Mary Stayed Out All Night: Episode 4

Well, you were warned. Second lead ‘shippers, guard your hearts. Jung-in goes for the kill, and I don’t know about Mary, but everyone else gets slain. See, this is what happens when you marry two men. It gets confusing, for everyone involved. Including me. Couldn’t you have just gotten a job or gone into hiding? At least things are getting more fun, now that the triangle is in full effect.


Mary walks in to find her two husbands in a compromising situation (I know. But this isn’t fanfic. I swear, I’m not making this up.) She runs over to Mu-gyul, screaming, “Jagi-ya!” and drags him out before he can protest being kicked out without a shirt on. Are you at least wearing pants? Because if you’re not wearing pants, this recap is going to end up in a very different place…

Mary scoots him out of there, and even stops him from going back to get his guitar. The less husband-to-husband contact, the better. Well that’s what you say. She promises to bring his guitar to him after work, and adds that he shouldn’t be working with a guy like Jung-in. Only a crazy person would insist on marrying a girl who’s in love with someone else, and when she reasons that someone who thinks of marriage as a business deal can’t be trusted, Mu-gyul agrees that it’s weird.

At the office, Mary asks Jung-in to leave Mu-gyul alone, but he’s intent on bringing him in to do the music for the drama. Seo-jun comes by with a new cell phone for Mary as an apology for the other day, and Mary declines the gift, replying cheerily that her phone isn’t broken, but she’ll accept the apology. Later she sees Jung-in and Seo-jun walking around together, and wonders why he isn’t dating and marrying someone who suits him, and is instead dragging her into this arranged hullabaloo. Two words: Daddy Issues.

He sees that Mary’s been reading the script and asks her what she thinks. She says that it’s a fresh idea to do a music rom-com, but that it skews too young—adults won’t watch it. Haha. Well, my mom would beg to differ.

She asks for Mu-gyul’s guitar, but Jung-in insists on returning it himself. So Mary shows up running like a madwoman at Mu-gyul, screaming, “JAGI-YA!” to warn him that Jung-in insisted on following her here. She tries to keep them from talking, but Jung-in shoves her in the van to have a chat with Mu-gyul. Haha. It’s hilarious how she’s at DEFCON 1 and the guys are like, Do you hear something? Nope. Don’t hear a thing.

She climbs out the back and tries to stop them, but Mu-gyul pulls her aside with a hand to the forehead, (It’s somehow adorable the way he manhandles her like a puppy; I don’t know why.) saying that he’ll take care of it on his own. He asks Jung-in what his deal is, insisting on marrying a woman who is already married. He adds that he’s been scammed by managers before, and that he can’t trust a guy who treats marriage like a business. Mary smiles to herself, and Jung-in is silenced, for now.

Mary’s dad gets a talking-to by Jung-seok, who tells him to take care of this Mu-gyul character for good. Dad insists that he’s too much of a playboy to stick with Mary, and that he swore nothing happened between them. Jung-seok thinks him a fool for trusting a boy who’s running around with his daughter, and makes it clear in no uncertain terms that if Mary chooses Mu-gyul at the end of the hundred days, the debt money must be returned.

Dad goes straightaway to track Mu-gyul down, but finds that Mary’s with him, before her scheduled time. They see him spying on them, so they make a run for it and hide in a karaoke room. Dad follows them all the way there, so they’re forced to sing, despite Mu-gyul’s hatred of these places. He refuses to sing, so Mary picks up the mic and begins to sing, eliciting a look of sheer horror on Mu-gyul’s face. “What the…you’re totally tone deaf!”

Hahaha. He takes the mic from her and belts out a song, making her swoon. Dad hears from the hallway, and freaks out: “No, no…what do I do? He’s totally good!” After hearing Mu-gyul sing, he’s so impressed that he’s certain Mary’s fallen head over heels. Are you sure you’re not the one who’s smitten?

They finally borrow a bike to shake him for good, and as they ride along, Mary tells him that he was really cool back there, with the singing. He looks back at her, like he’s going to say something snarky, but then breaks into the cutest smile ever: “So what…you like me now?”

