My Princess: Episode 2

Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched, but I will concede that My Princess is definitely faster out of the gate. It’s breezy, it’s charming, and…it’s So Purty. But also, I’m surprised by how cute they are. I mean, who knew—stick a Hand Towel in a comedy, and voila…personality!


Seol is elated to have Hae-young as a guest at the pension, and happily shows him the rooms. She calls one of the humble rooms the Royal Executive Grand Presidential Suite, which just makes him scoff because he actually IS someone who would stay at a suite with such an unwieldy name.

He wanders about the place, looking at photos of Seol with her mother, deciding that she really isn’t Grandpa’s type. Over the phone with Grandpa’s secretary, he says that he’ll be staying a few days to make up his mind whether or not to bring her, and that she approached him first knowing who he was. He adds with a note of bitterness that he didn’t know that Grandpa was so devoted to his children. Ew, so you’re going into this thinking she’s your aunt? That’s going to make the naked run-ins a little less sexy. Just sayin’.

The next morning, Seol wakes him up by wafting the smell of bacon throughout the house. (Can I just say, best way to wake up, ever? Add coffee and I’m yours.) He comes down hungry, asking where the nearest restaurant is. She tells him that it’s an hour an a half away, right next to the nearest grocery store too. She then offers him a place at the table, for a small fee of course. She up-charges for the bacon. I love how shameless she is about earning every little penny.

Yoon-ju gives another interview at the museum, and the reporter asks how she got started on this lost monarchy project in the first place. She answers wistfully that it was her first love. She means that literally of course, as we see in flashback Yoon-ju and Jung-woo researching the project, and her pouting that this is his idea of a date. He swears that he’ll uncover the truth (the lost desdendant), and she goes along with him as he does all the legwork and research, growing invested in it. She adds that in the end, it was only after she became the museum’s curator that she found the missing link.

Jung-woo walks up as she finishes her interview, and over coffee he basically gives her a chance to apologize…which she doesn’t do. When he asks her why, she says that it’s because the President (of Daehan) wanted it, and she and her father can’t deny the President’s wishes. Jung-woo, hurt but trying to reason that she had a hard time with the decision, wants her to say something to appease his wounded heart. But she decides she can’t handle the guilt, and walks out, asking him to call her when he’s feeling better about it. What, now? Wouldn’t step one be you apologizing? Gah.

In case the magnitude of her betrayal is lost in translation (I mean life-to-drama, not Korean-to-English), an academic can spend an entire career on one line of inquiry, looking for one artifact/discovery/missing link, and though he may have done 99% of the work, she swooped in and did that last 1% that gave HER all the credit. She stole his baby, his life’s work, right out from under him. And that’s not even factoring in the love angle.

Grandpa goes to see the President (of Korea) and they discuss how the plan to restore the monarchy is going. It seems weird to me that the President would be in on a plan to restore a monarchy and thereby decrease the weight of his position as top dog, but maybe I’m just thinking of it too one-dimensionally. Or too logically? Sigh.

Later that night, Hae-young comes running into the kitchen in nothing but a towel (sadly, not a Hand Towel), screaming that the water is freezing cold. Seol whirls around to avert her eyes (lest she take in too much of The Pretty) and tells him that hot water is also an up-charge. Ha.

She turns around with veggies as blinders and adds that she’s going to the store to pick up some stuff, and that he really shouldn’t be so stingy about the hot water. Hehe. Hae-young stands there shocked, although it’s hard to say what shocks him more: her veggie-eyes, or her unparalleled cheapness.

He can’t sleep, so he tosses and turns, and then heads outside when he hears some noise. He comes out to find Seol sitting outside with the dogs, watching Roman Holiday projected on the side of the house. Aw, I love watching movies outside.

He smiles and joins her, saying that he never gets tired of this movie. As they watch, one of the shutters swings open, and Seol runs up to put it back, so that she stands there for a second, with Audrey Hepburn’s face superimposed on her own. Oh, symbolism. You are not subtle, Show, but this was just one reference that was not going to go untouched, if I know k-dramas.

Hae-young takes the opportunity to ask if this is the house she grew up in, and she says that it pretty much is, since she’s lived here since she was six. He asks tentatively where she lived before then, and she says here and there…and the orphanage.

He wonders if she remembers anything about her birth parents, and she teases if he’s going to find them if she does. He says that he can, but she just laughs it off. She doesn’t know if it’s memory, or fantasy, or just what she imagined, but there’s only bits and pieces that she remembers.

