Cinderella’s Sister: Episode 6

Seo Woo turns out a stellar performance this week in back to back episodes of Cinderella’s slow turn to the dark side. It’s like watching how Lex Luthor got to be…Lex Luthor. The love quadrangle starts closing in on our main characters, and Ki-hoon’s return throws a wrench in just about everyone’s day. Jung-woo steps up, Hyo-sun goes mad, and Eun-jo and Ki-hoon drink till they pass out. That’s what happens when you go away for eight years to a country with no phones. Wait…are there phones in America?


We backtrack again to pick up a few details along the way from the last episode. Are we always going to be starting episodes with Hyo-sun’s B-side? Back in the car, Ki-hoon turns up the volume on the record he once played for Eun-jo, but she’s not in the mood for memory lane. At her coldness, Ki-hoon muses that it’s so simple for her. That she just forgets and walks away. He betrays a bitterness, like what he really wants to say is: “How dare you forget me.”

Hyo-sun is awake in the backseat, picking up on all the tension and reading between the lines. Once they’ve tucked her in bed, she sneaks back out, and sees Ki-hoon dragging Eun-jo out by the wrist. Can’t the hero ever just politely ask a woman to follow him outside? Must there always be a barbaric show of male dominance with an undercurrent of “I want you so badly, but I’m gruff and out of touch with my emotions, so I’m taking it out on your tiny tiny wrist”?

We pick up with the pair outside, just after Ki-hoon calls out, “Eun-jo ya” again and again, making her stop in her tracks. She cries for just a moment, with her back still towards him, then wipes away her tears and braces herself for his approach.

Eun-jo spins around and spits out her venom, fast and furious: “Whoever you were, however you laughed, whatever your name was, none of it matters now. Less than dust, less than a bug, you’re nothing to me now. Call my name or laugh, just try it. Then I’ll just…kill you.”

It’s harsh, to be sure. But it betrays her vulnerability to two key things: the way he laughed, and the way he called her name. It’s her way of keeping her guard and not losing face in front of him (lest he think she was pining away for him like a naïve schoolgirl), but for Ki-hoon, the words cut like a knife. Not for nothing is she the evil stepsister, I’ll tell you that much.

Hyo-sun has heard everything, and I’m not sure if her tears are poor-me tears or ones out of empathy. Despite the fact that her inclination is poor-me, she’s also very aware of both Eun-jo’s and Ki-hoon’s feelings, seeing as how she so desperately wants to be loved by them. My guess is it’s a mix of both, leaning heavily on the feeling of “but oppa is MIIIINE.”

Hyo-sun goes back inside and sees Dad with little Jun-su on piggyback, and she smiles sadly, thinking in voiceover: “Everyone went on a picnic…leaving me behind…leaving me behind…leaving me behind.” It’s interesting to see how things have turned around for the two sisters since their teenage years. I like that this drama confirms my theory that spoiled brats turn out to be useless sorts of people as adults, and it’s not hard to see how the princess ended up adrift and feeling left behind. But I think that it makes her a more interesting character, to have lost something, by way of Eun-jo gaining something for the first time. They will forever be at odds, because they both so desperately need to be loved, but are encircled by the same four people their whole lives.

Dae-sung calls Eun-jo in for a meeting, where he tells her that she can leave (as per his promise eight years ago, and her admission of waiting for the opportunity). He tells her that he never thought she had stayed with the intention of leaving someday. He praises her for being diligent, smart, hardworking, and adds sweetly that if she wanted to fly, he would’ve pinned her some wings. Dae-sung says that he’s never thought for a second that she owed him anything (referring to her very calculating business-like statement that she wanted to repay him for his kindness).

Eun-jo replies that she knows. But Dae-sung shakes his head, “No, you don’t know. You don’t know. You couldn’t know. If you did, you couldn’t say those things.” I think Dae-sung is right here, as he usually is. He doesn’t mean this statement in a hurt way; he means that she thinks she knows, but can’t actually fathom the love of a father. I agree, only because Eun-jo still sees the world from a very limited perspective, and although she has experienced Dae-sung’s care for eight years, she still doesn’t believe herself worthy of true love, fatherly or otherwise.

He says that he’s never thought of her any differently from Hyo-sun…then concedes that maybe he has, but only in the very recesses of his heart, where no one could understand why. He adds that even if that’s the case, he is not ashamed (he can stand honorably with his love for Eun-jo as his daughter). It’s a very honest answer, and another glimpse into why these two get along—Eun-jo responds well to Dae-sung’s fastidious honesty and his steadfastness as a person—he is still the same man who punished her fairly and then tended to her wounds all those years ago.

Dae-sung says (breaking my heart) that he thought Eun-jo felt the same way about him. He tells her to give him a proposal for her departure, aka Life Plans and Such. An Excel spreadsheet for her life…does anyone else want to take this girl out for a drink? Dae-sung says that as the father who changed her surname to his, he has the right to make sure she’s got a real plan, means to live, and ways to achieve her dreams. Eun-jo says she’ll draw up the plans, making Dae-sung sad and resigned.

Just then…Kang-sook appears, having heard the tail end of their conversation, and flips out. She breaks down, wailing at the top of her lungs, thinking that she and Eun-jo are being kicked out. She faints in Eun-jo’s arms, leaving Eun-jo and Dae-sung dumbstruck. Even though I’m assuming that Kang-sook is doing a bit of acting here, I don’t know if it’s because the actress is so good, but it feels real, like the histrionics are exaggerated, but based in real fears deep inside.