Flutter. Flutter. Sigh.

Mary: “NO! Just…objectively speaking, you were cool.” Mu-gyul: “I know.” Aaaaand, we’re back down to Earth. Okay.

They ride around Hongdae, and Mary stops him when they pass by a yarn store. They end up back at Mu-gyul’s place, and he builds a makeshift heater while she knits herself some mittens. Aw, they’re so cute. She finds out that she’s two weeks older than him, and teases him to call her noona from now on.

Mu-gyul: “Hey, noona, you actually look like a girl, doing that.” Mary: “I AM a girl.”

He blows on his hands to warm them up, and she asks if he wants a pair of mittens too. He nods, so she asks for his hand, to measure it against hers. Excuse for skinship! He peers at her scar while she measures his hand, and asks how she got it. She doesn’t remember, and just knows that Dad told her she hurt herself while playing, at the age of four. She’s nearing curfew, so she leaves the mittens half-done, and promises to finish later.

Jung-in’s drama production reaches a standstill, as he worries over how to deal with costs while the drama has no airdate. Dad comes by to make things clear to Jung-in, as far as Mary is concerned: she must choose HIM at the end of the hundred days, or Dad will pull all of his investments in Jung-in’s company. Time to turn on the charm, lover boy.

He comes by to pick her up the next day, for a two-day trip to his father’s house. Mary calls Mu-gyul on the way, making a show of how this is an infringement of the contract hours, and that they should ask for a four-day vacation in exchange. Jung-in agrees to whatever she wants, but asks her to do her best this weekend.

He leaves as soon as they get there for a meeting, to try and talk the lead actor out of pulling out of the drama because the production might get pushed back. Seo-jun arrives to announce that she’s in regardless, because she believes in the project. She invites Jung-in to her birthday party later that night, but he declines.

Left alone in the house, Mary wanders around, and can’t shake the feeling that the place feels familiar. She just assumes she must’ve seen it in a drama. Oh, dear. Please no birth secrets, Show. Just…no.

She sees a picture of her parents with Jung-in’s father, and wonders who the man is, which is exactly when he walks into the room. She thanks him for repaying her father’s debts, but doesn’t understand why he wants her for a daughter-in-law. He says that he knew her mother before she even met her father, and promises to tell her more about it later.

They sit down for some awkward tea, and Jung-seok tries his hardest to find something in common with Mary, or some activity to do. He lands at ba-dook, a Korean chess-like game. Mary doesn’t know how to play, but she does know one game…

Jung-in comes home to the sound of his father laughing and playing a game with Mary, and finds them using the ba-dook pieces in a game of marbles. That’s exactly what I used to do with MY dad! Man, this scene is totally bringing back memories.

The three of them eat an awkward meal, and Mary is clearly more comfortable with Jung-seok, who she calls “ajusshi,” and hardly looks at Jung-in. She finds out that Dad is recovering from cancer, and tells him to take care of himself.

Meanwhile, Mu-gyul keeps a hairy eyeball locked on a surprise visitor…it’s Mary’s dad, who tries to do his best impression of an imposing figure, and fails miserably. He tells Mu-gyul that he’s not husband material, and that Mary will suffer if she’s with him. Mu-gyul just laughs at Dad’s seriousness, and tells him to take it up with Mary.

He gets a call from Mom, and runs out to meet her, brushing off Mary’s dad. Mom is heartbroken yet again, and Mu-gyul tells her to just date and stop falling in love. He asks her of the three—faith, hope, and love—which is most important. She says love, but he says no—it’s dependability. He tells her to stop meeting men she loves, and start meeting men who are dependable.

Mom asks where he heard that from, and he tells her it’s the girl she met that night outside his place. Mom: “Oh, that cute girl who looks like a puppy!” Haha. Now we know where he gets the expression from.

Mom sighs that she’s so lonely, and suggests that she and Mu-gyul live together. He perks up at the idea, but says it’s okay—she’ll just end up leaving once she finds a new boyfriend anyway. She hugs him and apologizes for bringing him up this way, with no father and going from relatives’ homes here and there.