The one thing she does remember: that Daddy dropped her off at the orphanage, saying, “I’ll be right back.” She smiles wistfully, as she adds that “right back” has taken a a really long time. Hae-young sighs that she must’ve harbored a lot of resentment. She counters cheerily that everyone does at some point with their parents—didn’t he, even once when he was little? He can’t help but smile at her sunny disposition.

Hae-young asks what she’d do if she found her birth parents tomorrow. Why, found out how much she’d inherit, of course. And after that? Find out if she has any siblings…to see how much her share would be. Ha. Even Hae-young laughs to himself, wondering how such a little thing (he calls her “pea-sized”) could be so single-mindedly obsessed with money.

She gets a call from her research supervisor, frantic that she was supposed to book a room for Professor Nam to stay, and so she asks for Seol to put him up at the pension and pretend that it was all a coincidence. Seol jumps at the chance to have a fateful run-in with her Professor Dreamy, and wakes up the next morning to decorate the whole place with loving care. Even the dogs get all dressed up.

Seol asks Hae-young to switch rooms so that she can put Jung-woo in the room opposite hers (for the oh-so-casual late-night run-in, of course) but he refuses, getting more irritated by the minute as she spouts on and on about how wonderful this other guy is. Heh. I love that he’s not outright romantically interested in her, but the very act of putting some other guy above him insults his vanity. Nothing like jealousy to stir up feelings.

They hear Jung-woo arrive, and Seol rushes up to her room to change, asking Hae-young to go stall him for a few minutes. He balks at first, but then realizes it’s his chance to size up the guy, so he heads out. Jung-woo arrives and Hae-young literally looks him up and down, greeting him coldly (Song Seun-heon does one thing really well—and it’s this, the I’m-so-awesome-so-who-are-you-thinking-that-you’re-awesomer-than-me thing.)

Seol comes out, feigning surprise over the coincidence (but…you put up a welcome sign with his name on it…) and Hae-young scoffs at her sudden 180, dressed up for her professor and fawning over him.

Jung-woo asks who Hae-young is, and she starts to describe him…but Hae-young cuts in by putting his arm around her. “I’m the person she’s going to be sharing a roof with, very soon.” He kisses her on the cheek for good measure. HA. Love it.

Jung-woo is surprised, but happy for her, and she tries to protest but Hae-young railroads the situation, telling Jung-woo that he’s to stay in the Royal Grand Executive Suite, which is just across the way from THEIR room, so he can knock if he needs anything. Keh. He drags her inside as she flails about, trying to say that this isn’t what it looks like…

Inside, she lays into Hae-young for messing things up, but he’s quick to remind her of her over-acting to “help” him with Yoon-ju. She fesses up to harboring some resentment towards Yoon-ju that’s personal, which he thinks is just jealousy over Yoon-ju’s popularity. (What are we, in high school?)

She wonders why he’s so determined with a woman who’s got another guy she’s going to marry, and besides, she seems the type that feigns innocence in front of men. Hae-young defends Yoon-ju’s honor, and even Seol is impressed with how much he seems to like her. She says fine, they’re even now, and orders him to behave, or there’s no dinner. He grumbles to himself that she’s always threatening him with food.

He gets a call from Grandpa asking him about Seol. He answers that she’s grown up well, but he hasn’t had a chance to bring up the reason why he’s here. He doesn’t know how to get her to come along, when he doesn’t really know why himself. Grandpa just says that he’s waiting, and to bring her soon.

Outside, he stands back as Seol flirts with Jung-woo, noticing yet another artifact in his book that she thinks she’s seen in her house…but is quickly corrected by Jung-woo’s colleague that that would be ridiculous. Oh yeah? We’ll see just how ridiculous it’s gonna get.

He asks Jung-woo how he feels about Yoon-ju stealing his thunder. Hae-young’s ears perk up. He adds that he ought to hurry up and marry her; dating too long is a bad thing. Hae-young glares, realizing the connection now, and Seol tries to diffuse the situation. She rushes into the house with Hae-young in tow.

He demands to know if the Yoon-ju they’re talking about is his Yoon-ju. She pretends not to know what he’s talking about, but he can tell she’s known all along. She finally spills the beans that yes, they’re the same person, and that Yoon-ju and Jung-woo are first loves at that. He fumes, as Seol asks if he has the confidence to beat Jung-woo.

That just raises his ire, as he insists that he’s not someone who loses to anyone. She points out that he’s already lost to Daehan’s heir…and then apologizes for poking at a sore spot. She tells him that they can help each other—he gets Yoon-ju, and she gets her dear professor. He’s like, what now?