In another part of the house, Hyo-sun explains very cutely to Ki-hoon that she’s decided to marry him, so he should follow suit. He’s like, what’s the what, now? The cute thing is that she’s totally serious, without knowing how ridiculous she sounds. It shows that she’s still a stunted child in many ways. Ki-hoon just laughs and says “okay,” the way you’d answer if a kid asked you to go to Mars with her someday. You’d answer “okay, sure thing.” This isn’t the response she was looking for. She may be a kid, but she ain’t no dummy. Hyo-sun says glumly that she knows he likes Eun-jo, but that can never be. If he goes to her too, then who does she have left? She gets up abruptly and adds that anyway oppa is hers; he’s been hers since forever and a half ago, so that’s the way it is, and that’s that! Haha. Your logic does not resemble Earth logic. But it’s cute just the same.

The doctor has come and gone, and Eun-jo sits by Mom’s bedside, telling her to rest and take it easy with true concern. Mom asks if they’re alone, and when Eun-jo confirms that they are, she hilariously pops up and rips Eun-jo a new one for thinking of leaving. She fumes that she’s set up everything for her and Jun-su to inherit the kingdom, but she dares to throw it all away? Eun-jo goes mad before our very eyes, as it dawns on her that her mother has put on a show for the umpteenth time, and she has fallen for it yet again. And you wonder why she has a hard time TRUSTING?

Eun-jo’s soul turns inside out, as she struggles to keep her tears in. Kang-sook tells her to use the ailing mom defense and not even think about setting one foot outside. Eun-jo, shaking in disbelief, says quietly, “I should have just died then. There were so many times I could have died. So many times I could have disentangled myself from you.” Damn.

Kang-sook doesn’t understand what she’s going on about, and warns her not to ever speak of leaving again; then she’ll really put on a show. Hyo-sun comes running over, fawning over Mom, and Kang-sook goes right back to her angelic invalid pose in a heartbeat. Ha. Evil genius.

Eun-jo walks outside in a teary stupor, where Jung-woo is waiting for her. He silently turns her shoes around (a recurring motif and such a beautifully simple and selfless visual gesture). And the way he looks up at her, expectantly…just about kills me. I feel like the less this kid says, the better—not because I have a negative judgment about his acting, but more because I like the impact of this character as the silent bodyguard type. He could turn out to be the reincarnation Lee Jung-jae in Sandglass, if he keeps this up.

Eun-jo is lost in her own world, as she walks slowly to the riverbank. Jung-woo follows ten steps behind her, wanting to reach her but unable to get close. He stands guard as she sits by the river and finally decides that this is his moment. He tentatively takes small steps, his face breaking out in a smile at the thought of approaching her. But the second he sits down next to her, Eun-jo pops right up to leave. It’s the same thing she did to Dae-sung when he first tried to get close to her—she’s got a lot of built-in defenses, this girl.

Jung-woo gets right back up, ever doggedly pursuing her, and it makes Eun-jo finally turn around and acknowledge him, though not in the way he was hoping. She asks if he’s on an errand or if her father is looking for her, and I’m getting the impression that she knows this isn’t the case, but is offering him an out so that she doesn’t have to deal with his advances. Jung-woo just nods, reading that she doesn’t want to be bothered right now. His undeniable adoration of her is written all over his face, and it’s priceless.

She turns and walks away, just as he utters out, “noona,” but she doesn’t hear him because Hyo-sun’s uncle is honking at the kid. He takes Jung-woo on another nefarious delivery, this time even giving him a cut of the hush money.

In a quiet moment, we see Hyo-sun clinging to Mom as they sleep, and the depth of her loneliness as she gets passed up for Jun-su. She feels that Mom’s love for her is empty, but clings to it desperately anyway, which breaks my heart.

Later that night, Dae-sung tells Eun-jo that he won’t fire Ki-hoon; that he’s an unfortunate kid, and he’ll only let him go if he chooses to leave of his own accord. Dae-sung tells Eun-jo that she’s arrogant (he says so matter-of-factly, not unkindly) for wanting to get rid of Ki-hoon. He asks for her Life Proposal, but she doesn’t have it. He supposes she changed her mind because of Mom, and breathes a sigh of relief, saying that he didn’t know what he would have done if she really went through with it. Aw.

He adds that he knows that she can take care of herself full well; what he wanted was for her to find a warm place to rest her heart, and until that time, he wanted to take care of her. Double aw. He says that her insistence on repaying her debt to him means that she doesn’t know his true heart, and that he’s been torn up the last few days. Okay, stop being so damn perfect, Dad. You’re making me worry for your well-being. But Eun-jo, ever the heartbreaker, throws down one of her patented, rip-open-a-vein-why-don’t-you honest confessions:

Eun-jo: “This house is…arduous. Don’t give your heart to me. If you’ve given it, take it back. I’m an unbelievably horrible person. How awful…you can’t even imagine. If you knew the thoughts I live with every day, you wouldn’t want to look at me, even for a second. For now I’m stuck because of my mother, but I will leave. Whether I repay my debt to you, or marry that man my lab sunbae wants me to meet, I will leave. So don’t dote on me. I’m not the kind of kid who will stay here forever, thankful for your grace, just because you trust in me.”

Because she doesn’t understand…that love can be unconditional, forgiving, and stronger than pain…she can’t let anyone love her, just as she can’t let herself love anyone again.

Ki-hoon goes to meet his father at a hotel, and he tells him that the current project (read: acquisition of Dae-sung’s makgulli company) isn’t worth his time and effort. Daddy Hong thinks Ki-hoon’s gone soft because of his feelings for Dae-sung (well, that’s a close guess…), but Ki-hoon corrects him, saying that he’s not the same Ki-hoon of eight years ago. When he left that place he left all those feelings behind. (Ah, some insight into his self-imposed exile away from his looooove.) He says it might have been different had he never left, but once he did, he forgot it all.