He doesn’t seem bitter about it in the least, and says that it’s all in the past now. He looks at her sweetly and asks if she wants ice cream. Heh. He’s so the parent in this relationship. Looks like he and Mary are birds of a feather.

Mary’s dad follows them and snaps a picture, thinking that this’ll prove that Mu-gyul is home-wrecking cougar-bait. But while Mu-gyul is paying for the ice cream, Mom gets a call from the ex-boyfriend and runs out without a word, leaving him holding the ice cream alone. Aw, poor kitty.

He eats the freezing cold ice cream alone in the park, and Mary calls, to put on another show in front of Jung-in. She screams “jagi-ya” so many times that he asks her to stop because he’s getting goosebumps from the cheese-factor. She replies that she misses him too, and he scoffs that she should get an award for her acting. Jung-in smirks to himself as he listens to her, probably amused at how hard she’s overacting to sell the fact that she’s in LURVE.

She asks Mu-gyul what’s most important—faith, hope, or love—and reminds him that dependability is most important, and that a family is built on that. Even though he rolls his eyes at first, her words hit him, especially in light of his evening with Mom.

She yells, “I love you!” and hangs up. It comes out of the blue, and both of them are a little stunned at the outburst. She stares wide-eyed, surprised at herself, and Mu-gyul can’t help but smile. Aw. So. Cute.

Seo-jun sits alone at her own birthday party, holding Mu-gyul’s guitar pick and thinking of him. Sigh. Been there, done that. A small group of people from the drama production arrives with cake and presents, but it doesn’t do much to lift her spirits. She gets a text from Mu-gyul’s bandmates, and meets them for a drink.

Jung-in fills his dad in on his drama production woes, but insists on seeing it through, despite Dad’s protests to let it go. Have to say, Jung-seok’s eyebrow raise is definitely a contender for the hall of fame. Mary’s dad arrives as well, to reassure him that he’s taken care of the Mu-gyul situation.

Mary wanders about the house, and happens across an old picture of Jung-in piggybacking her when they were both kids. That totally counts as a piggyback in this episode. I say we’re on, for the countdown!

Jung-in finds her, and they both stare at the picture wondering why he’s piggybacking her, and why they don’t remember. Please don’t be brother and sister. Please don’t be brother and sister.

The two dads reminisce about old times, and the fact that when Mary and Jung-in were little, they had planned to marry them off to each other. Well that’s cute, if their families were close when they were young that they had played and piggybacked and whatever, but the fact that Jung-seok is still clearly in love with Mary’s mom makes it all a bit squicky.

Mary asks Jung-in what the inscription on the photograph says. Jung-in: “I’m here. I will protect you. Forever.” Oh, swoon. Here we go. Third leg of triangle, locked and loaded.

Jung-in asks to see Mary’s scar, and she refuses. She wonders why he doesn’t remember anything about them meeting as kids, since he was about eight in the photograph. But he doesn’t remember anything from that age, and doesn’t really want to.

He does admit that it’s romantic—that their relationship began twenty years ago. He tells Mary that regardless, he’s going to marry her at the end of the hundred days. She balks that he’s going back on his word that he didn’t care about marriage and that she just had to get through the hundred days. He claims that things have changed, and that he needs her to choose him in the end.

She declares that she’ll be doing no such thing, and reminds him that she’s in love with someone else. She turns to leave, but trips and falls. Oy. Jung-in sighs, and then…

Piggyback? Seriously? Hahahahaa…okay this really does need to become a running gag through the whole series now, because it’s becoming like clowns in a car at this point. He carries her in, and the two dads beam.

Mu-gyul sits at home, and finds Mary’s notes on their love story (the version she told Dad). He calls it a “goosebump-inducing romance novel,” but then smiles gleefully while reading it. He catches himself, and looks around his empty apartment furtively, like he doesn’t want to get caught enjoying it. Heh.

He tries on the half-finished mittens to keep his hands warm, and when his phone rings, his first thought is, “Is it Mary Christmas?” Aw.

