily? All the better for me, then”).


Han Gyul hounds Eun Chan repeatedly, asking if she’s really considering going. At his persistence, Eun Chan frustratedly says no, she’s in no position to go abroad. Han Gyul mutters in worry, “It’s hard enough as it is not seeing her every day. How am I supposed to last two years?”


Eun Chan’s mother asks her to be honest: “You want to study abroad, don’t you?” Eun Chan admits she found the offer very tempting, but thinking of how she’d have to leave her family changed her mind. Her mother asks, “Am I holding you back? Don’t decide that if it’s because of me.” She assures Eun Chan she’ll be fine — if Han Gyul agrees, she should go. Eun Chan tells her mother she’s not going, and that she’ll have to marry her mother off first — to Mr. Gu. (Eun Chan’s mother denies it, blushing in embarrassment.)

Eun Chan’s mother: “It’s time for you to live your own life. Don’t worry about me or Eun Sae anymore. Even if it’s just this once, live as you want, freely… That’s what I really want to see.”

(Song: “Star” by 어른아이 [Adult Child], posted under Episode 14.)


The Choi cousins again commiserate together. Han Sung understands Eun Chan’s situation: “Eun Chan’s still young. There’s a lot she must want to do. There are a lot of things she probably gave up in choosing you.” Han Gyul says he gave up things too, but Han Sung points out he’s placing the reason for giving up the New York job entirely on Eun Chan. If he’s honest, he’d admit he’d found his work here fulfilling too.

Han Sung brings up his problems with Yu Ju. He’d married her knowing all about her habits and her work, but now he finds himself just barely holding back from insisting she quit working: “Is this why women don’t want to get married?”

Han Sung: “The moment a man makes a woman his, the man wants that woman to live according to his wishes. But just because he’s won her over, can he force her to do as he wants?”

Han Gyul sees Han Sung’s point, laughing in agreement:

Han Gyul: “I wish she would.”
Han Sung: “You too? I do, too.”
Han Gyul: “Why can’t things just go the way I want?”

Note: I enjoy this conversation, but it strikes me as something a woman would want to hear, rather than something a man would actually say. I don’t mean to give men too little credit, but somehow this kind of understanding of a woman’s role in contemporary society seems to be exactly the kind of thing women desperately WISH men would understand… but unfortunately, too many times, they don’t. Great, have I alienated all the men now?


Eun Chan tells Han Gyul she’s decided not to go abroad. She was about to call his grandmother to tell him so. He asks why she decided not to go, and she answers that she’s got at least a hundred reasons.

Han Gyul: “It seems to me that your hundred reasons not to go can’t hold up to the one reason for going. Am I right? I don’t want you to go, either. Thinking of this cafe without you makes me not want to come here every day. It makes me not want to work. I don’t even want to think about not being able to see you. When I was planning to leave for New York, there were times I thought I couldn’t because I’d be haunted by your memory. Do you think I want to send you away? But I want to show you a bigger world.”

Eun Chan says she doesn’t want to be apart from him, but he tells her he can go to visit: “I hate the idea of you giving something up because you love me. I want to be your support, so you can grow, and advance.” When she asks if he really wants her to go, he can’t answer yes, but he does say:

“I’ve realized I can’t be responsible for your life. But I can be by your side, watching over you. I’ll take that instead. We may be separated now, but later, much later… when you hold the hand of your first child… when they go off to school… when you marry your children off… Ah, proposing is so embarrassing.”

(Song: “이별전의 발렌타인” [“A Valentine Before Farewell”] by Pineapple)


Meanwhile, Yu Ju makes the first step in reconciling by calling Han Sung home early to make dinner (and her first batch of kimchi, which both note as lacking something in the taste department, although her efforts are duly appreciated). I don’t think their problems are completely over, but it’s a nice first show of compromise.


Han Gyul makes his official greeting to Eun Chan’s family, who accept him gladly. Though it’s merely a formality, he asks for her mother’s approval to marry Eun Chan.

Eun Chan shows Han Gyul her room, and the toys he’d made for her. He warns her away from smooth-talking Italian men (“They say ‘you’re beautiful’ to everyone, so don’t pay them any attention!”) and sighs that he misses her already. While they kiss, his hand makes his way under her shirt, but at the first contact of his hand on her skin, Eun Chan jumps and pushes him back, skittish.