She starts laying out the master plan, as he drags her inside. He tells her to pack her bags—they’re going to Seoul. She doesn’t see why, especially with guests here, but he just blurts out: “I think you’re my aunt.”

Uh…. She thinks it’s as ridiculous as it sounds, making him repeat it over and over. She’s younger than him, he has no proof, and she doesn’t understand why her parents aren’t the ones here, if it’s really true. He tells her that his grandfather is sick, and that he’s only known for two days, so he’s as floored as she is by the whole situation.

She freezes up, wondering if he’s here to ask her for an organ or something to save Grandpa, which he disabuses her of right away, and then she wonders if she’s just going to end up tied down to a starving family. He’s like, you’ve seen me, and you don’t know the answer to that? She counters that she’s only ever seen him swipe his credit card everywhere, so she doesn’t know, does she? Heh.

He takes her down and tells Jung-woo that something’s come up that’s going to turn Seol’s life upside-down, so he asks them to excuse her for leaving. He does it in the rudest way possible, of course, so she tells him that it’s her life and her business, and tells Jung-woo calmly that something’s come up. Hae-young rushes her away and she stops him, insisting on bowing a proper goodbye to Jung-woo, and Hae-young just spits out that from now on, he’s going to be the one bowing to her. Ha, you don’t even know the half of it, buddy.

On the drive back to Seoul, she asks what his grandpa does for a living. He answers vaguely, and then decides he ought to tell her since she’s clearly not getting the full picture. He asks if she threw away his business card. She says she has it, and takes it out. Hae-young: “What’s my name?” Seol: “Park Hae-young.” Hae-young: “What’s the name of the museum you were at yesterday?” Seol: “Hae-young Museum….” It finally dawns on her that HE’s the Daehan Group heir.

They pull up to the giant mansion, where Grandpa and the entire staff are lined up outside to greet them. They get out and Grandpa is helped up out of his wheelchair, and proceeds to get down on his knees in front of Seol. He greets her, head bowed, as “Your Highness…”

They’re like, what the…? As Grandpa takes her hands with a smile on his face, calling her Princess.

Inside, Hae-young argues with Grandpa’s secretary to let him in the room, but he’s not allowed. Secretary Oh tells him that he wished that Seol wasn’t found either, but it’s something they can’t help now.

Inside the glorious library that I would give my left arm to own, Grandpa shows Seol a picture. She recognizes it as Emperor Sunjong. He begins to tell her the story of how Emperor Sunjong entrusted his son to a loyal man, to take him into hiding and bring him back when the country was re-stabilized.

She clears it up thusly: she is Emperor Sunjong’s great-granddaughter. She takes it all rather well, saying that her dream when she was little was to be a princess. Ha. He takes out a picture of another man, but she doesn’t recognize him. He asks her to remember, but she tells him that she has no memory before the age of five.

He begs her to remember something, and she can only recall bits and pieces, like crying in an alley, a strawberry hair-tie, a helicopter…

He takes something else out of the box and hands it to her. She opens the pouch, and inside is a little girl’s strawberry hair-tie. She looks at it in wonder, as it finally starts to sink in that she’s really the one Grandpa is talking about. She looks at the man in the photo as she realizes what this means—is that her father? Where is he now? Can she meet him?

Grandpa hangs his head, asking forgiveness…her father is no longer living. She gets up and storms out, angry at being handed a family and then having it yanked away once she let herself believe.

She runs out, past Hae-young, saying that his Grandpa must be ill (in the head), right? He said that her father is dead and that she’s some princess—that’s just crazy. She tells him not to stop her, and walks off.

He decides to follow her, and chases in his car, stopping in the road to at least take her where she’s going. But he sees that she’s crying. She can’t stop as the tears keep coming, and she yells angrily that it can’t be true—her dad can’t be dead. “My daddy, he promised. He said he’d be right back!”

She cries and cries, “I waited so long! He can’t die like this!” Hae-young pulls her close and holds her as she cries.

He takes her home, but she realizes once she’s there that her sister changed the lock code on her. He wonders that she doesn’t even have a key to her own house, and she tells him that it’s her sister’s house, and that sisters often fight. He asks if they’re related by blood, which they aren’t—she isn’t even actually older, as they’re the same age and got adopted together, and Mom decided that even twins have an unni and a younger sister, so they should play rock-paper-scissors….and Seol lost. Ha. That’s the cruelest way to decide a family hierarchy if I ever heard of one. If I had been that kid, I’d resent rock-paper-scissors my whole life.

She tells him to leave since she’s got plenty of places to go, but he can’t very well do that and still be prince charming, can he? He takes her to his place, and shows her to the guest room, quoting the same rate that she did at her pension, and joking that hot water is extra.