Dad doesn’t understand; what’s the problem, then? Ki-hoon starts to laugh, which is exactly the sort of chuckle down the road to madness that Eun-jo does with her mom. It’s not hard to see why Ki-hoon saw right through her pain as an adolescent.

Ki-hoon muses that this whole charade is right out of a Joseon-era history book: a father betting on the darkhorse prince to topple the king and usurp the throne. He goes further with the analogy, saying that he’s drawn his sword in battle, but has found that his opponent is too young (which we can read as both Dae-sung’s company being too young and small-time, but also as Eun-jo being too young and mismatched an opponent for him to fight fairly). He says he’s retreated his sword; Dad shouldn’t worry about small-fry Dae-sung being a worthy adversary. He plans to just rest there a little while and think of other ways to help his father.

Dad scoffs that Ki-hoon knows nothing. He hands him a document, while the chimes of evil masterminding ensue. Ki-jung has apparently bid on Dae-sung’s company and has not given up making advances. Dad refuses to lose this to Ki-jung. And for good measure, he adds the requisite Tragic Twist of Melodramatic Proportions: Do you want to know how your mother really died? OH, JEEBUS.

From the looks of Ki-hoon’s walk of stunned dismay, the answer isn’t good for Dae-sung and Co. As he walks out, Ki-hoon sees Eun-jo walk past, wearing a dress and high heels, which is probably a very surprising sight for him. He follows her into the café, where she is on a mat-seon with that guy her lab sunbae wanted her to meet. It goes hilariously badly, as Eun-jo picks a thing, anything, (happens to be height) to pick apart the poor guy’s attempt to get close to her. When he asks how tall she is, she responds accusingly, “How tall should I be for you to marry me? If I’m 170(cm), will you marry me? 172?” Haha. Who on earth thought this girl would be good on a blind date?

Ki-hoon looks stricken as he listens to her talk about marriage with another man, even if it is in her over-my-dead-body Eun-jo-esque way. He meets her outside, and asks if she’s on a mat-seon, adding snottily that she must not have liked the guy if she’s leaving so soon. She just ices him with the silent treatment and drives away.

Ki-hoon follows her, and catches up on a windy mountain road, where he races to try and stop her, and she speeds up to try and lose him. You silly kids and your cat-and-mouse games. Although, if someone loses an eye or gets amnesia from this, I will hurt you, Show. He calls her to tell her to slow down, which is just hilarious, since YOU’RE CHASING HER, but whatever. He finally cuts her off, leading to an almost collision, and tells her to slow down, and he’ll stop chasing. Uhh…it would’ve worked the other way around too, and you wouldn’t have had to cause a near-accident, but what do I know?

Oh, NOW I get why this scene is here—Ki-hoon starts telling her that it’s unsafe and that he’ll stop chasing her, but his insistence on those words have a secondary meaning. He ends up saying: “I won’t chase you. I’m not going to try and hold you, and I’m not going to ask you to hold me. So you don’t have to run away. You got it? Anyhow, I’m also…” But he trails off, unable to complete his words. I’m also…what? Moving on? Denying my one true love for the sake of my family? Frustratingly stubborn when it comes to you? What?

Eun-jo arrives at home, and Jung-woo follows a few steps behind her in silence. She finally acknowledges him and asks if he has something to say to her, but he simply smiles and shakes his head. When she takes off her shoes to go inside, he turns them around for her, and she looks at him like, what’s your deal with my shoes, dude? He says it’s a pledge of allegiance (much like an army salute) for the person who feeds him. So nicely written, these spare scenes. She understands it as she’s the boss and he’s grateful for the job; he means that he’s grateful for all the times she made him food when they were young and she was the only one to ever take care of him.

Late that night, Ki-hoon broods on his pavilion, then makes a call to Daddy Hong. He says that if Dad can promise that once they acquire Dae-sung’s company, he’ll give Ki-hoon full control, then he’ll agree to start the work. I’m assuming from the chimes of evil masterminding that there’s going be some nefarious corporate espionage or something at work. Either that or he’s going to drink up all the makgulli before they can bottle it up. Can I help with that?

The next day, Hyo-sun has been put to work with the other laborers, washing rice. She’s terribly bumbling at even the most menial of tasks, but to her credit, she does it with a song in her heart, mostly because she’s determined to get Eun-jo and Dad’s approval. Dad chastises her for spilling even a kernel of the very precious organic, hand-picked rice. At this, she wonders aloud, “Am I useless?” But she gives herself a pep talk, saying that she can do it, and continues to work.

Eun-jo comes by, making Jung-woo stand up at the sight of her. She asks to see Hyo-sun when she’s done, and walks away. Jung-woo salutes her as she walks past, hopeful, then deflated when she just blue steels him.

Eun-jo has Hyo-sun try on dresses for the commercial, and Hyo-sun asks what this is all about. Without answering her, Eun-jo just says offhandedly that she’s pretty, but this time rather than being earnest, I think she’s using it as a way to throw Hyo-sun a bone. Hyo-sun replies that being called pretty doesn’t work on her anymore. She calls Eun-jo a liar, calling her pretty just to boost her ego and get her to do whatever she wants. She won’t be fooled twice.

Eun-jo doesn’t bat an eyelash; that’s fine with her, so long as that’s what she wants. If Hyo-sun doesn’t want to do it, she’ll just use Dad’s money. (She says here, “Your Dad,” purposely distancing herself in her snotty way.) Hyo-sun declares her evil. Eun-jo just taunts her, saying over and over, “You’re not going to do it, are you?” until finally Hyo-sun stops her. Next thing you know, Hyo-sun’s dancing around in a tutu for the commercial. Ha. I almost feel bad knowing that Eun-jo is so much smarter than her. But they pretty much know how to push each other’s buttons equally.