Flustered and embarrassed, Han Gyul realizes she’s not comfortable with going further. Frustrated, he keeps her at a distance and tells her not to touch him from now on.


That sexual frustration continues the next day — Han Gyul is serious about not letting her touch him anymore. She finds his reaction cute, and he does his best to keep away, with limited success.

Ha Rim, going through girl problems of his own, tells Eun Chan not to torture Han Gyul — if she’s limited their contact to mere kisses, Han Gyul is probably feeling all churned up inside.


Misty Blue – “위로” (comfort) ::

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Eun Chan looks wistfully around her as she thinks about how she’ll be leaving soon. She writes on a leaf, “Let’s meet again in two years,” and affixes her name tag on the branch.


That night, Han Gyul and Eun Chan text back and forth.
Han Gyul: “Are you sleeping?”
Eun Chan: “Nope.”
Han Gyul: “What are you doing?”
Eun Chan: “I miss you.”
Han Gyul: “Let’s meet in our dreams.”

Donawhale – “Running” ::

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After reading the last message, Eun Chan makes a swift decision, and gets up. She makes a lame excuse to Eun Sae, then sneaks past her mother out of the house. She runs through the streets and arrives, out of breath, at Han Gyul’s apartment.

He’s shocked to see her there (Eun Chan: “I missed you, so I ran over”), but he can’t trust himself to be near her this late at night, and won’t let her inside. She pushes past him, and he keeps his distance, agitated at her every movement as she drinks wine, looks around his apartment, and wanders from room to room.

He insists repeatedly that she leave, and tries to occupy himself reading a book. (Eun Chan: “Do you hate me being here so much?” Han Gyul: “Not you, me. “) He tries to push her outside, but can’t bring himself to touch her, so he resorts to dragging her toward the door by her foot.


He manages to shove her outside, shutting the door and forbidding her from coming inside anymore (only in the daytime, and accompanied by Ha Rim).

Unfortunately, he’s forgotten her shoes. She pounds on the door, and taunts him, saying she’ll go off to Italy and be sure to have an affair with a handsome Italian man. Finally, Han Gyul cracks the door open and tells her he’ll drive her home. She shoves her foot through the opening.

Han Gyul: “Don’t come in! Take your foot out. If you come in, I’m not sending you home. I’m warning you.”


Looking him straight in the eyes, Eun Chan squeezes herself across the threshold, and firmly plants both feet indoors.

The Melody – “Paradise” ::

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Han Gyul stares at her intensely, understanding the choice she’s made, then sweeps her up in a kiss.



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Waaaa, so romantic...thank you dramabeans you are so fast...so fast...thank you...,


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Oh yeah I totally meant to say - a lot of kdramas do a lot of female fan-service. I remember when watching Dal Ja's Spring I thought, if Tae-bongs really exist, I want one of them? Then I watched an interview with Lee Minki who confessed to be really baffled about some of the things Tae-bong does naturally... IIRC he was like, do guys really do this? Use their breath to warm the girl's hands when she feels cold, etc. I was like awww you crush me but he was so sweet so I forgave him. ^^


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When i first watched Coffee Prince, i thought it was somewhat like Hana Kimi. i don't know if it was the same for others.


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you know what's really sad, i'll suddenly think of this show and just crack up. or i'll start smiling like a maniac...i'm totally in freakin love with this show and this episode just made everything better. i don't know but i think it's cute how they did it. just the right time and everything was just...right. but i can't help but wonder...what if she was really a guy and he started falling in love with "him" what would his fantasies be? ugh, he's probably super glad that she's a girl in this episode haha :)

thanks dramabeans for another wonderful summary YAI FOR DRAMABEANS!!!!


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I just re-read some of the comments in the previous episode. And, I wondered if there was an unfortunate choice in using the word, "real". In lieu of "real" or "realism", the word, "plausible" would probably be more apt. Are the situations, in the drama, plausible? Are the solutions plausible?
And, this goes to one of my previous statements that CP does not insult my intelligence by asking me to accept situations or solutions that are outrageous or down-right impossible. After all, this genre is drama/romance/comedy. Not Sci-Fi.


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episode 17 is the extended episode right? will it be scheduled as normal on the coming monday or will it be a special episode in some other programme?....can't wait for it...so upset no previews that I can find online....:(


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1 more ep 2 go..just cant wait for the last episode
btw, is it 17 eps include the extended ep?

i really like reading ur summary..


