Open Thread #53



Fiona Apple – “Better Version of Me.” I have a friend who only listens to Fiona Apple when she’s angry. Maybe it’s counterintuitive of me, but I like listening to Fiona Apple when I’m angry to make myself feel better. And we have a lot to feel angry about (and to subsequently console ourselves over) right now, don’t we? [ Download ]

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yes Im angry about the weather and Im angry about being penniless. Cheers is Friday!


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I'm angry about having to work yet ANOTHER Saturday! What IS it with Japanese work habits?! Isn't working a full-time job from Monday to Friday enough? Sigh - this must be the term from hell! I average 1 free 2-day weekend a month until it's over. The worst part is that right now the weather is perfect (low twenties - that's celsius btw) and the trees are just starting to change color. It's gorgeous out there and all I get to do is look wistfully from my office window... I'm a Canadian for goodness sake! I want to be OUTSIDE! AHHHHHH!


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Despite following the helpline's back-up instructions I have lost everything from my computer.

I'm going round trying to remember the names of where I normally go and trying to get over the loss of a helluva lot of files.


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has anyone seen episode 7 of Painter of the Wind? I'm not completely fluent in Korean, (despite me being full Korean - oh the shame) and I couldn't understand all the political intrigue parts. >< ahhh!!! I want to knowwww....


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i am feeling the same as you, my laptop crashed because i was advised by a tech support agent from my pc manufacturer to do a system repair and now, i lost my data... the saddest part is that wasn't able to back up the SOULMATES and LOVE MARRIAGE videos to a dvd and I also lost a ton of old dramas... huhuhu...

will be spending the next couple of weeks downloading them again... there goes my weekend.. trying to set up my pc again....

good thing i have the SOULMATES OST on my ipod, it can keep me calm....


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I'm angry because none of my torrents are working and I want my episodes waaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Also, may have rage issues. (Example: Girl repeatedly stepping on me, even when I shuffled away, glaring etc notwithstanding. I wanted to bash her head against the window. Grr.)

Off-topic: I've been making my friends listen to the Painter OST - so far have hooked 3 people. :D :D :D


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not better;
just same bullshit spinned.
nuff said.


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I'm having a crazy weekend. Fun, but insane. I'm going to work today (nanny) and am being forced to watch my girl's friend. The last time I watched this other girl she spilled water all over herself and my car, and then stuck her hand in a cupcake (she's 8, by the way). After work I'm driving an hour away to my friend's 21st birthday. I have to pick up three friends on the way, and drop them off after the party. And somehow make it in time to catch the last ferry to MY house tonight, which is 2 hours away from my friend's house. Ugggh. Tomorrow I'm hosting a Halloween party for my nanny girl and ten of her friends. OH GOD. At least cupcake hand girl isn't coming.


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I've been 'net stalking this site lately since I've caught up on The Closer, Bones, House, and I'm waiting for a reupload so I can continue watching In-Soon is Pretty. It has been quite fabulous btw. Can't wait to continue watching it again!

My mantra is "Just need to make it past Nov 1st." right now.

I'll be in Boston this weekend since we're heading up a day early for our last meet. So not too terrible. Just I'm bringing work from 3 of my four classes with me, one of which is doing two essays and studying for the Midterm. Plus I have a Conference call on Sunday on the way back. (Never done one before! Any advice from those who have some experience??) Otherwise still organizing to make sure the Haunted Walk won't be a bust next Saturday. I got told by the SGA Treasurer they might want the money back they granted me. I'LL SPEND IT FIRST :P We need what's in our funds now to blow away for next semester.

Once those two weekends are gone I'll only have a couple of 10 page papers (one already slated for TG break), Grad School applications (to finally get back to), and making sure I have my Advisor/Teacher and Teacher meet so we can set up a class where I get credit for doing a showing of my work in the Gallery for next semester. Also seeing what I'll need to do to take French at the college next door.

Where's my actual weekend ;p?

/end rant


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I'm mad that the polls are getting closer.

I'm upset that I'm halfway through Soulmates and can see the heartbreak ahead.

Angry about the greedy thick headed politicians sinking this country's economy and mortgaging our children's future for the sake of falsely appearing to save face.

I'm upset that LSM and JYP are stubbornly going to try and invade the US entertainment industry when their stars will crumble under the US cynicism, racism, and fickleness.


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i was on cloud 9 getting killer deals on 4 kinds of fish today :)
then on the way home it all went to hell: my neighbor across the street just put up a gigantic, "Tired of Voting Democrat?" sign. it almost caused me to crash into their car! (altho a sea of lawn signs in Bush Country may have built up to this boiling point :D )


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Horrible day today. I got rather angry/upset. Some stupid teacher did something stupid and blamed me, then refers to it every class. It got to boiling point when my group did something wrong today, but instead of judging it objectively, she kept referring to the former incident... and was just basically rude about it. I've never heard anyone speaking that rude to me, let alone a teacher.

So my group and I spent nearly an entire period in the head of guidance department's office. He didn't do much really.... he talked to her and then told us she'd let us present on Monday (which she already told us) but he couldn't tell us if the grade'd be deducted either (She snapped at me and said it would be unfair to tell me and I could go to the headmaster when I asked). ANYWAY. So I left, got angry, another teacher asked me, I started blubbering whatever, and this teacher said she'll talk to her. ~__~ Wonder what will come out of it this time?