Sadly, no, it’s his friends calling, and he comes out to find Seo-jun there. She awkwardly suggests that they start dating again in front of everyone, and Mu-gyul says that she ought to know—when something’s over for him, it’s over. That’s that.

Ouch. She insists on heading out to the bathroom alone, and his friends marvel that Seo-jun is still hung up on Mu-gyul, still wearing the guitar-pick-necklace that he made for her. He reminds them that they’re the ones who told him to marry Mary, and they reply that Seo-jun’s more his type, but peg him as having developed feelings for Mary anyway.

He denies it and walks out, further upset when he gets a text and it’s STILL not from Mary. Heh. He walks home, but finds Seo-jun being attacked in the street by a couple of drunk guys. (Sigh. Of course she is.)

He gives them a good beating and drags her away, yelling that he told her not to go out by herself. He asks if she’s okay, and she says no, as she hugs him tightly. Ugh. I hate it when the second lead is damsel-in-distressy. So. Much.

Meanwhile, Jung-in ices Mary’s ankle, and she asks why he’s changed his mind about marrying her. He says that it’s good for business and what his father wants. He says that his father is like a god to him, and Mary looks at him curiously.

He reaches over to put her feet up on a pillow, and she hides under the covers. She reaches for her phone to call Mu-gyul (fast becoming a defense mechanism), but he takes the phone out of her hand, and tells her not to call: “Kang Mu-gyul is my rival now.”


He reaches his hand out and brushes aside her hair, touching her scar tenderly. He repeats the words, “I will protect you.” As he kisses her on the forehead.


Glad that the second leads are stepping up to the plate, ’cause I’m already hating Seo-jun, but that’s the point, right? It’s looking like a good game of four-square, although of course, nobody beats the ridiculous amount of Cute from Mu-gyul and Mary. I suppose now that she has a past with Jung-in, he’ll be a contender for her heart, especially if he keeps up with the knight-in-shining-armor bit.

It’s interesting that all the characters are all damaged in some way, but Mary and Mu-gyul are able to stay sunny despite spending their entire lives…essentially raising themselves. I like that they’re bright and cheery, and manage to turn their situations around, because they’ve lived enough in the real world to know that the only person you can count on is yourself. As Mu-gyul says to his mom, “You live alone and you die alone.”

But when they see that the other is dependable too—trustworthy in a way that only they know the value of—they’ll hopefully come to rely on each other. I like that they’re both cynical based on what they’ve experienced, and yet optimistic enough to be their adorable selves.


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hehehe...i like this drama now after reading the recaps. was not interested at first because i was hanging on to skk but i have been enlighten ...

thank you dramabeans and girlfriday for the recaps...


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cute overload!!!!:D


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Love, love, love.

Is it ridiculous to hope that they can all live together in some sort of progressive four-part marriage in a charming queen Anne style house? It would be a beautiful and happy home....


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i have a big presentation tomorrow. but i just cudnt work on it until i read the recap. now , i gto to work on it.

do anyone of you know how is the rating doing?


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Also quick note, at the end he says "boku ga iru" which means I'm here, not I will protect you.


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Eh...don't really hate Seo-jun. Rather, I pity her unless she starts plotting against and sabotages Mary and Mu-gyul's relationship. As for Jung-In, I still don't really get where he's coming from yet. Let's wait and see.


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not feeling the 2nd lead at all but im usually the type that hardly hardly likes 2nd leads anyways so its pretty normal for me..im excited for the development of this drama, hopefully it wont let me down


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Thanks for the quick posting of the recap. I'm in love with this new drama. Was a big fan of MGY since My Little Bride. I didn't like her so much in CS, but I'm loving her here. Especially with JGS. I love their parts together. I'm starting to like her other "husband" as well too though. I wish there were two of her because I feel like she complements them both in a way and yes even though she's a better match for JGS, I feel like KJW needs her more. *sigh* If only she had an exact copy of herself. Can't wait for the rest of it though. I'm getting impatient for Monday's and Tuesday's again. :)


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the secret of birth is that Mu Gyul and Mary are siblings...
or at least they look like it in the last picture


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i dont think so...i wouldn't be surprise if Jung in is her half brother.... but im just wondering why is it that Jung-in's dad wants his son to marry Mae-ri? Okey i guess we just have to keep on watching until the end....