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caught me off guard and i like it!


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so it's was a blissful encounter for the both of them.. i love it!


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Hey javabeans and the rest of you coffee prince addicts!

Thank you so much javabeans for your summaries i am so glad i found your website made the raw videos a 100 times better for the non korean speaker that i am though now i have picked up a few words lol. I feel so sad that coffee prince is coming to an end. any one nows how long until it comes out on dvd? maybe on the yesasia.com website but i know there is an issue with mbc series copyrights issues in north america i hope they solved it already .... :S anyways episode 16 had me grinning ear to ear speacially the end that door kiss *whistles* okay i"d better stop now :) :) ;) :) I


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I think one thing I like about actually reading the comments here is that there are people here who would make a proper critique of the shows.

I love the arguments some of you raised here. I would have to agree the balance is a little off because truly Han Gyul seems a little to good to be true in the last few episodes. I feel the issue of differing priorities can be explored further instead of being rushed at the end (a little rushed to me).

Nonetheless, I must say the production team for shows like CP and QSS get my vote because they dare to explore into topics which are not the typical Kdrama. The character developments gives room for discussions like these. This in itself is a great step forward.


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Yeah I agree with #161 those issues seemed to be too rushed at the end.. Usually such stuff comes up at the beginning of a relationship (at least mine did).. Also things are a bit off the balance and Han Gyul Is a little too good to be true (if only such guy existed.. I'd make him my princess style wife.. ok that sounds a bit weird).. None the less this is what we call "entertainment" and this drama is doing a good job on "entertaining" us..

#146 I saw in several scenes where YJ had wine glasses around her .. Like when she proposed to HS.. None the less she might not drink it or just have it just for the show..

#142 My point was that now days no woman wants to be tied up as a "housewife" with very little to say.. At least I don't know anyone like that.. We all want careers we all want to have our own lives.. However my money, your money.. has nothing to do with how EC (the PD) is running the show.. I've seen several examples of how the wife can take care of her family (parents etc.) while still being married (my mom is an example and I will be another (If I decide to settle down).. and there are many others).. But I find it a bit too selfish of her to make HG wait.. As I said it's a bit like Han Yoo Joo and Hee Jin (MNIKSS) .. If she had these stuff in her mind she shouldn't have said yes to him and then ask him to wait around .. Instead, talking about the issues first and then asking for time to answer would've been a great idea.. It would've been nice if she said something like "i'd love to say yes to you but these are my current situation.. So please ask me this question again after 5 years .. if you are still available" because I don't want to tie you up with empty (or not empty) promises... I mean if she's making a big deal out of "not taking help" then why's she considering HG's grandma's offer then.. and being married doesn't mean she will stop working at the cafe .. She's working with HG anyway.. If she supports her family with that money like she is doing now (in addition to other jobs) I don't see the problem (Ok it's sounding like I'm pushing for marriage.. It's just I'm feeling that EC is being a bit too selfish and feeling bad for HG.. For the first time in my short history of drama addiction I'm taking lead male character's side instead of the female..)

It's probably me not understanding Korean society.. Today I just read about family registry thing and it totally freaked me out (suddenly I remember Wee Sun Joo (I just loved her) from Dal Ja's Spring who said this system should be abolished).. I think when it comes to addressing social issues Dal Ja's Spring did a better job..

(My Wild Guessing: from the way it looks she might not go)


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PS: I forgot to mention one more thing.. Being married doesn't mean someone can't pursue her dreams or reach for the higher goal.. As I've said before my cousin went to get her masters after she was married and still managed to be one of the top 10 student.. And there are countless other examples..

Again I apologize if I've offended anyone.. My length of understanding might be short sighted.. But I welcome any criticism ..


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i can't believe there's only one more episode left. I kept on thinking there are at least three more. CP has been good. We've had an airport scene and a back-hug scene. Please PD, let us not use "after-two-years" device. That one's getting tedious.

although i appreciate the choi cousins heart-to-heart talks, i also thought they were leaning towards female wishes. :) Are there kdramas that were written by male and female screenwriters?

sarah, are you still going to summarize/translate the special last episode? i hope there's something on Gong Yoo's thoughts on the thoughts/feelings/behavior of his character. Do they seem plausible? Are real men like that? :) Just like Acey (Comment #152), I saw that subbed interview with Lee Min Ki, and he did seem baffled. :D


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Re: the last, special broadcast (18th "episode"), I'm not sure if With S2 may sub it... If not, I'll see what I can do in putting up some of the key parts, if there's good stuff there. A lot of these specials are just reviews of clips from the drama mixed with some NGs and little clips, and aren't full of new material. We'll see what they've got planned.


