Kim Jang Hoon collapses in concert
by javabeans
This should be subtitled, “Korea: The Land of Overworked Pop Stars.”
Kind of a frightening sight, isn’t it?
Singer Kim Jang Hoon collapsed in concert on June 28 and was sent to the emergency room while performing as part of the “West Coast Festival” concert being held for the benefit of revitalizing the local economy after the oil spill devastated the region last year. After singing only two songs, Kim collapsed onstage, in the middle of singing his third, “Champion.” He recovered consciousness in the ambulance, but his condition is described as “requiring absolute rest.”
It seems we get another singer/actor/celebrity collapsing every other week or so, with “overwork” and “exhaustion” cited as the overwhelming culprit. Granted, it used to be that “exhaustion” was the catch-all word for American celebrity hospitalizations too, but we all know that’s just code for less-savory reasons like drug abuse or Britney-esque meltdowns. At least in Korea, exhaustion does actually seem to be the actual reason. It certainly was for Kim Jang Hoon, who’d reportedly overworked himself in preparation for his performance, getting only an hour of sleep a night for the past week.
He wasn’t able to continue the concert, although fellow singers continued after he was sent to the hospital. Members of punk-rock band No Brain and Super Junior (pictured below) headed to the hospital to visit Kim afterward.
Via Newsen
Kim Jang Hoon – “소나기” (sonagi / rainshower) [ Download ]
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Tags: overworking, singers, star accidents
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1 dulcedeleche
June 28, 2008 at 11:11 AM
well typically, Koreans work the most.
Here's the stats from wiki: "By far, workers in South Korea have the longest work hours in the world. The average South Korean works 2,390 hours each year, according to the OECD. This is over 400 hours longer than the next longest-working country and 34% more hours than the average in the United States. "
If you're a pop star obviously you have to go beyond the average work hours which = collapsing.
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2 k-lover
June 28, 2008 at 11:25 AM
OMO I feel so sad for Kim Jang Hoon (even though I'm not quitesure who he is) because that's just too much one person can handle. 1 hr of sleep a night throughout a week? (Damn, I can't even survive with 4 hours)
Aigoo...I think Korea's entertainment industry needs to re-adjust to what they're doing to their pop stars. Well at least help them reduce their schedule hours when they need it the most. It seems that Kim Jang Hoon sacrificed himself to do a good cause but he shouldn't overwork himself when there are others who can endorse. I know they're special but they're still human.
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3 whaleatape
June 28, 2008 at 11:38 AM
Wow. That is scary. Korea really does seem to be filled with overworked pop stars. All I can do is shake my head and wonder when companies are going to stop pushing their stars so hard, or when the stars themselves are going to stop thinking they can actually be superhuman. Just my two cents worth.
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4 ohgeeze.
June 28, 2008 at 11:53 AM
That's awful. I've heard of singers collapsing in the news and everything.
But never pictures of it.
I did see Bada stumbling in one perf, but that's it.
Kim Janghoon, get well soon!
He's always such a great entertainer and has a hilarious personality.
Best of luck.
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5 Sue
June 28, 2008 at 1:02 PM
really definitely not a fan of him or his singing, but...
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6 smilez
June 28, 2008 at 2:06 PM
i hope he will get better.. im glad some of his friends came to visit... south korea is sure a hardworking country...
get well soon, kim janghoon!!!!
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7 Miki
June 28, 2008 at 2:16 PM
But it seems the Korean idols are doing this willingly...?
I mean, shouldn't they at LEAST get rest, or demand rest, or something? It's scary for their health. They should know their fans and family and friends will become worried!
And yeah, American stars' hospitalizations are always a big deal, but....not for exhaustion. Drugs, alcohol abuse, mental meltdowns, anorexia, maybe, try as they might to say "exhaustion and overwork". But hospitalizations like these are really a shame....Fans like you to be working 100% to do great stuff, but NOT IF IT MEANS FAINTING!
Get rest!!! God, I hope another car accident or hospitalization doesn't occur soon...
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8 Cee
June 28, 2008 at 6:07 PM
Oh, my goodness. That really is a horrible picture. So...helpless and painful.
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9 ed
June 28, 2008 at 7:38 PM
gee, do they have to take so many pix of him, from different angles/perspectives too? it's not an autopsy or crime scene :P
it used to be you heard about japanese salaryman dying on the job from exhaustion, or online gamers dropping dead from nonstop playing. 2 things more dangerous than being a K-celeb ?
i think this is the kim jang hoon that sang SONAGI right? he's known for lots of charity work, surviving his anxiety problems, and testifying for the Dandelion guy on drug charges. aigoo...get well soon.
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10 lazybum
June 28, 2008 at 7:39 PM
wow they're really dropping like flies, aren't they? =/ i wonder if that's one of the reasons for some many groups? so they can share the workload... but then they'd have to share the fame as well...
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11 samantha
June 28, 2008 at 8:49 PM
is that the guy from goong or is that someone else?
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12 Annie
June 28, 2008 at 9:09 PM
Samantha, you're thinking of Kim Jung Hoon.
Oh my goodness... I don't know what to say. Over the past couple months, I've heard so many news about celebrities being rushed to the hospital, but this is the FIRST time i've actually seen pictures.. These people need to take some time off.
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13 ar_arguably romantic
June 28, 2008 at 9:49 PM
i hope some of these entertainment agencies take note of this phenomenon of korean stars collapsing from exhaustion. thank goodness he passed out on stage and not while driving a car.
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14 Bonnie
June 29, 2008 at 12:37 AM
I feel for the guy (even though I have no idea who he is). It seems that Korean celebrities do work quite a bit harder than American celebrities, anyway (although, on the other hand, think of Heath Ledger) But I also think that while Koreans work the LONGEST, that doesn't automatically equal the HARDEST. Anyone who has worked in a Korean public school knows that many of the "hard-working" teachers sit around surfing the net or taking naps, even if they're at school for 12 hours. Honestly, why would you get ONE hour of sleep a night before a concert or tour? If you're doing that repeatedly you need to learn how to be more efficient. If his managers were pushing him to work that hard, then shame on them...
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15 Me
June 29, 2008 at 7:02 AM
I so shocked to hear this. OMG! He really worked hard ever. I've read news about how he do everything for charity. He don't own luxury item because all his money went to the charity. Just few moments ago I saw him in music show.
Get well soon. Sure all his fans and his beloved feel sad.
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16 Bonnie
June 29, 2008 at 9:39 PM
Bonnie, Heath Ledger did have exhaustion problems pertaining to his health, but that wasn't the main reason why he died. Drug overdose made him kick the bucket.
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17 Liz
June 30, 2008 at 12:33 AM
Ouch, that's so sad. I hope he gets well soon.
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June 30, 2008 at 4:24 AM
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19 gregorsamsa66
June 30, 2008 at 7:17 AM
I was waiting for a headline like that. He always pushes himself too much, and I guess his sleeping disorder hasn't been solved. I know he does it so he can give the money away, but he really should rest.
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20 BlueSunfLower
June 30, 2008 at 7:11 PM
Gosh! K-pop stars should take care of their health. I'm concerned about Kim Jang Hoon's health but really it's NOT cool to collapsed and have the whole world worried about you....
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