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i really hope that jung in and mary are not siblings. gosh. what a nice excuse to end the love quartet.

i am shipping for jung in now, cause even though mu gyul is really cute, i totally go for the more dependable mature (even tho he might be slightly twisted) guy. and he's so cute/suave/handsome. i guess i still go for the princely type....


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Nothing even the warning sign kept me from falling for the 2nd lead swoon. Shooshooo hotness, stop blinding my eyes!


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thank you for the recap! what a squeal-worthy episode!! I'd want Jung-in to put me to bed too!

I think Mary belongs with Mu-gyul, not because he's the leader, but because they are sort of on the same wavelength. In kdramas, the heroine tends to get with a guy who seem older or at a different stage in life (moneyed, steady job, higher position) and it seems like she is forced to mature in order to match the hero. It's refreshing to have two characters who are similar get together.

I don't think Mary and Jung-in are siblings - why else have the plan to marry them since they were young? I think this is just one of those stories where the father has a crush on the mother and therefore wants his son to marry her physical replica, which is, I agree, very squicky. How can you treat a young woman who looks just like your love - as a daughter? or it could be the situation where Mary is Jung-In's daughter and Jung-In is his wife's son from a previous marriage or something. Man, it must suck for Jung-In to see your father treat Mary 100 times better than he treats Jung-In.


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It seems that there's a bit more to Jung-In's dad's wanting Mary as his DIL. At one point, he says to a pic of Mary's mom that he will protect Mary. There is the implication that he regrets that he couldn't protect Mary's mom and that he wants to do what he can for her through Mary, who unfortunately is continuing to live a hard life thanks to her mom having opted for a man who couldn't "protect" his family.

That said, argh, I really wish there were a better equivalent for this sense of "지키다" in English. Protect, keep faithful, guard, watch over, defend - none of these are adequate! Argh.


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photo +caption + the freakin way he said it, man = SWOOON dammet, i now have 2nd lead syndrome!!!!!


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Thanks for the recaps. I love you're side comments, kinda' similar to what goes on in my head.


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Isn't the father's house is the same as in 'Bad guy'?


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yes, the house was also in Shining Inheritance and another drama that I don't remember


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girlfriday thanks !

Mae ri stalled her education for sometime now but now she is picking up Japanese language through kdrama from Jung In's resume, that is interesting when she detest her "registered" husband so much, how will it sound when she start calling Jung In - Yaupoh !!


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This series is so sickenly sweet but I can't throw up because it's so cute.

Anyways, there should be a Mary drinking game. Shots for piggybacks, cute phonecalls, and dark alleyway attacks!


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i can't wait ep 5 ...what are going on ? can't guess T..T I like couple Guen-Guen so much , they 're cute >""< I love all of them ... MARY STAY OUT ALL NIGHT 5TING :D ...


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Ah, this drama officially has my heart. I LOVED this episode! Mary + Mu-gyul= cuteness overload. I just love them together! But then comes Jung-in and turns on that charm. And BAM, I am now confused.

I'd totally play this Mary drinking game.


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Question. Does anyone know if there's a preview for episode 5?


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the preview was not shown. info from soompi gal says that the shooting is on going for now and wasnt able to catch up for epi 5 preview.^^


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Wow, can't believe there not done shooting for next week's episode. Thanks for the info! :)


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Thanks girlfriday.

The scar on the forehead could be one of the reasons why Jung-In is sticking to the matseon - arranged marriage ?.


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As always, thanks very much GF for a great recap. I can feel the chemistry just by reading it and smiling insanely at the Mugyul-Maeri moments. Too cute for words, really! the second leads are stepping up, yay! Now, story, come out soon! hehehe

**rushes off to watch the ep in raw. Thanks mucho!!


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lovely stuff. thank you!


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what am I going to do without your recap...now I can relate to the series which I've been waiting for.. thank you so much.