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ahhhhhhh thanks so much!!!!! And I was pleasently surprised to find Yanni's song!!!! I


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javabeans,GRAMPS,canyayasis,secret admirer,acey and all you guys who put-up more insights... battling what u all think is right or not, putting some emphasis on a certain issues made this show an UNFORGETABLE one.YOur comments add up some more flavor to the delicious show already. Im BREWING a delicious COFFEE for u guys.


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P/S..... Han Gyul ... although I'm lovin' how everything is turning out, all the lovey dovey scenes etc.... his reactions and what he says are just too good to be true .... I've NEVER heard a guy admitting that he would be happy if his girl would just follow what he wants her to do ... guys just don't think like that, THEY MOSTLY TAKE IS AS A GIVEN that girls SHOULD do what they want us to do ... that's why... arguments surfaces ... before getting married, after a most baffling situation, it dawned upon me this fact, so I told my then bf and now husband is that "I can't BE YOU and have the exact feelings and thoughts as YOU for I am a DIFFERENT person, I can't be in Agreement of the same things as YOU ALL THE TIME....Your name is XYZ and mine is ABC HOW THE HECK CAN WE BE THE SAME!!!!!" ....I think if whatever our bf/hubs says and we go "YES" "OK" "DE" "NODS" "BOWS" would bring them to high heavens !!! *chuckles* I think you gals get the drift.... so what you gals say that the writer being a lady and the drama mostly from a lady's fantasy of what they hope their guys would say and think...yeah I so ditto that...


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Javabeans - K-Dramas have become an obssession with me and until I discovered your site, I had been left to my own devices to figure out things Korean. One of the highlights for me these past weeks had been reading all your recaps and comments. CP Addicts who have posted here have also proven to be very insightful. Now that CP is nearing its end, I just would like to thank you for all your efforts. Will still be visiting your site for recommendations on other K-dramas, though. CP is truly refreshing compared to the other dramas I have watched. Gives me a high every time and left me craving for more. Love the chemistry between EC and HK. For me, they are a match made in drama heaven. Thanks once again, javabeans.


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# 152 Acey - "...Use their breath to warm the girl’s hands when she feels cold, etc"
Yes indeed. But this isn't just about the realities of male behaviour, it's about the realities of very cold winters. Anyone who's lived in a place where winters are really, really cold, like in Korea, knows that breathing on someone's hands to warm them isn't a kindness. There's a brief warm-up yes. But then the water vapour that accompanied the warmth evaporates, and the recipient's hands end up even colder. That's how refrigerators work, after all. This quite common KDrama motif seems to suggest a focus on markets with a tropical climate, or at least, like Japan, sufficiently farther East not to get the whole of the Siberian cold-air mass dumped on them every winter.
That said, I do find the white-christmassy gooeyness at the first snowfall, another familiar element in KDrama, rather surprising. Especially compared to the transport chaos and general anguish that tend to top the Korean TV news then the first heavy snowfalls occur. When did you see an inhabitant of Alaska or Finland or Labrador getting warm feelings inside when the first flakes descend? Maybe too many of these things are written in vacation homes on Jeju Island.


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OMG. I cant believe the overanalysis of this show. But really I believe, everybody is just trying to prolong this great rom-com kdrama a little ;) Plot wise from wat kind of barista sch EC has to study to whether she is qualified...LOL, it's a great show cos the two leads have great chemistry and a little 'sexy' thrown in. I love it for the fact that Gong Yoo is such a manly boy (not alpha-male like Lee Byun Hyun, not SNAG like Bae Yong Jun types), no thick foundation, cut eyelids, etc...very natural and playful actor. Eun Hye for being so natural too and willing to look less feminine for the role. If you want sugary sweet Eun Hye, watch GOONG ;). Im so tired of perfectly chiselled, made up faces of many Korean actresses. Finally a big 'kamsahamida' to Javabeans, with your accompanying synopsis, you made this kdrama so, so, much more enjoyable :)


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# 170
Oh Gramps!!! :)
ha hahaaaaaa :)
what is it?
who are you? from which planet?