During the filming, Eun-jo notices Ki-hoon smiling at the monitor, and shoots him the sidelong death ray of jealousy, which he doesn’t notice. But then he sees her walk away from him and has the pouty face of why-doesn’t-she-love-me? Oh, you two.

The three of them go out to eat afterwards, where Eun-jo thinks only about work, and Hyo-sun blissfully eats away. She pulls the classic I’m-going-to-feed-my-boyfriend-in-front-of-you move, driving Eun-jo to drink. But she apparently can’t hold her liquor very well. So Ki-hoon, instead of stopping her, matches her drink for drink. It’s like a hilarious pissing contest, neither of them knowing why they’re doing it, but just fueled by anger and hurt feelings. And yeah…if I had to look at this…

I’d be drinking till I blacked out too. The two of them end up vomiting by the river, with Hyo-sun looking on in amazement. She can’t win…these two will always be in sync, whether in bliss or in misery, and they’ll always leave her out.

Hyo-sun calls her uncle, who sends Jung-woo out to fetch them. By the time he comes running, Eun-jo and Ki-hoon have passed out on the ground. Haha. Jung-woo drives them all back, and Hyo-sun catches him stealing glances at his beloved Eun-jo noona in the rearview mirror. She asks his name, and finds out that he’s a recently discharged soldier, nay marine, which he insists is not just any solider. Hyo-sun laughs at his earnestness.

Jung-woo puts Ki-hoon to bed, and Hyo-sun brings her sister’s purse in, noticing that the strap has torn off. The look on her face is that of genuine sadness; I bet she would love more than anything to give her unni one of her many pretty purses, but Eun-jo would never accept that sort of gesture from her.

She meets Jung-woo back at the car to bring Eun-jo in, but when they get there, she’s not there anymore. They run around the house looking for her, and Ki-hoon wakes to hear them say they can’t find her. But he knows where to look. He goes over to the factory, to their makgulli cellar, to the place of their unfulfilled love. Their eyes meet, over the sound of bubbles, and Eun-jo passes out. Ki-hoon reaches his hand out to touch her, but pulls back, unable to reconnect with her.

He leaves, and in walks Jung-woo. Symbolic, that Jung-woo replaces Ki-hoon in the cellar, just as he has taken over shoe-turning duties; he can traverse that icy barrier that Ki-hoon dare not cross. He carries Eun-jo home on his back, wondering what on earth is going on with her.

Then we get a commercial break…wait…oh, it’s Hyo-sun’s commercial debut, complete with cheesy changeover from what…hooker on the run?…to pink ballerina? It’s intentionally funny, and cute. Apparently the media exposure did the trick, because the orders are coming so fast that they have to turn some away. Eun-jo saves the day though, securing a way to increase their production, so they take all the orders that come in.

They celebrate, but then stop in their tracks when they notice that Eun-jo’s got a bloody nose. She’s been pulling all-nighters at the lab, and ends up collapsing to the ground in Dad’s arms. Ki-hoon rushes her to the hospital on his back, and we catch up with her in the hospital, Hyo-sun at her bedside.

Hyo-sun (voiceover): “Wow. Song Eun-jo, no, now Gu Eun-jo. I can’t even imitate her. I can’t be like her. If I try to be like her, my legs would split. As soon as the thought that I can’t keep up with her enters my head, I want to cry. I’m not at all worried about her, but the tears won’t stop. I swear by the heavens and the earth, every word I’ve spit at her is 100% a lie.”

She calls out loud, “Unni ya. Unni ya, don’t die. Unni ya, I’ll do well. I’ll adore you. Don’t die, unni ya.” This is one of my favorite things about her—the way she calls Eun-jo “unni ya,” which is a contradiction. You can’t call someone “ya” if you’re younger, and you wouldn’t call one person both “unni” and “ya.” But it’s the perfect thing for their relationship, as they’re two girls of the same age who were thrown together as sisters. It also mirrors the heartfelt way that Ki-hoon calls her “Eun-jo ya;” it’s her own moniker for her love/hate sister/not-a-sister.

She thinks to herself, “Your nose bled because you picked it, didn’t you?…is what I really wanted to say.” She breaks down in tears. And then Eun-jo wakes up, telling her to shut up. She shocks the tears away from Hyo-sun as she asks, “Am I dying? Did they say I was going to die? Or do you just wish I were?” Haha. Damn, you’re cold. And hilarious. She tries to get out of bed, but Hyo-sun throws her back down.

Hyo-sun: “You’re an unparalleled weakling. I’ve never seen a girl like you in all my life. You want to make me pathetic, don’t you? That’s why you showed up at our house, isn’t it? Where are you going? Don’t move a muscle. I can’t stand to look at you move. I can’t stand to hear you talk. You’re just trying to impress Dad so you stay up all night at the lab, and get a bloody nose. Even if you don’t do that, I’m always being compared to you and becoming a pathetic person. And next to pathetic me, you’re becoming a faithful and decent person. Just try and move again. Just try and collapse again! I wish a thing like you would just die!”

And of course, that’s the moment when Mom and Dad walk in. Oh, crap. Dae-sung can’t believe the words out of Hyo-sun’s mouth, and she runs away from him, scared to get scolded yet again for being the bratty sister. She jumps into Ki-hoon’s car and begs him to drive her away.

As if one crazy hospital visitor wasn’t enough for one day, Kang-sook has sprawled out on Eun-jo’s bed (just like her to take the sickbed from the sick girl), saying that Eun-jo will be fine, and that she’s lucky to be sick in such a conveniently melodramatic way. She tells her not to try so hard; even without all the all-nighters and nosebleeds, it’ll all be hers anyway (the company).