She washes up in the bathroom, and says to herself in the mirror that it’s not her; it can’t be her, and her father isn’t dead.

Elsewhere, Seol’s mom takes her sister Dan out shopping for a new outfit, the only point of which is to set her up as the Cinderella-unni type, bad-mouthing Seol when she has the opportunity. It looks like she’ll be the thorn in our heroine’s side for the duration.

Seol comes out to find that Hae-young has defied the space-time continuum to make her a steak dinner. She’s surprised that he can cook, and he just replies that he can do everything…he’s perfect that way, and it’s quite a burden. HA. This guy cracks me up.

She refuses to toast to his pompous vanity, but does praise his cooking as she eats her steak on her fork like a lollipop. Hae-young gets a call in the middle of dinner from Yoon-ju, who’s just outside his door. She rings the doorbell and he panics, rushing Seol into the guest room with her plate, telling her to stay put.

He sits down with Yoon-ju while Seol eats up the rest of her dinner crouched down on the bed, but then she starts to get an uncomfortable look on her face…

Her stomach starts to make noises as she does the bathroom dance, trying to hold it in, and finally she calls Hae-young to tell her that it’s an emergency. He hilariously tells her that she’s an adult now, so she can take care of it herself, and hangs up.

They end up texting back and forth, with Seol threatening to just go in one of his designer bags (Ha) until he finally ushers Yoon-ju out awkwardly. She senses that something’s up, and then on her way out, she looks down and sees a woman’s shoes. He starts to try and explain, letting the door close again behind him…

…which is right when Seol runs out thinking that she’s gone, and makes a mad dash to the bathroom.


So far I like it much better than I had expected, because it’s breezy and funny, and less lost-daughter-princess-drama, which is, minus the fluffy princess part, a very makjang-esque setup. But the show is sticking to a delightfully comic tone, which makes the birth secret stuff go by fairly well. I just hope that the plot continues to move along this briskly, and that we don’t get too entrenched in the birth secret back-and-forth that’s bound to happen.

Regardless, I do really like Kim Tae-hee and Song Seung-heon in these roles. They really should have done comedy sooner, because they are SO much more believable as these types of characters. She’s fantastic as a sunny character, and he’s hilarious as the vain Mr. Awesome…who totally doesn’t get how someone couldn’t see just how awesome he is. It cracks me up. When he puts the intense face on and starts to over-emote, we’re back in Hand Towel territory, but there’s enough hilarity and princely charm that carries him past that.

Cute. Cute. Cute.


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can I just say that the song sucks a lot when she talks to the grandpa? It absolutely disconnects me from emotion.

I think SSH did a good job!

KTH's make up is over!!!


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Okay, Park Ye Jin's short 'do isn't helping her any. She looks a LOT older than Song Seung Hun and Kim Tae Hee so I'm not really seeing her much as a competition, if you get my drift.

Glad to see SSH and KTH trying a Rom-Com; it suits them in my opinion. Their portrayal is too adorable for words -- I find myself giggling at the cute one too many times! :D


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Agree about Park Ye-jin's hair. Ugh. Reminded me of the Jae-young character (Ms. Fishlips?) in Wish Upon a Star. Like the orange/yellow hair, unflattering hairstyle is one of the signs that I wouldn't like the second female lead.


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her hair definitely reminds me of Jaeyoung in WUAS!! I know it's a different hairstyle- but the use of a short, unflatteringly cut style is there to distinguish her as the 2nd female lead who is set on marrying the male lead, with whom she had probably been raised with.

I liked her hair in the flashback scenes and didn't understand why she couldn't have long hair in the past and in the present.


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The mention of WUAS made me re-read JB's recaps and find my DVD copy...Ah, I missed Kang-ha, Pa-rang, baby Nam-i, and Pal-gang! Off to watch WUAS while waiting for SG tomorrow, DH on Monday, and MP next Wed. ;)


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:( Kim Ji-Hoon <3
Now I have to go rewatch WUAS and J:X-files. I need to have a list keeping track of all the hotties in the army now lol (Kim Ji-hoon, Jo Han-sun, etc)


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I agree that she looks like Fishlips, but I thought it was because of all the cosmetic surgery. It looks like she's had a lot of botox, since her face is completely immobile above her mouth--and it looks like she's had some kind of brow or eye-work done, since her brows are always raised in surprise.


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Reminds me a bit of MY GIRL which is my first K Drama obsession. Guess I will have to look into this. If only there was a different lead guy it would be perfect for me. Finally a cute KTH....never liked her in serious drama. Just not her cup of tea.