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Ahhhhh...I have been entertained by the series, javabeans's wonderful insightful recaps and other comments. I, for one, will accept whatever end there is in store, and know that i have experienced and been spoiled by a different type of kwrama and look forward to the next one whichever one it is. Thanks to Sarah and all for making this site (albeit with problems) a place for me to gladly visit.


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Well, it seemed all was said already about this kdrama, it's one of a kind. It's been a great pleasure watching this kdrama as well as reading its recaps/summary/translation. Kudos to you Javabeans, many many thanks for your time and effort for sharing us your kdrama obsession.


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Its such a pity that CP is coming to an end. Wonder what I'll be doing or expecting when the show finally ends. But i know good show shouldn't drag. And so i'm happy with the way epi 16 ended ( altho prehaps a bit too hot for the 2 innocent characters ). I must stress that CP is really very romantic and successful. Indeed, its the only Kdrama that kept me watching after Goong, so i supposed i really did like YEH's acting :) Thank you Javabeans for all these effort. I've been coming to this page everyday to read comments. Its so so interesting .. Keep up the excellent work ..
Will definitely watch the live streaming this coming monday thou i can't understand korean at all ... Hahahaha


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First of all, THANK YOU so MUCH, for your hard work.
Its amazing the way you put the pictures, songs and (tranlate?) dont know if you also do so.
But your work is awesome; also I highly admire the way you write the synopsis.
Did you mayor in writing??? LOL, your gooood! I been following this drama, and also got my younger sister hooked on it LOL. I am from Mexico, and I have found a lot of cultural similarities with the asian culture. But, anwsering some of te responses to the drama; here are my opinions.
The girl wants to become a better person ,in other words she wants to become self sufficent and independent, she wants to aquire an education and follow her dreams.
To her, there is no need to be married and leave the man to care for her and her family. (Tradicion in asia and mexico, specially with elders) I enjoy the fact that the drama gives on this, a womans life should not start with marriage or end with it. It is true in society until this day, as a woman your expected to leave every thing behind, just for the fact that you will be married.
And isn't true that women leave their contry, studies, family,carrers just to follow the man's? This drama also teaches us to really reach a full potential a person can achieve regardles of sex. cause you really can't forse the future......... Believe me I know that one!!
So....... 5 starts for the writer! And I am all for Eun in achiving her goals! After all isn't true love the one that wistands distance and time????


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this was posted in soompi by a very inciteful raahmose - thought I might share it with all of you:

Caffine withdrawl symptoms:

Regular caffeine consumption reduces sensitivity to caffeine. When caffeine intake is reduced, the body becomes oversensitive to adenosine. In response to this oversensitiveness, blood pressure drops dramatically, causing an excess of blood in the head (though not necessarily on the brain), leading to a headache.

This headache, well known among coffee drinkers, usually lasts from one to five days, and can be alleviated with analgesics such as aspirin. It is also alleviated with caffeine intake (in fact several analgesics contain caffeine dosages).

Often, people who are reducing caffeine intake report being irritable, unable to work, nervous, restless, and feeling sleepy, as well as having a headache. In extreme cases, nausea and vomiting has also been reported.


Caffeine and Health. J. E. James, Academic Press, 1991. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research Volume 158. G. A. Spiller, Ed. Alan R. Liss Inc, 1984.

Coffee prince withdrawl symptoms:

When CP intake is reduced, the body becomes oversensitive to wild imagination. In response to this oversensitiveness, blood pressure drops dramatically, causing an excess of blood in the head (though not necessarily on the brain), leading to a headache.

This headache, well known among CP viewers, usually lasts upto seven days, and can be alleviated with analgesics such as dramabeans summaries. It is also alleviated with watching CP episodes over and over.

Often, people who are reducing CP intake report being irritable, unable to work, nervous, restless, and feeling sleepy, as well as having a headache. In extreme cases, nausea and vomiting has also been reported.


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thAt scene reminds me the movie the NOTEBOOK so Dang cute. CP scene is way better than the NOTEBOOK scene> the lifting part!!!!!!!!!!


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Ok please don't kill me... :P
After reading ALL the comments I've realized something....THAT GRANDMA BETTER DIE. She has been dying since episode one! Is it mean of me to want that? Maybe...but it won't complete the story. Any one has any comments about that?