Eun-jo asks Mom if that time that they lived in Gunsan, when she made herself a noose…did she intend to die? Kang-sook scoffs at the idea. “Why would I die?” She explains that sometimes you have to go to the extreme to get what you want. Eun-jo asks if that means this time, she’ll make another noose if Eun-jo tries to leave. Mom answers, “Of course,” without so much as a second thought. Eun-jo: “For me? Because of me?” Mom: “Why, do you think I’m lying?” Eun-jo: “I wish that it were a lie.”

Mom slyly checks to see if the door is closed. She walks over to Eun-jo and says:

Kang-sook: “I carried you on my back and dug through trash. Because I thought it would be better than not feeding you. When I fed you, and you got sick, when your eyes rolled into the back of your head and all I could see was the whites of your eyes, I said, ‘God, Buddha, Lord, just try and kill my baby. You think I’ll leave you be? I’ll chew you up and spit you out until there is no heaven.’ That night I gave up the notion of love as holding someone close. Do you know who I am? I’m the bitch who challenged God and Buddha to the death and won…to save your life. A noose? I could tie one a hundred times, you bitch.”

She tells Eun-jo not to be moved. Betraying a tear, she says what mother wouldn’t do that for her child? Eun-jo asks if she loves Dae-sung. Kang-sook is surprised at the sudden question. But Eun-jo needs to know: did she ever love Dae-sung, or is he just another man who has something she can rip him off for? Mom’s like, what the hell with this line of questioning?

Eun-jo cries, desperate to find some bit of humanity left in the dark corners of her mother’s heart. She asks her to please tell her that he’s not just another man to rip off, that she loves him. If she can say that, Eun-jo will forgive her for everything. Kang-sook replies that she does like him…she likes him a lot…because he’s got so much for her to rip off.

Just then, Dae-sung opens the door, having heard the desperate query from Eun-jo and the startling answer. He walks in, just as Eun-jo goes stark raving mad. She screams like a wounded animal, trying to shut out the horrifying truth of her birthright. No matter how good she tries to be, she can never wash off the sins of her mother, and her own position as the rationale for it all.

This episode was family-heavy, which I don’t mind, since the time leap has changed the family dynamics in interesting ways, and I’m fascinated by the changes in each character, both small and large. I’m most intrigued by Hyo-sun, who has become quite desperate and much closer to Eun-jo’s wounded teenage state than either of them realize. I love Eun-jo’s relationship with Dae-sung, and the growing complexity of her character, as someone who both loves and loathes her mother, hates herself because of that, and doesn’t believe she deserves to be loved by Dae-sung because of her mother’s sins.

The time leap actually hasn’t found them as fully formed adults yet either, so I don’t mind it as much as I anticipated. Both girls are still young and searching for their place in the world, so I find that I’m as invested in their motivations and their journey as I was in the beginning. What makes this drama so watchable for me (besides the deliciously compelling character studies) is the nimble balance of light and dark, of comedy and melodrama, and its offbeat sense of humor, even in the darkest of characters like Kang-sook. It’s a difficult line to tread, but this show manages it with a stroke of whimsy.


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I'm also wondering where is the glass hairpin....I bet it will come out soon!


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Come to think of it, the answer is becasue EJ's mother bore him (DS) a son so there is a contnuity to his family name that he has to "swallow" all the negative things that has an impact to his own daughter's feeling, poor hye son, hope she will be sucessful in her adult life.


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thanks for the awesome recap..

i love Kim Gab-soo most when he's not playing evil.. he's an awesome dad here (i have my doubt about the little boy's paternity), i was really dumbfounded by KS's answer - seriously doesn't she has a heart at all?

(i just realized Ki-hoon's father is BB himself, yikesss)


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thanks for the recaps! over the last scene I think the fake illness/slap scene killed me. EJ was so concerned for her mom, it was all over her face, and then wham (literally)
new episode today!


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i may sound like a broken record here but i'm always at awe by MGY acting... she's not just good but brilliant!!!!


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Okay, this is pure speculation on my part but does anyone else think that Ki-hoon is going to marry (or almost marry) Hyo-sun to "save" the family after he takes over Dae-sung's company?

Speaking of Dae-sung....I think almost every interaction between he and Eun-jo has made me burst into tears.

I love this show!


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I really want to thank you for these recaps!!!! They're really wonderful!!!! I also sort of feel...I don't know, accompanied, while watching this drama; as it's a k-drama, it's probably going to be very, very sad still, and there are still quite a few episodes to go! I just hope they won't let everyone die in the end, as they do so often X_X' Even if Hyo-sun is with Ki-hoon, or with Jung-woo, that's fine, just don't die everyone!!! XD

It would be perfect if a third woman showed up, trying to seduce Ki-hoon, because then the sisters could maybe bond XDDD I really hope they'll end up in a good relationship...

I must say Eun-jo is my favourite character, but I sort of have a "main character complex" or something XDDD But I have nothing against Hyo-sun...I just hope they wouldn't vent all their anger, etc., on each other!!! But rather talk D: Nya, I guess that's a vain hope, at least for the moment XD


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OMG, is that BB I see? Noooooooo! Oh man, whenever I see that actor now, I'll only see evil.


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i wonder when Eun-jo said that she stayed to repay the debt, part of it means she's trying to repay Dae-sung for the sins her mother had committed.

new episode today!


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Can't wait to see Dae-sung's reaction. I'm really glad that he heard Eun-jo's inquiry first and takes it as a sign of her growing love and at the least, appreciation for him. Or he may as well be blinded by her mother's answer, which I really hope doesn't happen. I wonder how Kang-sook is going to dig herself out of this one, eh?