God, I'm so sick of it. Today's the last day of the term, and it's even a Friday. And I can no way switch classes. So I'm stuck with a teacher who holds a grudge and likes making spiteful comments both today and other days after the incident. Not that I don't either. Call me naive, but teachers are supposed to be fair. (Blame my awesome teachers in the past for this). I'm not taking it standing down. And I can't just let it go.... which is probably a big flaw of mine. Both my pride (?) and my sense of right and wrong is hurt, and I'm stubborn. I've actually never had someone shut me out this way, let alone a teacher. I'm pursuing it until the end, even though I'm so tired. Ugh.... My head hurts.

So yes, some complaining... but you know what? Your song actually soothed me. Hopefully a better me will come, less stubborn and proud and critical of imperfect teachers and more forgiving. Better day tomorrow! Like one of my teachers, trying to console me, said (rapped) "If it don't flow, let it go". XD Not that I can totally, but no way in hell is she going to ruin any more of my week, or the rest of the yr. No more crying... *sigh* I'll deal with it and get on.


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^ Teachers are actually supposed to be open-minded if not completely impartial. (Coming from a family of profs/teachers, that was drilled into me at a fairly young age.) I do think you're supposed to stand up for yourself, though confrontation doesn't sound the best way to go. But if she dares to give you a bad mark, then go ahead and bother her more. Hope everything goes well!

I've never had that experience, though there was the time our class managed to bully two teachers into quitting within a year's time...


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I'm counting down to final exams. About 7 more weeks. Is that too early to have a countdown?

Have completed eyes-closed, focused breathing and muscle exercises. Am no longer angry about poor-and-destitute status.

Happy about starting Painter in the Wind drama. Episode 1, here I come!!!


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Yes, we do. Javabeans. We have a lot to be angry about.
I am angry because I am so bored and I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't feel like doing my stack of unwanted homework, especially finishing a stinkin' 350-page book. I am angry because I can't find a kdrama that I know that I would REALLY like, and because the fanfictions that I am obsessed with haven't been updated in about 4 months. I am angry because I am a resident of a "battle-ground" state, and it just so happens I hate the elections; so unfortunately I keep seeing some stinkin' campaign ads whenever I turn on the TV. I am angry because I am desperate for some ice-cream right now and someone ate every single scoop of the ice-cream I bought FOR ME in the fridge. Most importantly, I am angry because I want some inspiration, and I don't seem to be gettin' any soon. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.


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hmmm, sounds like everyone's been having a bad day...or days. :) i just need a whole lotta sleep and all will be right with the world. :P


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I'm beginning to dislike a teacher that I really want to like. Based on our personalities and interests, we should get along great, but somehow we just don't click. I am angry with her for not believing in me enough and at myself for letting her make me feel worthless.

On a happier note, I'm going to meet up with some of my favorite people and have some crazy fun tomorrow.

As for the elections, I have already given up hope. Yay 2012!


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start of rant...

angry? possibly...my parents should thank their lucky stars that I'm so well adjusted. After the conversation I've just had with a girl I work with, I'm going to be in therapy for like a year...common sense is so hard to come by in some girls...the guy has a girlfriend, is a serial flirt, ismoving interstate and yet this bright spark still wants to 'put her life on hold' because maybe somewhere, in another galaxy far, far away, there is still the atomic sized possibility that he'll dumt the girlfriend with whom he moved half way around the world, just because someone else is paying him a little bit of attention...taking applications for psychiatrists now....

disappointment...yes because for some reason my brain still hasn't registered that I have an exam next friday and refuses to kick into gear, finding all possible excuses not to just sit down and study - next step is washing windows (and it's not even Christmas yet)

and speaking of Christmas - can the shop honestly start selling Christmas decorations any earlier - end of September!! I love Christmas, I love dressing my Christmas tree (honestly it could win awards) but I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY REFUSE to buy into the whole commercialisation (is that even a word? oh well, I don't care) of my favourite holiday - that's it...this year, no presents...

Why did YouTube have to cancel coolsmurfs account so that all those xman episodes are now lost and when you need a giggle you can't find anything...and why can't I find a drama that I really enjoy...

...end of rant...thanks guys...that helped somewhat ;)


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wow, tough week for most of u up there.

hmm just got home n got yelled at.
im a sophomore in college n still get a curfew? how sad...

busy day, week n month so far .lol.
i was suffocating because of classes n all of the events n meetin n so on.
but there was a halloween party tonite n it made my day..
the guy lived in a mansion man,, so jealous, not gonna lie...
but it was fun so thanks to him for hosting.

n now im off to reality..
trying to figure out my weekend schedule at 1:10am... hmmmm


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@ gossip girl: yup, junior in college, and i still have a curfew of midnight. i dont anticipate that changing either. thank godd i live in a dorm and only come only every other weekend...


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I thought this weekend was going to be moron-free. Obviously I was wrong.



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Oh hey guys, just a quick question: what Korean bands/singer would you rec? I'm a indie/alternative kinda girl, but *handwave* just go crazy reccing, doesn't matter the genre. ;)

Thanks in advance!


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Oh shucks! All i want to do is delete Windows Vista and put my Windows XP back. But why is it taking soo long!

Why the hell did FTLY get such high ratings!. Ahhhhh


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