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My Princess is for what you watch kdrama. The romance, the prince, the girl (Cindrella), laughter and drama. Does anybody see that SSH is already in love with PTH?


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GirlFriday, you are a girl after my own heart. Thank you for the gratuitous screen shot of the chocolately abs.


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cute dog btw...


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soooooooooo cute! Kim Tae-Hee, you're so adorable :))


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OMG! I am so biased at the moment: One moment I am " Awww so cute" and then"Poor doogies their pride is lost forever" then again"aww soo cute"and "afterwards poor doggies" and so on and so forth


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... and I ended with "ahhh, cruelty to animals!"


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This drama makes me feel all fluffy inside. Like floating on a pink cloud made out of cotton candy. Love it!


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Yeah me too! I keep smilinggggg. Btw I hate evil girl


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Dude, I'm hooked. I think I just heard a bomb drop... Oh, that's just the result of this drama to my grades. ^.-"
Drama withdrawals gone! LOL, drama. Hope it keeps its pace. <3


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Just finished watching ep2. I loveeeee this show!!!!! The steak eating part was hilarious! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Ep 3 looks awesome..... I love how he's always holding her hand!!!!! Aarghhhhhhh


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I'm on yours, I think Dream High got potential to become good. This show is so cute, off with good start BUT what if it goes on cute in every episode, oh I don't know whereas I love DH, love to see them grow and all these new faces give me nice refreshing feels.

KTH is so cute here, hope this drama will not bring in too much melo later on. SSH eh...eye candy and abs (though I don't understand why girls like abs) ^_^


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Guys like boobs, girls like abs ;)


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I'm with everyone here. This drama, I was meh, when reading about it on here, but after reading the recaps and watching the first two episodes, the drama is actually quite good so far. The two leads are so cute and funny together. Already I'm starting to hate Dan and Yoon Ju. They are going to be major thorns on Seol's side.

The preview to the third episode looks promising and looks like Seol remembers more of what happened when she was five.

Thanks JB and GF for such great recaps! Onward to episode 3 and 4 next week!


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LOL at the veggie eye covers. Her mouth looks like a pea pod... her face resembles the food that you play on your plate. :)

btw... peeled onion next to the eye? ouch? :(

Seol: I see veggies! :)

Hae-Young: You ain't seen nothin' lady! <_<


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izzie, im crying while laughing....blame it on the onion...argggh!


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LOL. :) ain't it great? we have something to help us survive the Secret Garden aftermath. :D

lovin' this drama already. and that's beside the Hand Towel factor. :D

on second look, the veggies that Seol is holding up on her face look like her eyes popping out of socket upon sight of the Hand Towel, a la The Mask. :D


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Yes, my dear sistah, this drama is cool!

The friendship angle between the two leads is refreshing after all the angst and sexual tension of SG. Wish they would flesh this one out well before they plunge into love-bird tweetumness, hehe.

Mr Hand Towel sure grew up to be well-toned, rugged and firm (I meant his face but can also mean his abs). I'm comparing it to my memory of him in He Was Cool. His acting so far is just right for what is needed on each scene.

Kim Tae Hee is pretty, fresh and breezy as a Disney princess ...also just the right emotions, no excesses, in her acting so far.

And add the two super cute dogs, scene-stealers in their own right, and we are sure to have a fun ride ahead of us! ;-)


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And yes, you are so right....KTH/Seol reminds me of Mr and Mrs Potato Head in Toy Story! hahahaha! ;-) Too adorable for words, hehe!


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i meant edible...


This drama is too adorable for words! Thank you for the wonderful recap! :)


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omg! the pretty dogs!


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Why does the twin sister hate her so much? Creepy


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i am addicted to reading recaps which is bad for shows that have not been recapped

i now actual will decided if i want to watch a drama based on a recap

the recaps are better that the show sometimes

I watch episode 1 , i never knew i could spend hows researching dramas on line
i even watch some raw

My Princess is cute ,

i am now working no a thesis why are Korean dramas so addictive??

who knows if I will finish

now back to studying korean ( watching the dramas)

aja fighting


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Did she all of a sudden start wearing eyeliner while she was sitting on the front steps of her house? Or was I seeing things? haha. Overall, I really liked this episode, better than the last one. The two of them sitting outside watching the movie was soooo cute! I couldn't help but think how romantic that was as I was watching it. Also, the ending scene was hilarious! I actually LOL-ed.


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That's her eyeliner bleeding after her crying episode. ^_~


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yea, saw that instant eyeliner, too...maybe it just matched with the instant steak, haha!