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I have not changed my mind. This is a drama better read (recaps) than watched. Thanks javabeans.


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"then deflated when she just blue steels him". And I thought I was the only one who associated that term with Kdramas! Although, it's usually the male lead doing the Blue Steeling.

As much of a Moment as that scream at the end was, all I could think was "girl, you're in a HOSPITAL! Can't you wait until your in an empty field (or something) to do that?"

I love the complexity of this drama. Romcoms used to be my cup of tea, but BOF and Shining Inheritance pretty much Innocent-Peppy-Girl-Teaches-Cold-Stoic-Guy-How-To-Lived me out. Now it's all about deep characters for me.

Great recap! Made me chuckle and helped me understand a few of the finer plot points as well. Thank you girlfriday!


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"I’d be drinking till I blacked out too. The two of them end up vomiting by the river, with Hyo-sun looking on in amazement. She can’t win…these two will always be in sync, whether in bliss or in misery, and they’ll always leave her out." Thank you for this line/ anaylsis~! I hope Hyo-sun will finally stop pretending to be ki hoon's supposedly lover. Oh man in this episode I felt so sorry for the dad... he's just trying to be a good father to his real daughter and two people who suddenly dropped into his life... I don't see how hard it is for this mom to love this man... curse you bitch~! Anyways, I am dying to see the dad's reaction to the mom!

oh man during hyo-sun's monologue, she surprised me by "DIE!" towards eun-jo~! It made me realize that eun-jo really knows how to differenate Hyo-sun from her fakey innocent character to her spoiled rotten self!

Oh yea, i think taec is absolutely adorable~! Also I wonder what Hyo-sun's uncle is doing??? hmmmm

Thank you JAVA BEANS~!


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Wow mad props to you GirlFriday. I really enjoyed your recap and I think you did a fanfreakingtastic job with pointing out the minute details that some of us might have missed. I always come here to read Dramabeans' recaps to help me gain a full understanding of a drama or just to dig a little deeper. I'm so very glad you're helping out with JB on this gem of a drama. There is just so much to be uncovered! Thanks for helping out and doing such a brilliant job on top of it!



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I doubt anyone will end up reading this - 114 comments already! - but, thanks for the recaps. It makes watching a good drama so much more fulfilling wen you can hear others opinions and/or pick up on themes/important points you may have missed.

I absolutely love the character work in this show. The reason it works is because we have an entire cast of 3 dimensional characters with motivations that are transparent to the viewer. I find both HyoSun and EunJo relateable; HyoSun's dilemma about her future and where exactly she fits in the world is something I and many other young adults are constantly grappling with - being able to examine why her character is like this from a 3rd person perspective gives me a little more insight into my own character for some reason.

And EunJo, she is a product of her upbringing - how can you truly love when all that you've seen to be love has been fraught with hurt and lies? Her mother has hurt people and debased herself out of love for her daughter, EunJo feels that she is the cause of her mother's misdeeds. I do feel the sympathy for her character - she is honest (except with her feelings) and hardworking, and deep down she does care deeply for people, which is why she distances herself from them. Sure, this might make her harsh and rude, but I prefer that to empty flattery or a fake smile. At least when she says something nice (like the first time she called HyoSun pretty) she really means it, and it means so much more because of that.

I wrote way more about EunJo than HyoSun, but I like them both.. ok, maybe EunJo a teensy bit more because I just want her to open up and trust someone properly for the first time in her life! And I think I'm bearing in mind that she is SUPPOSED to be evil, in fact that is a character she cultivates for herself.

OK, i'll stop talking now. I've probably repeated what others have said, I just wanted to take part in the discussion ^_^


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Thanks for the recap girlfriday & JB :-)


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I really like your recaps, funny and witty. Exactly what I was thinking but not said outloud. teeehee Great job!!


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thanks so much for the recaps girlfriday and jb!!! I'm really loving all the characters, everyone has their own weakiness and strength which is totally true in the real world. No one was born perfect and I love how this drama depict the characters because there's really no evil characters. Ex. Kang Sook, you learn to understand her since she herself lived a hard life and wants the best for her daughter. Although the method she did she cruel to HS's Dad using him to her leisure but she was able to somehow give that complete home and family to EJ in her calculative way. I really love the dad in here, he's the total father figure everyone one wants and esp. for someone like EJ. She needs someone like him in her life.


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Eun jo has a rotten life previously but with the Goo family although doing well but still have rotten attitude towards others.


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I agree with everything you have posted about this drama, except for one comment about HS being spoiled. I beg to differ on that statement, I don't think HS was spoiled I think she was raised with loved and gave love. Her father punishedh her when needed and like any young person who getting punish you try to get out of it and like any parents you give the child that chance to escape.


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"She can’t win…these two will always be in sync, whether in bliss or in misery, and they’ll always leave her out."

My favorite line of this recap that summarizes the three of them perfectly.

I had heart palpitations reading this recap since it triggered all the feelings I experienced when I watched ep 6. I don't have much hope for these guys. I'm afraid I'm already prepared for doom and gloom due to the various foreshadowings. If the sun shines hereon it will probably be just a little peep here and there. Prepare for the angst.

Anyone else have a brief thought that Eunjo might get together with Kihoon's half brother as a political marriage/revenge thing and KiHoon will marry Hyosun. God this is going to be tragic.

And yes the CJM story is on life support and needs to be resuscitated or else THIS fangirl love will die.