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Thanks for the recap... been waiting for it

Can't wait for the subbed videos but been watchin the episodes though in raw.. hahaha..


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i want to wake up one day and shout jagi-ya!! to JGS. i love this man.


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How is it that the 2 male leads are soooo much prettier than the female lead? MGY is not that much in the looks department but she is so adorable and that slightly raspy voice.. so cute when she is being aegyo

KJW : wow, that guy is really picture perfect isn't it? chiselled and perfect skin and i could go on... does anyone notice that he always looks like he is sashaying on the catwalk whenever he is filmed walking away? was he a model? he was really good in the last scenes, dropping that veneer of cold indifference

BUT my heart STILL belongs to JGS :) love love his smiles and my heart breaks when MG is being 'dumped' by his mom, once again.. yet, he seems so sensible and totally the adult in their interaction.. my poor MG.. and his hair, LOVE it, it suits him..

at this point, I still love the MG-MR pairing but JI is sweet ( and gorgeous) .. can't wait to see how he ups the ante


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Yes, KJW actually did make his start as a model.


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ah.. i see.. so he can't shake off his 'training' then, cos it seems rather wierd to see him sashaying away after MG rejected him at the van scene :P

thanks brookeeve


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omg..my love for second lead is back! even though im waiting for this drama because of kim jae wook. hahaha! but his character really, really i mean really make me fall for him. character with cold attitude or mean but nice always making me took their side.


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Thanks so much for the recap! Have been eagerly awaiting this because when I was watching the raw I couldn't figure out if Jung-In remembered the childhood thing or not. Your recap cleared that up for me :) So he doesn't remember, but maybe something will trigger that memory? We'll see~

Eitherway it IS good to see Jung-In paying real attention to Mary. Although it's still a more calculative move than an emotional one, at least he's honest about the factors that are currently driving him.

Can hardly wait for next week! <3


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i really could not concentrate on this drama - MGY is totally SUCK! I'm glad KJW and JGS are here...i guess, i could not relate with the chemistry of the stars - JGS and MGY....


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oh man. last week I found myself rewatching the mung-mung - meow parts.. over and over to say the least. I feel all cosy and warm inside when I see them on my screen XD
couldn't care less for the other participants in the story no atter how awesome they are. just give me the Geun-Geun!!
and don't get me wrong. I luurve Kim Jae Wook :)

thank you for the recaps and feeding..no.. relieving my addiction :)


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JGS and MGY have that cuteness that is just impossible to describe.. they light up the screen every single time and play KMG and WMR perfectly. I just love them!


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omg im so addicted to this drama now ><


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Hey, did anyone else notice that Mu-gyul suddenly has a new phone? Its not the same as the one in the past 3 episodes.


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yeah. the white one. ive noticed that too


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They show him getting a new phone in the episode. I'm translating from memory here, so I may misremember the wording a bit: Mary says as they walk out of the shop that, given the way he lives, she knew he'd lose his phone.


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thank you girlfriday for the recap!

so far i'm not on anybody's ship just yet, BUT hello?? jung-in?? telling a girl you are marrying her for business won't exactly win her heart. i don't know how you are going to get through this obstacle.


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Oh my god. Things get emotional now. For the first 2 episodes, only JGS&MGY's cuteness shines. Now for ep 3 and especially 4, we even have Jung In and Seo Jun get really involved. I bet the drama really starts its charm now.
Jang Geun Suk starts showing his strength in emotional and deep scences. Still stay cuteness of course! And Kim Jae Wook shows his strength in sad scences of a one way love (mostly for second lead). Seo Jun makes us both hate and love her. Moon show her innocence and cuteness in fake phone talks with Mu Guyl to 'show off' her love with him in front of her father and Jung In.
It's the right thing to wait until now after first 2 episodes with long introduction about the situation the 4 guys are in.
Totally love this show now.
Jang Geun Suk fighting! (He is crazily busy in this November with his Fan Meeting in Japan, filming the drama and lots of other schedules). So stressful and tired!Poor him!