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I love this drama so charming both lead couple
I love light , cute , adorable from 1st couple and complexity from the second although i agree PYJ too heavy and look old ( i don't know that this character have to heavy like this but i think it is director need to contrast between the charactoer of KTH , because i know how funny that PYJ can show .. )
just fall in love to KTH..


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if they would keep the subject only to Return of Property to Imperial Family the subject wouldn't be that wacky... contrary it would stick into reality... in my country .... they returned castles and land to the Royal Family... I can't see them as rulers but I can understand returning of property ... is real and in Europe happened in ex-comunist countries
one example Bran Castle (yes the famous one ...Dracula knows better)
source wikipedia:
In 2005, the Romanian government passed a special law allowing restitution claims on properties such as Bran, which was seized by the Communist government of Romania in 1948. In 2006, the Romanian government awarded ownership to Archduke Dominic of Austria-Tuscany, known professionally as Dominic von Habsburg, an architect in New York State and the son and heir of Princess Ileana.

somehow they can keep it real


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I've been waiting for you to update the recaps for My princess so badly. And Yeap, finally its right in front of me. Haha. Its a lovely episode! I just can't wait to watch the up coming episodes next week >.<


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I'm loving this drama for now. The first two episodes are really awesome and I can't wait for the next episodes to come out.

As for the battle which is going on, I think that right now My Princess is better than Dream High, but we never know when the cliche parts might kick in the dramas. I hope they don't go doing horrible stuff and making some weird changes in the story.


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it took three minutes (or more, i couldn't see the clock) to peel my self from the banner. Song Joong Ki is to distracting.

thanks for the recap JB!


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Why is MR SSH the hand towel? Or am I getting it wrong?


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You know... chef Jamie Oliver did an entire meal of steak, salad, plus dessert in one of the episodes of his show Jamie's 30 minute meals.


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I totally buy that a steak dinner can be prepared in 30 minutes... it just doesn't seem like Seol was in the bathroom washing up for that long... plus Hae-young obviously hadn't planned for Seol to stay over and they didn't walk in the door with any groceries... so aside from cooking the meal in a short amount of time he also had to have had the ingredients on hand for the meal for two...


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I don't know how Yoon Joo will try to change the real princess because of her jealousy toward Lee Seol. Despite her same age with her sister,I don't see anything that make her cange that fact because it was Lee Sol that was found in the first place. I hope her plan will not happen and succeed. because if that happen I might stop watching this drama.


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Don't worry, the professor will protect LS from the evil Yoon Joo. He'll use his research skills to prove LS is the rightful heir.


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Is that a peeled raw onion she has pressed to her eye? Not exactly the brightest thing to be doing, I'd be induced to floods of tears!

Thanks for the recap!


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i'm curious-

how does Seol have all these artifacts in her house when she's adopted? I don't think she's talking abt her house pre-adoption because she doesn't have many memories from that time period? Does Seol's mom know abt her parentage? Or does Seol's mom think it's Dan who is the descendant and therefore seems to treat her slightly better?


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woah i luv this drama! oh cute dogs! hahaha
i luv kim tae hee since love story in H. but just my opinion, i think song hye ko would have a btter chem with SSH??? i may be wrong....however i guess they're ok so far! :)

thnx for sharing the recaps JB


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i never really liked kim tae hee.. i mean, i never hated her either but was always so confused on what all the fuss about her was all about. did that make sense? lol but i absolutely adore her in this! i do think she's perfect for the role. and her cute little "aigoos" remind me of snsd's taeyeon and her ajuhmmaness! luv it! XD
..and song seung hoon.. *sigh* i just cant get over the fact that he's just THAT purrrty! and thats just the face.. if i think about the rest.. oh... wait... *nosebleed*


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oh no i feel for this drama and im really hoping it will not siappoint me ever with so many kdramas that really made just want to ask why did they hired this writer ever hmmmm bad guy syndrome still haunt me really bad...


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Did you notice that the Audrey Hepburn movie they are watching is actually "Roman Holiday?" It's about a princess who pretends to be a commoner. She thens falls in love with a reporter. Sadly, she returns to the palace and their romance comes to an end.


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Love MY PRINCESS! very exciting!


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Love MY PRINCESS! very exciting!


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Thanks for the recap

the strength of this show comes from the Seol and Hae Young's interactions. Sure, they need a reason to stick next to each other, but the monarchy restoration plot is the weakest and most boring part of the show. I'm pretty sure no one is watching for a cohesive and logical storyline so I hope the politics of her being a princess and the random scheming of the sideline characters don't take up too much time from the main couple.

this really is a show that needs to be watched with the mind turned off.