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i've been reading your drama recaps for ages now, and your website has long been favourited, but never took the time to say thanks... >< after reading the entries for Cinderella's Sister though, I feel like its time for me to say, "THANK YOU!" =)
i actually haven't watched any episodes yet (final exams...) but i think i would feel the same thought as a previous comment: the recaps are thoroughly captivating and i don't think i could actually sit through an entire episode of melodrama (i usually stick to the comedies, haha).
anyway, THANKS again not only for your recaps but also the awesome work on this website! its nice to get kceleb news without the cattiness and crazy fangirls that happens on blogs. ;)


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Even though I watch the episodes subbed and actively follow the thread in Soompi, I still have to read your recaps! I love your analysis and insights.


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As someone mentioned earlier, I don't think EunJo's mom is evil. Like Eunjo, she's also a product of her upbringing. And apparently it wasn't a good one, as she had to resort to feeding her child trash to keep her alive. She had to count on men who physically abused her to survive. So she has a lot of trust issues too and has come to believe that if she and her family (Eunjo and now maybe Junsu too), then they'll be safe.


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"Hyo-sun comes running over, fawning over Mom, and Kang-sook goes right back to her angelic invalid pose in a heartbeat. Ha. Evil genius."

HAHA. my thought process at this scene was "YESS CATCH HER IN THE ACT CATCH HER wait damn what the"

evil mom moves FAST.


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He could turn out to be the reincarnation Lee Jung-jae in Sandglass, if he keeps this up.

Same here same here! At first I thought I might be exaggerating it but Jung-woo's scenes left a good impression on me. I felt really sad seeing his expressions. I'm very much warming up to Taecyeon's acting. I think he has a good presence for a brand new actor.


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the ending was the best part....it really felt painful......seriously.....i felt my heart aching....god this drama is just working for me....so beautiful~how characters are build......so deep~mix of individuals emotion....a father trying to get a place in a wounded step daughters heart, a hero (as usual in kdrama who has history which will prevent him to love the heroin), then the silent kid....noona is my girl...i will forever protect her??awww.....,the evil crazy mom!!.....owh....i love it...the plots....the twist......


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wow, I really love these updates. I dare say, I think these recaps are as good (or better) than javabean's! good job!


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Ahhhh.... so good.... Thank you for the recaping!!!!!


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I am mesmerized. I've always loved romcoms and early on thought I would be addicted to PT and PP would come 2nd. I'm not a fan of heavy dramas and complex plots so I was just reading CU as a pastime while waiting for PT and PP episodes but as the episodes fly for all 3, I'm surprised at myself watching out for recaps of CU's episodes more than PT and PP! Amazing. The combination of fabulous recapping, great writing and a solid drama blows me away! I am hopelessly addicted but Thank you all!


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GOOD GOD! Hyo-sun's double lid eye is horribly disgusting~! I am not sorry to say that maybe some asians can still look beautiful without the "fake" double eyelid~! even though I am an asian with double eyelids ... well i was born with it so what can I do :P


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I think HS eyes are beautiful, yes you can tell it was man made but she look like a fawn, she a beautiful young lady.


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I'm looking forward to Episodes 7 and 8...

I'm sensing that KH and EJ will take a while before they get together.

What I love about this drama is that it has all the elements of your typical Kdrama, but it's always unpredictable. I love the anticipation.

Who knows...maybe EJ will end up with JW...IDK. Whatever it is, I'm loving it. The story is so tight, the characters are convincing. It's great :)

Moon Geun-young's best role yet...and Chun Jung-myung's best :)

They have chemistry. Seo Woo is annoying as Hyo-sun but she's sooooo adorable.

Gosh, my Wednesdays and Thursdays are awesome with CS!!!


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I wish we could hear more Eun Jo narrations.
I feel like every time she gives us a glimpse into her thoughts we get a beautiful piece of poetry,


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She better not end up with Jung-woo.
Or else I will utterly boycott this show. I don't know why, but Jung-woo seriously annoys me. Just hurry up and get with Ki-Hoon!! aarrgghh!! :) I am calm now :)


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I sincerely thank you for your recaps in this drama! Your recaps are very insightful and make me want to watch the drama so badly. I wasn't interested in it at first, because my mood induced me to watch a lighter drama like PT. To be honest, after a few episodes it bored me so much, so I peek at your recaps for Cinderella's sister (yes i don't mind with spoilers) and boy how I love this drama so much now! So intense, well written, well directed and acted too!
Thank you so much for making me watch one of the best Kdrama so far! :D
This is the first time I like all the 4 main actors/actresses in a Kdrama. They are all gorgeous looking and have imperfect characters. I have no preferences at all for who's going to end up with whom.. EJ/KH or EJ/JW or HS/KH (&maybe HS/JW too) are all good options as of now, but who knows..:p
Anw, please keep on making great recaps!^^


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i LOVE Jung Woo. i think he is the ever-loyal-puppy-dog.. and it's the cutest thing ever!!! i loved the pudgy lilo boy admiring his noona, and i love the grown up manly lilo boy still following his noona around. he's a great character!!! but i gotta agree, EunJo can't end up w/ him--she's so in sync w/ KiHoon she's GOT to be w/ him... tho i would hate to see JungWoo hurt.


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Omonah! I cannot wait to read javabeans'/girlfriday's insights on the next episodes because they're seriously chock full of angst/comedy/OMG HOW COULD YOU!!!s.

Also, these next two episodes made me love jungwoo even without the adorably chubby cheeks. This drama is so.... "GAHHH~ THE HUMANITY... THE HUMANITY~~~!!!"