As for EC not wanting to get married until she can stand on her own two feet. I can well understand that it is not necessarily pride more a sense of worth and accomplishment and not the thing that women can be equal. When you are in a relationship where someone is I guess more advanced financially it is easy for the self-esteem to suffer. Anyway I can relate to her in that case.


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Now I know why my sis doesn't leave her house on weekends anymore. Now she's got me hooked too. Thanks for the awesome accurate summaries of our favorite k dramas. More Power to you!


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woot they did IT


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i love this quote by secret admirer: "Good till the last drop, Coffee Prince!"
No matter the twists and turns or whatever outcome. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


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oh wow, 180+ comments=) good job javabeans! at first i was drawn to this drama because of Eun Hye but now, god... Gong Yoo is freakin HOT!!!.. I agree with jb... he is a manly boy. Physique wise he is manly, as well as mature acting.. but when its time to act boyish.. he takes my breath away... i'll surely miss him ... ergh, miss them both.


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omg! I didnt know ep. 16 is out already...argh! but hey...better late than never they say.
^___^ cant believe they've done it! HAHA...hilarious!

Thanks heaps for this!


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Oooohhlalalala!!! I don't want it to end! The ending of this episode gives me butterflies in my stomach!
Thanks Javabeans! Mmmmwaahhh!


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i doubt if yeh hasn't 4get about kjk in this episode bec. of gong yoo,they look good together hope yeh will be pair up w/ lee min kee or eric moon in the future


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i'm going nuts here... can't wait for monday's episode.................... hope you're doin fine now javabeans...


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hey when is ep 14,15,16,17 gonna be on in eng subs


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coffeep17 - whenever the lovely people at d-addicts finish translating the episodes - it usually takes them a week to do one - but don't go asking on their website - they delay on purpose if people ask


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omg..they've done it... they did it..omfg!!!
how many kissing scenec do they have in this drama...like 15 kissing scenes..holy f"""" i cant believe yoon eun hye would go for this kind of scenes.... but anyways..it rockzzzz man....its da best... im not gonna watch the episode 11 yet until the episode 17 is ready..i want to watch it straight with no delay...maybe 3 weeks from now..i hope...i cant wait..


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Thank you..thank you so much Javabeans, I 'm always waiting for your summaries before watch the drama. The last episode, I hope to see EC more feminine with dress , the most beautiful girl and make HG proud of her being partner the rest of his life. I love Coffee Prince so much. I love you Javabeans.....Muah....


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Oh Javabeans!

It's INCREDIBLE how besotted I am with Coffee Prince.
I didn't actually really start watching it until I stumbled across your blog.
And what a fortunate discovery it was.

Coffee Prince now owns my soul.
And my heart.

Gong Yoo is THE cutest thing ever.
Anyhow, you're incredible.
Thanks for all the hard work. =]


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it is so sad that the drama is coming to an end..


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awww! another good script from you , I don't see the episode unless I read your summary first. You're a great writer , I loves to read your own comments to certain points . I'm going to miss CP and javabean when this is over . Thank you . Love you .


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I don't know what to do, i've been to dramabeans several times so that i can read and read over episode 14-16. I love this drama sooooo much. The staff did an incredible job. I can't wait for monday........... I want to see what happend to our fav couple ( Eu and HG) I hope if you have time you can translate episode 18 for us. Because when it comes out on DVD, they don't translate the extras. Thanks in advance ^^
Thank you dramabeans for all your hard work.


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With everyone's comments, what's life to say...nothing really. Everyone's analysis of the episode was very interesting to read...although the one about preferring it ended at this episode, I totally disagree. I'm definitely going to miss Coffee Prince, no doubt about it. T_T I just love this series so much!


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Thanks for the recap!

I know a lot had been said already and I still didn't finish reading all the comments..
I don't know if this was mentioned before but I find it beyond words how HK wore black shirts 2 days in a row after EC refused his physical/sexual contact.. while telling her to stay away from him.. as if he meant, she can only go near him if she had that desire ;) hehe.. I love these little stuff


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just thought you might all like to know that the preview for the last cup has been released (both short and long) - bittersweet episode - get those tissues ready!!!!


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sorry javabeans but i just want to be 200th poster hehe

i saw the short and long preview for ep 17 and it seems we will all be going through another emotional rollercoaster ride -- an i'm loving it!

gosh, i'm really gonna miss CP and my fellow CP addicts and your amazing writing!

until tomorrow then..


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