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Well, I am still loving this series, and I think I like it even more after episode 2. Oh please show continue to keep it awesome. Both leads are great. I also like the 2nd lead... seen a lot of his other dramas. Think he's even better in this character.

GF - I totally agree with you that SSH does the "I’m-so-awesome-so-who-are-you-thinking-that-you’re-awesomer-than-me thing" soo well. It always cracks me up when he does it. Totally believable in every way.

I can't wait to see Signs as I am a big CSI and crime drama buff - but I'm glad that I started with this. The best start to rom-com fluff that I've seen in a LONG time.



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I didn't have the energy to read through the comments, so I hope no one said this already, but yowch! Holding an onion to the eye. I hope she had her eyes closed.


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Ugh, I love it so much. And this so inconvenient because school starts up again on Monday. I'm absolutely loving Song Seung-heon in this drama.

"She’s surprised that he can cook, and he just replies that he can do everything…he’s perfect that way, and it’s quite a burden. HA. This guy cracks me up."

"...and he’s hilarious as the vain Mr. Awesome…who totally doesn’t get how someone couldn’t see just how awesome he is. It cracks me up."

Oh my god, I agree 100%. I just love him already. And I'll say this again, Kim Tae-hee's character totally reminds me of Lee Da-hae's character in My Girl. Which in my opinion, is a VERY good thing. I just loved that drama (it will remain in the top 5 forever) and anything that reminds me of it just gets an A+.

Anyway, can't wait for next week! I will pray to the drama gods to make sure this drama doesn't fail us.


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She is similar to Lee Da Hae's character, but I think Kim Tae Hee is more lovable and winning. She brings about a more natural style of comic timing, and her spontaneity and wittiness is, again, more natural. I love My Girl, but Lee Da Hae's antics were so exasperating sometimes.


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I agree with you on your take. I also felt the LDH's character was very cold somehow, and not touchable. I never felt or saw the "love spark" jumping off her on to the male lead.

After two episodes, I feel KTH's warmth, and can easily see SSH's and her chemistry.

Although that is who I see, the actors, not the characters. Maybe their stunning beauty will be matched in a few episodes by their stunning acting?

Don't you just expect him to say at any moment
"Bond, James Bond."


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JB--thanks, I'm glad this is a great rom com vehicle so far for KTH and SSH.. Love your recaps as always and the ravers are awesome... Just love how everyone just adds to the fun or watching this drama... I've never seen a KTH drama yet--but she has an ethereal aura. SSH is just a dreamboat here--yes I agree girls for the abs--!!! but a well structured butt aint something to ignore either!!!

Hope that the rhythm of this drama continues and the ending will be believable.. What a way to start the year with Secret Garden and this--My Princess and of course your recaps and the ravers... THANKS, can't wait 'til next week, well, it should be here already!!


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I think KTH is overacting the cuteness a little bit, but it is not annoying yet. She is getting wrinkles around her eyes which show her age .Maybe once she settles in, she will find her stride. There are some cliches, but they manage to keep it light and not cheesy. What is up with PSY hair? Why make her look so much older? Hopefully we are in for more laughs.


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such great two eps. cant wait till the season progresses. Thank you for the play-by-play of the ep. its really helpful when i cannot understand English very well...


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Thanks for introducing us to this great drama, JB and GF!

I am starting to love it...

I always liked SSH from Autumn in my Heart, although Won Bin was a difficult opponent to be pitted against, but Mr Hand Towel does have his charm. He has the tall, hunky, reserved, but gentlemanly and gentle charm. Not to mention he is tall and good-looking too...

The way his eyes teared and emoted his feelings for his faux sister played by Song Hye Gyo, him sprinting back to tuck her in to bed on her first night home after finding his sister back - when she just asked him, "Oppa, did you run all the way back (home)? Your heart is racing!"
was very touching.

I didn't like him that much in East of Eden when he was scruffed up and dirty, and kind of a 'bad' boy. With looks like that, SSH plays better straight up, gentlemanly hunks.

I was first introduced to KTH via Stairsway to Heaven as an evil second lead, at that time, the lead actress was still K drama's most noted sweetheart. However, even then I noticed KTH's beautiful, youthful good looks. Her skin is like porcelain, her eyes are sparkling with girlish lashes, and her smile was beautiful.

I haven't really seen her in anything, except IRIS. I didn't like her in IRIS. She was like trying too hard to look like a competent police agent, and not suceeding too well, in my opinion. The other North Korean female spy was too kick-ass scary, as in good, for KTH to follow.