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hey guys
love the recaps, keep it up
been watching CS and its getting good,
all the main leads, eun, ki hoon, and cinderella are doing well
they hold their own

im having trouble watching taec
each time i watch him, i fast forward
cos hes so boring, he just stands there and expects something
i wish someone else could have played his role
he just so mellow, cheesy and downright boring, he should stick with singing
maybe its just his character that the writer wrote but still, bring some life into him
you know what i mean when you watch future eps
even though siwon from oh my lady is acting in his 2nd drama, he portrays his character as if he was a seasoned actor, not a newbie
taec should get some acting lessons so he can act and i sometimes feels like he went through the back door (or his company) to get this role

im loving the mystery about ki hoon's past and his intentions for daesung's wine farm
at least the writer hasn't clearly mentioned what his intentions are, but the leadup seems good

moon is great with her acting
her stepfather, guy from tazza and hon, holds up really well as an oldie
i hope he doesn't get typecasted into similar roles
i like him in those juicy nastier roles like hon and tazza
seo is doing well, but her acting is great and her annoying school girl is slowly fading
thank god
and chung is doing well but sometimes i feel his acting is lifeless and lacking, i dont think its his fault but the character itself
and eun jo's mom, my god can she act, she so wicked and nasty, 2 faced and dirty, she makes you want to hate her and she done that really well

anyway this rant is over


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@ yumi - chan

too true . she had me crying at that eun jo yah , he called me eun jo yah piece .

i think ki hoon is being lazy and careless . he KNOWS that brat hyo sun likes him but yet his hanging around her , while he KNOWS eun jo yah likes him also . i feel like punching him everytime he comes on screen . ugh . i don't necessarily want jung woo to get eun jo ya but a little healthy competition is needed . ki hoon needs to step his game up .
why can't he just say ' DIDNT YOU GET MY LETTER ' ?? one sentence for pete's sake . if he keeps pushing it like his been doing am boycotting his character and am rooting for silent jung woo . !!!

did you guys notice how his accent keeps changing or is it just me ??


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For instance Taec didn't make me cringe so I think his acting is better than I thought. His expressions are not stiff but his character is not so interesting now. He is only EJ's pet. So the problem is not his delivery in my view.


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OH thanks so much girlfriday! That's a really well written recap! I've watched the episode already but just couldn't pass on your recap!

The characters are really well written and well acted out, with much complexity and emotions. I was hoping Taec could act a little more though -- his stares at Eun-jo are ... very blank to my eyes. I can tell right away that he is a newbie, although I also have to give the guy pops for acting much better than KHJ in boys over flowers. I hope he improves as the drama develops!!!


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thnx 4 the recap...i realy like this drama....its been a long time since i watched k-drama...n i felt this was more different than any other dramas.. its really gives you the vibes and anticipation for further more. i used to watch many k-dramas before and all the stories and character potrayed sort of same element which made mw quite bored. but this one is very different. i really like Eunjo..n her acting.. taecyoen is so cute here and i live the main male character...
lastly i will belloking for the next e..thx a lot..


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I hate to say this but, I pity Seo Woo whenever I see her face. I believe she's too young to have such a very plastic face. The nose, eyes and perhaps the lips as well say it all. you could clearly see the eyelid cuts in the first pic above. And, the plastic nose bridge is just plain visible especially when she laughs. I guess the girl will still look good without surgery. Oh well. Tsk, tsk, tsk.


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@44 superfangirl
If you hate say that, just don't do it ! At least she has talent !


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I agree with you 100%


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I wanna hear more on your thoughts on HyoSun, can you please do that? See, I'm quite confused. I thought I'll get to root for EunJo and find HS annoying, but I dont. I actually understand her feelings a lot. Not that I've been there, but I really cant blame her for being like this. Actually I find EJ's character more hard to believe than hers.
I mean, EJ is cool, I'm quite taken by her, but she's quite the bitch. I get it. I get how she ended up like this, and all. And I see that she has feelings but its hard for her to see them, but... she's being a bitch. And as cool as I find her, and as interesting as it is to watch her, she makes me sad seeing how HS still gets hurt by her.
Well, I just wanna see the both of them find their peace of mind in the end. The mother is the only one I trully dont like. And all the act "I love my child this much", I hate it. Such a disturbed way to love her, if it is love at all.
So, yeah, I'm confused. And I dont know if I should feel the way I do, or if I dont get something right, so please say some more of your own thoughts of the two of them.


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@ p3rk3le I agree with you, EJ storyline wasn't detail enough. I don't know why she has so much hatred and bitterness. Yes, we all know her mother was with many man, oh well it was her mother not her! If anything I can relate to the reasoning beyond the mother madness more then EJ consist energy draining personality.

I see a lot of pain for HS in the coming episodes and I'm sure people would be singing a different tune but know the lyrics. EJ mother never loved the father or HS a lot of tissue going to be require, when HS realize not being like my be hard but not being loved can break you. I hope she crawl back from the pit of hell she about to be toss into and come back standing on her own, using the lesson EJ was so willing to teach her all these years. I can only hope at the end of this very pitiful drama she regain her self worth, because life should not be what other think of you but what you think about yourself...


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im feeling soooo sad for daesung. his family is screwed up..


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omfg why didn't KH just touch her head?! THE WAY TO RECONNECT IS TO INITIATE RECONNECTION, PEOPLE. COME ON. Really, deep down, all I think EJ wants is an apology for him leaving and never saying goodbye. Because even if the letter had gotten to her, I'm afraid there might still be some resentment from the lack of face-to-face (lips-to-lips) action. Not as much, but still a tinge. There's that speed bump with KH's ulterior business motives, but the mountain they need to climb can be covered by a simple, "I'm so sorry, but I love you."

Jung woo has always been my soft spot since I first saw him freaking out over EJ's kimchi, and I'm excited that HS and he spoke and made formalities because I'm kind of shipping them. OTP is EJ/KH all the way, but... <3


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