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I only watched Raw and this recap. This makes my day today! Waiting for sub! I'm crazy now more with Jang!
Someone says he was feminine in the bed scences in this episode but I don't care. I think it is purposely set up like that since this is the scence to make Mary think both Jung In and Mu Guyl are gays.


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damn it! he's super hot ! love his manly voice so much.


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Best episode yet!


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soulsrebel.wordpress.com has E4 eng translations up for those who are waiting for subs


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Loved you recap. Glad to know that i'm not the only one confused. I am so falling for the second lead... aaack... but i also love jang geun suk's character. I am totally confused.


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i love all roles of JGS
but Tae Kyung is different
he is so sexy
but mu gyul is so handsome


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thanks for recap i love you
and you are number 1


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Im totally on Mu gyul's hair in this drama. He is sooo handsome ...it really goes well with the character of an indie band member. I just hate his hairdo in You're Beautiful like its just been newly straightened or rebonded,hahaha....But the way he sings "my precious" here,wow!! i had goosebumps just listening to it! His voice melts my heart.I do like Mae-ri to end up with him,, but what do I do...i also like Jung-in because he is just a sweet soul...and there's something mysterious about his childhood that we have to discover and his past with Mae-ri (i wonder ?)
Best of luck to both of you guys!Its time to show Mae-ri your hidden talents in winning her.Who knows we'll soon find out that Mae-ri is actually a Muslim and that she can marry both of them....kekeke!!


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From what I know about the religion Islam muslim MEN can marry 4 wives not the other way round, what you wrote is misleading.

Jung In looks so macho !! with his rayban sunglasses.
His soft hair flying softly when he is out off the airport
grrrof !!


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I'm loving how the story flows...and was cracked after reading all your comments guys.
Hahaha. This blog sure does many amazing things to me. It makes me crazy for sometime now.. ;D

JB and GF, you guys never let me down. Thanks for a worth ride on this Show.. Aja!


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wahh...this gets exciting,.. i feel watching it even without subs..


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Thanks so much for the recaps! It makes watching the episodes raw so much easier to follow.


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omg jung-in and mae-ri better not be siblings, EVER!! well they can't be anyway right! the father is actually making jung-in marry mae-ri, he would've known if they were siblings ahh *relief

i totally have second lead syndrome though omggggg jung in. so manly!!! the chemistry between the geun-geun couple is undeniable though


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Thank u GF!!!!!! as always u rule!! :D

I'm official super hook on this drama, is my crack to say the least....u know u are on an addict...whem
1. Can't wait for Mond and Tues.
2. Stalk soompi for previews
3. Waiting anxiously for raws
4. watch raws and LOL like a idiot
5. Goes back to soompi and wait for the kind generous
souls to give their episode summary
6. Goes back raw 2x more before subs
7. Read JB or GF awesomse recaps
8. FINALLYYY SUBS are out now I'm super high on my crack that will last till mond.....cycle begins...

So yeah I have a problem ppl...I'm an addict to this drama... :P :D....

Btw... I'm waiting for the jealousy war to begin fun ride for sure....


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LOL. numbers 1-8 sound so familiar. crack indeed.;)


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i am doing all that :) taht means i am officially super hooked as well...
i am soooo in love with Mu gyul


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Thank God I'm not the only one!


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I am so in love with this drama already despite the too-much-piggyback scenes. :)

I used to hate Mondays but I'm going to love Mondays now! ^^


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Thank you so much!
I kept thinking the same about the repressed memories, familiarity of Jung-seok's house to Mary - please, no birth secrets or possible sibling plotlines! I'm glad finally Jung-in's become more assertive in the love triangle (square?).


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first, thanks for the recap

second i'm actually dying, can't live anymoreeee.....;)
i can't believe i have to wait till night to see 3 epi!! and tomorrow night 4.
wish wish the subs come out earlier
if not by the end of the show I will be dead.. seriously

the only thing that give me a break is reading your comments here, thank you again

btw geun-geun is the best - fighting, even if i like sun-ki waffle, sukkie is the winner!!!! love him a lot!!!!


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