But she is surprisingly delightful here. Somehow she does Rom Com, less irritatingly than Lee DH in My Girl (?) maybe. We will have to see how the rest of the episodes played out.

I cracked up when she did her version of her 'naughty' dance, mimicking popular female singers nowadays, and also enjoyed SSH's straight face, slightly mortified but very brotherly.

How can she be so cute?

I also loved SSH's expression when Seul said she was going to go in one of the designer bags. For a moment, Mr Cool and Unruffled lost his cool, and his face was distracted, and he registered shock at her antics, at the seemingly ungainly behavior, all the while trying to hide his expression in front of Yoon Jo. That was priceless! Who keeps complaining that the man cannot act? As much as Hyun Bin's comedic acting are in the exaggerated, SSH's acting is one of subtlety! I love both!

I agree w viewers that Yoon Jo's looks are seriously distracting. She looked too old when juxtaposed with KTH, even SSH and Professor. When the guys were displaying their crushes on her, I was thinking... she looks like your noona or your aunt, and you want to marry her over an effervescent KTH? No way...

Love... enjoying this drama, can't wait for the next episode.


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I see what you mean; I loved him in AMH but I thought that was due to my attraction towards him lol...He charmed me at the young age of 9 and I chalked it up to my youth. His character in He was Cool was good but it didnt have a much of a range, you know what I mean?

But, I was pleased seeing his subtlety here. It was charming. He's no Won Bin or Kang Dong Won (who made me cry with just a look in Maundy Thursday) but he's not bad.

I just hope I can say the same at the end of this drama's run.


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This show is TOO CUTE! I totally got the My Girl vibe from it too... except way mellowed out. The mains are not so extreme in their characterizations. I also love the fact that they are establishing some sort of friendship between the leads early on. With their personalities, I could absolutely see these two as people who meet randomly and just hit it off as friends so it's realistic. Plus the whole Bicker Bicker Bicker I-Hate-You-But-I-Can't-Help-Loving-You formula is getting kind of played out. After watching 80 million dramas with that plot, I find the story of two friends who fall madly in love as one trains the other to be a long lost princess much more realistic.


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Also, I totally agree with the people who said the Yoon Ju reminds them of the annoying second lead from Wish Upon a Star. And she has the potential to be just as CRAZAY too. I'm not looking forward her participation in the show. She's already dragging me down. Plus, I hate when the give female characters short, unflattering hairstyles to signify that they are serious professional women. And finally, she looks old... every time she Oppa's Hae Young I'm like "Come on, now..."


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yeah, why is she so old? She looks like his mum. Heck, she looks like the professor's mum! Double heck, she looks like EVERYONE's mum! And why is her face so stiff? Botox?


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hahahahaha!!!!! you're right! it irks me when she calls hae young oppa too. i thought she was a really popular actress though, from family outing and all. they should let her grow her hair out or something...


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I totally agree, and what's even crazier is that the actress who plays Yoon-ju is one year younger than KTH.


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I love this drama! And as early as now, I have decided I will buy its DVD and I hope that there will be a Director's Cut dvd too! The lead actors, surprisingly, have such good chemistry! I hope that the drama gets good ratings and that it will be maintained at a high percentage up to the end. Another good pairing of lead actors now just uncovered!


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Im actually liking this drama it crakes me up in so many parts and the two leads have chemistry which helps...they suit so well!!!


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Hey me too! I've seen He was Cool about 4 times. He was pretty funny there too!

Thanks for the recap!

If I ever see a naked chaebol in my kitchen, I promise to also cover my eyes with veggies!


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so funny, and KTH eating the steak is hilarious. Totally agree on the eyeliner and PYJ's super-bad look. Her posture makes my back hurt. No way she's a convincing love interest for either guy.

I'm pretty sure that the house exteriors and gate are Bora's house from Snow Queen.


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did anyone else die of laughing during their phone convo while she was in extreme (i-gotta-go-poo-now-or-else-i'll die) mode? because it was so flipping funny for me! hahaha!
and i know that haeyong likes yunju, but since yunju likes the professor, i hope she won't be all upset or anything... because i hate that...when they get all mad and they aren't even in a real relationship. anyways, so far, i love this drama!
i watched this ep 2 times.. yes yes, i know what you're thinking.. you probably thought i was watching it for his temporary (after-cold-water-about-killed-me) shirtless scene. but that was only half of the reason, the other half was.. this drama is SO FRICKIN CUTE!


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"Seol comes out to find that Hae-young has defied the space-time continuum to make her a steak dinner."



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